The High Speed Rail is Coming, Brother!

California’s High Speed Rail is coming for sure – just last week we were awarded $2.35 billion for it, from President Obama’s kickass stimulus bill!

It’s coming with 130,000 construction jobs and 450,000 permanent jobs for Californians, right when we’re facing the worst unemployment since the Great Depression!

High Speed Rail is on its way, my brother Crab is going to help build it, and in ten, twenty years, the decrepit but lovable old drunk will still be able to impress girls by pointing and saying “I helped build that!”

Yes, it’s coming and there’s no stopping it, and the sooner Californian companies like Siemens and Alstom start up building the “train sets,” the better position Californian industry will be in to provide trains to the rest of the nation as the other states start up their own systems – a new, green, California manufacturing renaissance!

It’s coming and not a minute too early, to begin to wean us off our dependence on foreign oil – a perilous dependence which embroils us in foreign conflicts and was instrumental in creating our latest financial crisis – and it’s coming to drastically reduce air pollution, carbon emissions, and eventually global warming. (Go on, keep your heads in the sand, Republicans, the grownups are taking care of the problem.)

Once we sort through the next immediate set of difficulties – that’s hashing out the details of exactly where the trains will go and how exactly the tracks will be built – then it’ll be coming inexorably, implacably, just like… well, like a really fast train!  Best to get off the tracks.  (Once we figure out where they’ll be.)

Portland, Oregon, has recently experienced an economic ripple effect from their investment in sustainable green transportation amounting to a $2.6 billion savings – they’re calling it a “green dividend” and it’s made Portland one of the nation’s leading cities.  Our much bigger Green Dividend is coming, with our High Speed Rail system!

Yes, our High Speed Rail system is coming, bringing us into the 21st Century, and you and your kids and your grandkids will go see a 49ers game on a lark and be back for dinnerTwenty minutes from Anaheim to LA, brothers and sisters!

It’s coming as a thumb in the eye to all the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism, those familiar naysayers who kvetch that “government can’t do anything right” – which, as an American, I take as a personal affront: What they’re really saying is that you and I can’t get our shit together and do anything right, as this is a government of, by, and for the people. Remember, WE PASSED PROP. 1A, WE (Californians) voted OVERWHELMINGLY for President Obama to do exactly this sort of thing, and WE PAY TAXES!

As a thumb, that is, in the eyes of the suddenly penny-pinching faux-conservatives who sat there for 8 years waving flags for a totally unnecessary trillion-dollar war paid for with China’s credit card, all the time mewling for more and more tax cuts for the richest 1 percent and scamming for more de-regulation of the financial industry, and… I could go on but why bother – the High Speed Rail is coming!  (Thomas Friedman might well say “Suck. On. This.“)

It’s coming as the greatest, most ambitious public works project since the Depression-era Shasta Dam and Golden Gate Bridge constructions – projects which that decade’s Scrooges likewise decried as wasteful and unworkable boondoggles that could never come to fruition – may they rest in shame.

I’m just saying that California’s High Speed Rail is coming as the triumphant return of Keynesian economics – every time the unregulated and boundlessly greedy and destructive plutocrats drive our nation into a ditch as they did in the 1920’s and 2000’s, the liberals need to come and save the capitalist system with a massive salutary overdose of constructive deficit spending – spending that will get Americans back to work, AND create something useful that will last for the ages.  Yes we can!  ¡Sí se puede! That’s what we have a country for.

Sign up here to support California’s High Speed Rail:

(instructions:  Hit “play” and read the article again with this as background music.)

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.