Last night, FFFF’s Travis Kiger, Fullerton businessman Larry Lazar and myself sat down with Bill Hunt, 2010 candidate for Orange County Sheriff. The roundtable discussion was an opportunity to ask some important questions that we think are on the minds of voters. No topic was off-limits.
We will share with you what Hunt had to say about Marijuana, concealed weapon permits (CCW), citizen oversight, DUI checkpoints, illegal immigration, Sandra Hutchens, Craig Hunter, emerging technology, OC political insiders, controversial endorsement by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, OC jail reform, and dealing with federal agencies.
Read the rest of “An Interview with Bill Hunt – Marijuana and States’ Rights”
In your follow-up articles, please address the question of whether or not Bill will accept union money. I have read articles about this, and it is not clear what his position is. I will not support a candidate who accepts campaign donations from a union, so maybe I will not be supporting any of the candidates in this race. I have been enthusiastic about Bill’s candidacy, but I’m drawing the line about union money.
And how is a little guy like Hunt supposed to have a chance against Sandra Hutchen’s war chest that has been filled by the social elites? These folks have no clue what is really going on in the Department and donate to her because it’s the in thing to do. Personally I’d rather back Hunt even if he takes the whopping $1700 from the Deputy’s union. Every penny counts and yard signs are not cheap.
The entire no union money issue is simply a slight of hand trick by the GOP to try and control candidates like Hunt. They know they can’t control him like Carona and they are running scared. Only those fooled by the GOP BS will make a big deal about the union money thing.. would you rather back a guy like Hunter who does whatever the GOP says? Look where that got us…
Unions are free to do independent expendatures on their own and can pour tons of cash into advertising so the argument ofer a small (overall) donation to a candidate is kind of a lost cause..
If the amount is only $1,700 from the union, then it should not be so painful to reject. As it now stands, volunteers and their $ (although small donations from people like me, they add up) are on the sidelines. I would like to help Bill, but the union aspect bothers me.
Political Action Committies, PAC, are dominating our elections and are frequently the deciding factor for the victor. The police unions are interested in increasing the wages and benefits for their members. The current economic environment and shortage of funds are due to the minority party in Sacramento sabotaging the budget process.
Everybody agrees that the “union” thing is out of control. Just because some pillsbury doughboy looking dude says sign here doesn’t necessarily mean that rationale applies to all circumstances or candidates. Last I heard it was the prior all Republican Board of Supervisors that gave the whopping increase to public safety. Now somehow the local GOP are carrying a torch for a problem they created. You won’t hear that from the OCGOP. Go figure. Besides which the sheriff doesn’t negotiate benefits (see above)If the troops Hunt is to lead support him what better way to show it than to contribute. That holds true to anyone who supports a candidate particularily so since this is a nonpartisan office.
Stick with Chief Hunter. He is not taking Union money and has the real experience needed to do the job. And he is pro-CCW
I don’t think Hunter will cut it. We have had two outsiders in a row and look what it has got us. He’s from a small city department and has no experience in a large jail enviorment.