Yep. The day after former State Senator Joe Dunn addressed the County Board of Supervisors about establishing a mechanism for keeping track of the professional lobbyists who haunt the 5th floor of the Hall of Admin, Repuglican front man Matthew Cunningham popped up on the “Red County” blog to explain to his readers why the system ain’t broke and why his lobbyist friends have a constitutional right to “petition their government for redress.”
Aha! We called it here. Of course the idea that lobbyists are petitioning their government for anything except a chance to make big bucks for their clients is patently absurd.
As a lobbyist himself, we should expect no less from Mr. Cunningham than to oppose any effort to regulate lobbying and bring it all out into the open.
Here in the often touted most limited government elected officials in the state, they are against openess in government(lobby requirement), limited gov’t ownership in non essential roles by not supporting the sale of the oc fairgrounds, and not being steward of fiscally conservative gov’t causes like blowing taxpayers $350,000 money to a 3rd rate group of musicians/artist to design, build and manage another pandering Vietnamese monument.