Bill Hunt loves racists and organized labor
Bill Hunt, a former O.C. Deputy Sheriff and current private investigator, announced today in an email that he is essentially opposed to OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh’s request that local Republican candidates disavow union support.
Hunt is running for O.C. Sheriff. He lost to disgraced former Sheriff Mike Carona a couple of years ago.
Here is Hunt’s email message:
There was a column in the Orange County Register on January 19, 2010 regarding the recent OC GOP Central Committee meeting which stated that I otherwise “stood up” and stated that I would “abide by the Baugh mandate”. This column was then copied and recirculated as if these assertions were fact. These assertions are completely incorrect and a misinterpretation of the statements I made and the positions I hold. I followed up with the author of this column and on January 23, 2010 send to that author the following email:
“I just reviewed your January 19 column and I take issue with the statement that I said I would abide by Baugh’s mandate. This is inaccurate. The position taken by Mr. Baugh would appear to chill the First Amendment rights of the candidates and the individual members of unions and associations. Particularly in view of the recent United States Supreme Court decision, (McCain-Feingold). Secondly, you may recall that I commented in reference to Baugh’s speech that “I have been making those speeches for the last 5 years,” emphasizing my long standing concern for fiscal responsibility in County government. The fiscal decisions and political endorsements made by the past and current OC GOP leadership are the reason that this county is on the verge of its second bankruptcy in 15 years. I for one refuse to be led down that path. The rank and file deputy sheriff’s endorsed me in 2006 and again in 2008 not because they saw me as an advocate for their salaries and benefits but because they believe in my leadership and vision for the future of the Sheriff’s Department. I would be highly honored to have the endorsement of the AOCDS on the same terms that I would accept any other endorsement, because they believe I am the right candidate for the office. As you know the Sheriff is a non-partisan office that must represent all of the people in this county. The sheriff doesn’t negotiate pensions between the Association and the County. That was and remains a function of the Orange County Board of Supervisors.
Thank you for your Courtesy.
Bill Hunt
Having no timely retraction by the Orange County Register, this post follows. The GOP establishment continues in their claims that they are somehow in alliance with the new found independants. I just don’t see that yet nor do I expect any change.
To view the column, click here.
I just crossed Hunt of my list. Can’t Tim Whitacre control this guy?
LOL! This ought to finish off Hunt with the Tea Party crowd…
Well I think you are way off base on this one Art, your bias towards hunt really gets in the way of you seeing things clearly. I for one think it important to have the support of the rank & file Deputies when it comes to the Sheriff’s election. If the troops don’t respect and get behind their leader, it’s a recipe for disaster. Also, it is the Board of Supervisors, not the Sheriff who negotiates with the Deputy Association in regard to pay and contract terms.
I can’t blame the guy why would he even consider backing the same GOP that endorsed Mike Carona. Bill Hunt just told the GOP to screw off LOL…
I have respect for Hunt for taking a position when it’s unpopular. I guess the normal run of the mill politician would just do nothing and play politics.
Awesome. The guy is telling the tax and spend RINO’s in the GOP he is not going to march lockstep with them. You can thank the Orange County Board of Supervisors for giving the County the recipe for bankruptcy by raising the pensions, perks and benifits to County employees.
If this guy has an ego the size of the Tustin Blimp hanger BEFORE the election, what do you think he would be like if he could win? I prefer a tad more humility in the the guy/gal who is going to do this job.
Here’s the OC Weekly’s spin on the whole dispute. Looks like Mackadeit is backpeddling.
I can maybe understand the first part about the first amendment rights of union members, but the whole thing about OCSD not endorsing him for salaries and pensions is baloney.
Incorrectomundo IrvineReporter. Perhaps you read recently in the Orange County Register that the Board of Supervisors and the Deputies Association tenatively have reached an agreement for their new contract.(They have been operating years without one) Supervisor Bates was gushing what a great job they did by giving the deputies 3% at 55 pension as opposed to the prior Board of Supervisors’giving them 3% at 50 pension. Salaries at top step are also subject to this agreement.(Government 101) You will note the annoited sheriff said nothing. Hunt being a conservative will not likely involve himself in this process either.
Do you know of anyone ever in OC politics that would tell the RINOS and the OC GOP to shove it? I am NOW 100% for Hunt the TEA PARTY has begun!!
A tea partier now can tell “RINOs” to shove it by going to the mat for public employees’ unions? This is more confusing than the DPOC telenovelas!
Sheriff’s Candidate: OC Register Botched Anti-Union Story
By R. Scott Moxley in Breaking News, Crime & Sex, Moxley, OC MediaWed., Jan. 27 2010 @ 8:32PM Hunt slams the Register
Bill Hunt, a conservative Republican candidate hoping to lead the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, tonight blasted The Orange County Register for allegedly botching his response to a recent call from OC Republican boss Scott Baugh that all GOP candidates should reject endorsements and contributions from public employee unions.
According to Hunt, veteran Register columnist Frank Mickadeit erroneously reported on January 19 that he, Hunt, “stood up” at a GOP central committee meeting and stated he’d “abide by the Baugh mandate,” a claim Hunt says was “copied and recirculated as if this assertion was true.”
In an e-mail tonight to supporters, Hunt said that Mickadeit’s “assertions are completely incorrect and a misinterpretation of the statements I made and the positions I hold.”
Mickadeit, who has reduced his work at the Register while he attends Chapman Law School classes, hailed Baugh’s anti-union idea as original and courageous (but not necessarily right).
Hunt, who is likely to win support from the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs (AOCDS)–the county’s largest and most powerful law enforcement lobby, says Baugh’s proposal would have a “chilling” effect on free speech rights in elections.
Hunt also noted that he contacted Mickadeit on January 23 for a retraction but didn’t get a response.
Mickadeit told me this evening that he’s been covering a complicated criminal trial and indeed owes Hunt a returned call. He said he will make a sincere effort to review his notes “to see if I made any mistakes.”
“If I was wrong, I will definitely apologize,” said Mickadeit. “But I do remember that Scott Baugh asked everyone in the audience who believes in his idea to stand up. Bill Hunt stood up for 10 or 15 minutes and when he spoke he said that he’s been saying the same thing for five years. He got a lot of applause for saying that.”
In his e-mail, Hunt says his statements solely addressed reckless government spending and not suppressing public unions.
“Scott Baugh doesn’t speak for me,” Hunt told me in a phone interview tonight. “He’s new to reform. What I was telling him that night was: welcome to the party. He’s been the hypocrite. He’s trying to make the deputies’ union the enemy. That’s crazy. If he’s upset with what AOCDS has earned then he should blame all the Republicans he helped put on the board of supervisors that approved the [early deputy retirement] deals. Now, all of sudden, when an outsider like me could get their endorsement, he pulls this. It’s incredible.”
Mickadeit said he will address the controversy in an upcoming column.
Along with Anaheim Deputy Police Chief Craig Hunter, Hunt–a former high ranking OCSD deputy–is challenging Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, who was the appointed choice to finish sheriff-turned-convicted-felon Mike Carona’s term in office.
–R. Scott Moxley / OC Weekly
HAHA. Funny Vern. The devil is in the details.
You think arrogant, officious and back stabling, I think of billy…. He has sucked hundreds of thousands of dollars from the orange county sheriff’s employee association (UNION) and they continue to back him and other looser. YOU would think they would stop whipping a dead horse and pick a winner. But, just maybe the winner and new Sheriff paid the union to back Hunt so she could win.
Well the union is going to back Billy in a run for a board of supervisor seat, and they know they can get the lemmings at the department to follow the same loosing team. Makes you wonder????