It should surprise no one that Daly has a long history of being anti-Latino
Former Anaheim Councilman Richard Chavez knows what career politician Tom Daly is all about. Chavez served on the Anaheim City Council back when Daly was the Mayor of Anaheim.
Today Chavez lit into Daly in a comment posted over at the Liberal OC blog. Most of the Lib OC bloggers back Daly, but one of their editors, Dan Chmielewski, feels that Supervisorial candidate Lorri Galloway, who also serves on the Anaheim City Council, is a stronger candidate than Daly, who is currently the do-nothing, tax-wasting O.C. Clerk-Recorder.
The author of the post Chavez commented on, Anaheim resident Steve Perez, immediately ripped into Chavez, mentioning that Chavez was convicted for tax evasion. That is true, but it has no bearing on Chavez’ comments, and it overlooks the fact that Chavez otherwise served his community well, both as a firefighter and a Council Member. The man made one mistake and he paid the price for it.
Here are Chavez’ comments:I as a former firefighter and Councilmember in Anaheim will never endorse Tom Daly.
When I was the President of the Anaheim Firefighters Union, I had one conversation with Mayor Daly. In that conversation he told me that the homeless population living in motels should “be moved to Riverside somewhere.”
He refused to talk about issues regarding the firefighters. At the time we had a lack of vital safety equipment in the fire stations, which led to the death of a young firefighter; Daly refused to even return my calls to discuss fixing the problem, or discuss any issues actually. Entry level firefighters were making $10.27 an hour, it took 4 years to resolve our contract under Daly, and it was settled only after an arbitrator ruled in our favor.
Daly voted to close Anaheim’s only shelter for abuse children (Eli Home). The Anaheim Firefighters helped build the shelter. While the shelter had not had a single code violation, Daly sided with a small group that indicated the shelter “should be in Santa Ana”. The decision was heart breaking; the children and their mothers had no place to go, except perhaps back to the violence they had tried to escape. The Federal Government stepped in and overruled Daly’s decision, Anaheim was violating the rights of those children. The shelter is still open today – and saving children’s lives.
Daly had made a priority out of privatizing city jobs. Under Daly’s leadership, more good paying jobs were outsourced than ever in the history of Anaheim (read the council minutes of Jan. 5, 1993).
Daly supported bringing Walmart to Anaheim, and opposed a Latino oriented grocery story, Gigante. He had openly tried to get Gigante to open somewhere other than Anaheim, and then found a way to abstain from voting on the issue.
On the issue of diversity, Daly’s history in Anaheim was abysmal. When I was elected I was appalled by the fact that under Daly only about six people of color had been appointed to Anaheim boards and commissions; of 250 plus positions!
Worse yet, under Daly the Anaheim Police Department conducted covert investigations of Latino Community Leaders, including Amin David. Daly could have put a stop to it early; but didn’t. Again, the Federal Government found that Anaheim under Tom Daly was violating the rights of its citizens. The Federal Lawsuit was settled while I was in office.
Tom Daly was a key witness for Anaheim in trying to save the Anaheim Angels team name; he negotiated the contract that allowed the name to be changed. When asked in court (I was there) about the intent of the contract language regarding the Anaheim name, he could not physically articulate an answer. He just stammered, and stuttered. He was Anaheim’s worse witness; it was embarrassing. The case was over at that point, and L.A. is still the name of the team that plays in Anaheim.
The wreckage caused by Tom Daly is far greater than what I post here. The unfortunate truth is that most of the damage and pain caused was to those that needed him the most.
Endorsing someone simply because of politics or a title, is simply wrong.
Richard – please contact us! We would like to know more about your past experiences with the loathsome Daly!
In related news, Chmielewski had to admit that Daly has racked up a lot of endorsements from Republicans who supported Prop. 8! Ruh roh! This is due to the fact that Daly’s lame campaign is being run by uber-hater Republican John Lewis.
The main point of the blog your mentioning is that Lorri Galloway is consistently participating in un-ethical behavior. It was Lorri Galloway’s Eli home(where she and her daughter draw checks from whilst her husband sits on the board) that gave Chavez that kickback.
Crooks whether they be Democratic or Republican have no place in elected office. Carpetbaggers and Tax-Cheats better take note.
Furthermore DanC is backing Lorri, ChrisP I believe is backing Daly, but no one else at the blog, myself included is backing any other candidate. I and other bloggers are simply pointing out gross unethical behavior in our community, here in the 4th.
No worries amigo – there are no Galloway fans here at the Orange Juice blog. Most if not all of us are backing Shawn Nelson.
But Chavez got in trouble for not paying about $8,000 in taxes. Compare that to Timothy Geitner, who Obama appointed as Treasury Secretary even though he “failed to pay more than $34,000 in federal taxes over several years early this decade,” according to no less a source than the New York Times.
But wait, there’s more. “The husband of Labor secretary nominee Hilda Solis paid about $6,400 this week to settle numerous tax liens against his business dating to 1993.”
Two other Obama cabinet nominees withdrew over tax issues, including Tom Daschle, Obama’s choice to head the Health and Human Services Department. The other withdrawal was chief performance officer nominee Nancy Killefer, who had a $947 tax lien filed against her in Washington four years ago for not paying unemployment compensation taxes for a household employee. (USA Today)
Daschle really went to town. He filed over $140,000 in back taxes and interest in January after failing to disclose more than $300,000 in income, including the use of a car and driver.
And, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius, who was nominated by Obama to serve as Health and Human Resources secretary paid $7,040 in back taxes and $878 dollars in interest and penalties for minor amendments to her 2005-2007 tax returns.
None of those Democratic politicians got busted. Chavez did. What’s up with that?
“but no one else at the blog, myself included is backing any other candidate”
I wouldn’t want to admit that Fraudio Gallegos was a member of my blog either, but the last time I checked he was at the FibOC and he is clearly a Daly shill. Fraudio likes to pretend that he is a crusader for the Latino community but he always lines up behind old white candidates.
Chavez is a crook, got caught for at least part of his illegal behavior, and you want us to accept your judgement that he “otherwise served the community well.”? What a joke. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice —. And, besides, the “only home for abused children in Anaheim” is a shell game designed to generate donations and publicity for its owner but it appears to not really be serving anyone. There is no data on its budget, income and expenses, or numbers of clients served and outcomes. That is how the fact that Mr. Chavez was on Galloway’s payroll when they were both on the City Council was covered up by both of them – until the IRS found out about it that is. There is a jail cell waiting —-
Chavez is a piker compared to the crooks in Obama’s Cabinet.
And his tax issue is unrelated to his insight into Daly’s attitude towards Latinos and working families.
Chavez paid his debt to society. Daly is still wreaking havoc and ripping off taxpayers.
The point is not whether Chavez paid his debt to society. The point is that Anaheim residents object to the convicted felon suddenly positioning himself as the elder statesman, qualified to pass judgement on someone who served Anaheim far better than Chavez ever imagined. Chavez begins his rant stating he would never endorse Tom Daly. My question is; Who asked you?
compared to the crooks in Obama’s Cabinet.
First of all, what’s that gotta do with anything? Secondly, WHO DAT?
Richard Chavez did nothing while on Council except have a big chip for being mexican. He should instead be proud of what he is? Oh yes, he did help Galloway with the Eli Home in Anaheim Hills sit emply for months at a time while she collected grants both corp and county.
Did you read what I wrote in my response to Steve? Chavez got busted for not paying about eight grand in taxes. Obama’s Cabinet is full of guys, and gals, who didn’t pay much larger quantities of taxes. Why didn’t they get busted too? Just asking…
Not sure what you meant by “Who Dat?”
When there are so few Latinos on a City Council, sometimes just “being Latino” is enough. It helps Latinos in Anaheim to know that there is someone on the Council they can go to in a pinch.
It took immense guts for Chavez to comment about Daly. He must have known he would get whacked. But it was important enough that he stood up and took it like a man. You have to recognize and appreciate that.
Daly clearly must be stopped!
When there are so few Latinos on a City Council, sometimes just “being Latino” is enough. It helps Latinos in Anaheim to know that there is someone on the Council they can go to in a pinch.”
You are so Race silly – Did i not have to call the city of Santa Ana so the poor old hispanic lady could voice her opinion to the Mayor, who would not give her the time of day – Did you not thank me for that Mr. Art..
Don’t be so blind to the fact that just because someone shares the same skin colour or ethniity that they give a crap about you!
You need to encourage hispanic voters to vote for the best and most honest candiate not one who looks like them… How long have you been in this country Art??
Hey there is a Lorri Galloway fan here.
Unlike Daly, Galloway does not demonstrate shallow behavior towards a specific group of people
By the way Debbie, the statement “Richard Chavez did nothing while on Council except have a big chip for being Mexican” is a very racist and offensive statement. I suggest you be careful how you phrase things.