“Actung! No more freebies for da immigrants!”
There was a lot of press in the last week or so about the release of the Governor’s proposed FY 10-11 State budget and the fact that again expected revenues fall far short of keeping the state programs and services at current levels. The Legislative Analyst estimates the shortfall as $ 20.7 billion while the Governor’s more optimistic estimate is $18.9 billion.
The Governor lays out many possible reductions and eliminations of state funded programs in order to close the gap. Two programs recommended for elimination provide welfare assistance to certain immigrants. The analysis of the Legislative Analyst states the Governor’s proposed budget would “eliminate the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants and the California Food Assistance Program, both of which provide state-only benefits to legal immigrants not eligible for certain federal benefits.”
There have been many debates about why California has chosen to provide welfare assistance to immigrants on its own when the federal government, which supposedly controls immigration, excludes some immigrants from federal assistance programs. None-the-less, California has chosen to do so for many years. Now that State option could end.
With the Governor also proposing reductions or elimination of social service programs serving low income residents, the day may be coming when California’s special programs for immigrants bite the dust.
How will he know who is an immigrant?
I would never sell out my fellow Mexican-American brothers or sister or any American citizen for that matter. If you are a citizen of another country, you will have to wait your turn. We are hurting financially. We need to fix Mexico so that they actually take care of their own citizens and fix America so that it doesn’t continually abuse cheap illegal immigrant labor. This idea is the only fair way to do it. I hope Arnold follows through with this.
people this is a pedroza immigrant post SO YOU KNOW WHAT WORD IS MISSING . post 1 illegal immigrants and immigrants mean the same to him .
No, illegals can not receive CAPI.
Not that every CAPI recipent comes from a nice two story house with a benz or Lexus in the driveway but The governator should end the programs for these households.
The great one – wrong, I am not Pedroza (you can tell because I do not think Santa Ana is the center of the universe!!)
Joe – you are right, these are legal immigrants.
Perhaps the big question is – why do we admit immigrants who are without the means to support themselves other than to turn, often immediately, to welfare? Prediction – Expect a new wave of Haitian immigrants being admitted into the country legally and relying upon welfare here.
one rule for immigrants : support yourself or have a sponsor support you until you are a citizen. No welfare.
post 5 my bad sorry sometimes when i see immigrant stories i go off the deep end if they mix illegal and immigrants together . nice line on the center of the univ . that was good .
oh I thought over but not out was born on Art’s last birthday when one reader told Art “you are over… but not out. & then we met over but not out as a blogger.
and Admin the other alias?
its ok-
Was I – I am not Art, and I am not Admin. I have suspected Admin is Art, but I have no proof.
Back on topic – note that the news today reports VP Biden announced the estimated 200,000 immigrants from Hati who are not here legally (in other words are illegal) will not be deported for at least 18 months and instead they will be given some kind of status that will permit them to work legally. This just might mean they are going to be able to access welfare too. This trickle may turn into a surge – watch it closely and hang on to your wallet.
We are going to have to start donating more to charities that help Californians. The federal government doesn’t care about California. That should be obvious by now. They are taking our money and spreading it around the world. They don’t care if people here are out of work and losing their homes. They don’t care if school budgets here are being cut. In a few decades we are the ones who will need rescuing when our infrastructure is gone.
Every Californian should re-register as an Independent. As long as both parties think they already know the outcome of every election they have no incentive to listen to us.
Re: “No welfare.”
Yeah, welfare is only for criminal Wall St banksters and foreign countries. Not for people who have lived and worked and paid taxes in America and who have fallen on hard times because of the bad economy. Nope. Nothing for them. Even though they have paid into it.