Union exploits Mission Viejo children

Although the rookie and the old man each lost in Sunday’s NFL championship games I still look forward to see the Super Bowl ad’s where I expect Budweiser to be the fan choice for best commercials. Perhaps Art will add a poll to one of our posts to get reader opinion on the best and the worst bang for the buck ad on Super Bowl Sunday.

Let’s shift gears and look at another form of advertising. In this case the AOCDS union has hit a new low. After someone has taken four different election related polls of Mission Viejo voters, and using a shotgun approach to see if anything they throw at the wall will stick, they have sunk to a new low.
We all have seen ads that use our children as pawns in the political tug of wars across this state.

In our mail yesterday the OC deputy sheriffs union “hit” piece has a picture of a cute young girl in pigtails facing us while holding a piece of chalk. The background of this mailer is a dark chalkboard with two questions.

Will her neighborhood library have the same hours?

Will she still have music, PE and art classes at her school?

MAYBE NOT. If the February 2nd Recall passes, funding for crucial community programs may be at risk.

So president Wayne Quint tugs at the heartstrings of our parents by alleging that our children’s school programs will be on the line if the recall is successful.

One problem.

The city of Mission Viejo is not the same elected body as either Trustees of the Saddleback Valley Unified School District or the Capistrano Unified School District, each of whom control how and where they spend their budgeted funds.  The Mission Viejo city council has zero influence on daytime school programs.

There is more at stake in this recall election than Lance MacLean getting lifetime health care for a part time position on our city council that our Treasurer told us will cost around $257,000 for each of the current council majority. Two other council members, Trish Kelley and Frank Ury, are also eligible for the same benefit at the same cost to taxpayers if they win one more election. We all know that over 90% of incumbents win when running for reelection.

At one city council meeting Frank Ury said they would be fighting the recall. He is a friend of union president Wayne Quint whose union dues spent to block this recall extend way beyond mayor Lance MacLean.  They want assurance that Frank Ury will be protected by enabling him to retain his $257,000 lifetime health care option as Frank is no longer a big shot at Intel and only recently formed his own company.

If elected, challenger Dale Tyler has been very specific that he will promote and Agendize elimination of this taxpayer funded perk at his first council meeting. He does not support taxpayers being obligated to pay the cost of lifetime health care of our current council majority.

Questions for Juice readers:

1. Should part-time city council members be “entitled” to taxpayer funded health care for the rest of their lives?

2. Does your employer provide lifetime health care for you if you leave the firm?

Note: I am told that if they do not take the coverage, which today is $840 per month, the money will go into an annuity for them.

About Larry Gilbert