In 2006, Lucille Kring couldn’t beat Jon Aiken – how will she beat State Senator Lou Correa?
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UPDATE: Matt Cuningham has posted an article over at Red County wherein he slams us and says that Jon Aiken is developmentally disabled. I have been a friend of Jon’s for over twenty years. I have NEVER thought he was disabled in any way. He is a quirky guy but he is very wise and he is the hardest working GOP volunteer you will find. The point of this post is that Jon, a totally unknown guy, was able to beat his party’s nominee for the 34th State Senate District, even though she has been in politics for as long as I have known Jon. If anything, the OC GOP should have recruited Jon instead of Kring. Apparently the voters prefer him! Pay no heed to Cunningham. He is a paid shill and he will do anything to get Kring elected so he can get his “bonus.” I think he owes Jon an apology!
Republican Lucille Kring, who is a member of the Anaheim City Council, has decided to run against State Senator Lou Correa, over in the 34th State Senate District, which includes Santa Ana and Anaheim.
Kring won a seat on the Anaheim City Council in 2006, defeating incumbent Councilman Richard Chavez. Bob Hernandez also won a seat on that council in 2006, getting a few more votes than Kring did, according to Smart Voter. Chavez was damaged by numerous scandals but he still came in just .02% of the vote behind Kring.
Kring ran for Mayor of Anaheim in 2002, losing to Curt Pringle by over 4,000 votes, according to Smart Voter. And she also won a seat on the Anaheim City Council way back in 1998, when she was the top vote-getter, with 24.8% of the vote, according to Smart Voter. Back then there were no Latinos in that council race, which tells you that Anaheim has changed a lot over the past decade.
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Kring is an exact twin of that nutter ex-councilwoman in Mission Viejo. (Not sure what her name is)Democrats should pray Kring stays in the race.
Correa could not be happier to end up with this opponent!
I feel bad for Lucille. She got squeezed out of the Anaheim Mayor’s race in order to accomodate Tom Tait and her consolation prize will be losing big to Lou!
You may or may not be right about this race but Kring’s Central Committee results mean nothing.
In the City of Orange for example, a Councilmember won their Council race and yet on the same ballot, was not re-elected to the Central Committee.
But did the guy in Orange run for a state legislative seat?
Kring’s poor performance in the 68th AD Central Committee election does matter. Kring is going to ask these same voters to support her against Lou – but they already indicated that they are not impressed. Indeed they felt Jon Aiken was a preferable candidate!
This is a big red flag for Kring. Clearly she is not popular in the 68th, which includes much of Little Saigon. How do you say toast in Vietnamese?
I wonder why the GOP didn’t turn to Mr. or Mrs. Jerbal for this seat? I realize they don’t live in the district but as much as they seem to love and support carpetbaggers they should have had no problem registering at some address within the 34th.
They could have asked their pals the Hackerman’s or Harish Sidhu for tips on how to carpetbag into a district to run for office.
Will we ever see the Family Jerbal on a ballot?
Good for you Lucille! If you win that’s just awesome and if you lose, then you took on for the team. I hope that if you are not able to overcome the Union Thugs and RINO’s in Correa’s camp, then the GOP and it’s members take care of you with a job or an appointment. Lucille is a Patriot and we need to support her!
If you’ve been a friend of Jon’s for 20 years and cant tell that he is developmentally disabled, then you are developmentally disabled yourself.
I guess that expalins a lot. Thanks for the clairification.
I don’t judge people that way. Jon is a very hard working volunteer for the OC GOP. He is smart and as I said he is very wise.
Is he quirky? Sure. But if you take all the quirky people out of the OC GOP Central Committee, you won’t have many folks left.
For Cunningham to call Jon “developmentally disabled” is just plain awful. There is nothing disabled about Jon.
This reminds me of the time when Cunningham outed the names of a number of victims of sexual molestation, by Catholic priests. Cunningham was trying to defend a Monsignor named John Urell, who covered up for a lot of the priests who were molesters.
Cunningham, like many Republicans, appears to have a very hard heart indeed.
I have just now come across these comments made by Mr. Cunningham. Obviously an opportunist and a bigot of sorts. I am Jon Aiken younger brother. It is quite clear that Mr., Cunningham is in the business of (taking) to take from someone… that may function at a much higher lever then you and use that as a promotional tool has backfired. You look like an ASS!
Jon has a BA from CSULB and works at Diamond Seal Systems of Santa Ana as an executive accountant and is very involved in customer relations. Jon is a highly functional and more then capable member of society. He is a very caring and giving person and he will engage you on any topic. I could go on and on and on and if we were back in Junior High I would stuff you in a trash can!…you may want to take some time out of your slanderous schedule to get to know someone before opening your flappin lips. Just sayin’..
More self-righteous indignation out of the mouth of Jerbal.
I wonder where this was when his pals “Tommy Boy” Gordon and Phil “Count Chocula” Bacerra used a homeless woman (Aloha) as a prop in a photo?
Also you gotta love Mike Tardif aka Junior, the habitual bigot, attacking Art over there. This guy slurs gays, Asians and young Latinos and all of a sudden he finds a conscience of character. Give me a break Tardif!