Is OC GOP Chair Scott Baugh serious about wanting a revolution?

Scott Baugh loves his fellow consultants and lobbyists…

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So, is OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh really looking for a revolution?  Or is he just spinning using tea party terms?

Tonight Baugh unloaded on RINO’s at the OC GOP Central Committee meeting, but I am not buying it.

“I am tired of politicians who campaign based on the advice of consultants rather than the conviction of their hearts,” Baugh said, according to Total Buzz.

Baugh called for a number of changes, including:

  • Not giving OC GOP endorsements to anyone who takes money from unions
  • No OC GOP endorsement unless you endorse the “paycheck protection” ballot measure

The funniest quote of the night came from Jon Fleischman, who supported the carpetbagger Linda Ackerman, against Chris Norby, in the special election to replace pervy Mike Duvall.  Fleischman said, “We’re saying that the party’s policies have too long been decided in backrooms. It’s time to take it out of the backrooms.” 

LOL!  Who is this creep kidding?  He is the one in the backroom!

Baugh also ripped George W. Bush.  Excuse me but didn’t Baugh campaign for Bush?  What a joke!

So, is Baugh going to support former State Senator Joe Dunn’s proposal to rein in County lobbyists?  I doubt it…

About Art Pedroza