It might be “no se puede” for Democrats in November
A post in the Latino Journal makes the case that Latino voters might turn California red – not by voting but rather by not voting.
“Voter apathy among Latinos and other minority voters threatens to turn traditionally blue state California into another Massachusetts-like shocker in this year’s midterm elections, political experts are warning,” according to the Latino Journal.
I agree – Latinos just don’t vote. But there is more to it than that. The Democrats love to pander to Latinos, but they don’t deliver. Just look at what Obama has done on immigration. Instead of advancing reform and another Amnesty, Obama has overseen a national crackdown on immigrants, and he appointed an immigrant basher, Janet Napolitano, to head up the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
And Latinos have fared horribly during the current recession. Obama has done almost nothing to help them. So can you blame them if they stay home in November?
Don’t get me wrong, the Republicans suck. Most of them are immigrant bashers. But not voting is one way for Latinos to show their displeasure with both parties.
In the end, it could crush Senator Barbara Boxer’s reelection chances, not to mention the Jerry Brown gubernatorial campaign. Both Boxer and Brown might lose if Latinos don’t show up to vote in November.
If the Democrats want our vote, Obama needs to stop wasting time on health care reform and get cracking on our economy. And it is past time for him to deliver another Amnesty. In fact doing so would go a long ways towards fixing our economy. Imagine what would happen if twenty million immigrants could vote, open bank accounts and start paying taxes?
It is NOT time for another amnesty. It’s time for people to obey the law. If they’re here illegally, go home. If you want to come back and make this your legal home there are procedures in place to do that. Follow them. If the law means so little that we can ignore it at will and wait for one pandering party to eliminate it, then all of our rights face equal risk.
You’re right, Admin – time is starting to run out for Democrats to get ANYTHING constructive done that we Americans had been so excited about a year ago. Beyond just not being Bush and Cheney.
leave it to far left vern its bush again . 20 years from now ITS BUSH N CHENNEY FAULT . NEWS FLASH = bush was a open border guy . great job post 1 i could not agree with you more .
A little remedial reading, gusano. There was no blaming Bush for anything there.
I was saying, the Dems haven’t managed to do much of anything yet, that’s all. And that about the only good thing we can say about them (so far) is they’re not as bad as the last guys. You don’t grasp much or understand much, do you.
Re: “It’s time for people to obey the law. If they’re here illegally, go home.”
They can’t go home. We now arrerst people trying to cross back into Mexico. They’ll get thrown into a for-profit immigration detention center and who knows if they will get an attorney, or a hearing, etc.
hey far left vern hombre sin pelo by the time your boy nobama gets done he will be worst than the last guy . hopefully we can put a stop to him in the next elections. FAR , FAR , FAR , LEFT VERN . DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT ONE . dont forget to wear your che t shirt at the rally .
Yeah right, because Che tortured and murdered for his “higher causes” just like – oh wait, NOT like Obama, but like Bush and Cheney!
so waterboarding is torture to you . you far left libs crack me up . the guy gave us info and you want to give him milk n cookies . your one of those guys that likes bin laden more than a ex president .
not like nobama vern . no he wants to give them the same rights as u .s citizens / read them their rights . and plead the 5th .
Hello, The people here that are illegal or undocumented are not going home, many have children here who are citizens or have no home to go to.
We think that 10 or 15 % unemployment is bad, try double that and 10 Cents an hour if you can find work, would you go back?
We need a comperhensive program to help create decent jobs here and also in the counties that border us that are in extremely dire straits. Micro loans to family businesses has worked very well in the few places they have been tried. Basic labor and evrioment standards need to be put in place in central america to raise wages to a living level.
Even if we were able to round everyone up at a cost of 50 – 100 Billion, that we do not have. Does anyone seriously belive that most of those deported would not be back within a couple of years at most.
A comperhensive solution is the only way to make any progress
Yeah right, because Che tortured and murdered for his “higher causes” just like
Che murdered his own people for power. He murder women and children as they tried to escape Cuba’s oppression..
America was attacked and three thousand men, women and children were murdered in cold blood.
Yes their is a simularity – Bin Laden and Che where/are cold blooded murders..
I think Bush wasted lives and money in Iraq.. He should have banned all travel from the middle east to America and desolved all business ties with the middle east. Bush should have started building nuke plants and drilling for oil!
Fighting monkey’s does not work, not allowing the monkeys near you, does!
I dont think my comment above was suppose to post here??
I dont know what happened?