Andrew Do caught meeting with Quang Pham in Santa Ana today

I dropped by the Polly’s Pies in Santa Ana today, to pick up a snack, and I happened to see GOP congressional candidate Quang Pham talking to Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s Chief of Staff, Andrew Do.

I overheard something very interesting as I was standing at the counter.  Apparently Pham has conducted polling and he is leading his opponents, Assemblyman Van Tran and Anaheim Union High School District Trustee Katherine Smith, by a good margin.  Tran is in second and Smith is coming in last.

Smith is the only Republican candidate who has filed her papers to run.  Tran and Pham are still holding their signatures, as I understand it.

Was Do offering the support of the Jannies?  I wonder.  I saw Pham walking with the Jannies at the Tet Parade, but as far as I know Nguyen has yet to formally endorse him.

Many insiders feel that Nguyen herself wants to run for the 47th Congressional District, down the road, so it would be surprising to see her actually helping Pham.  She might help him in the primary only to withdraw and do nothing in the general election.

If only I had arrived at Polly’s sooner!  I don’t know what else Do and Pham discussed as they were wrapping up when I arrived.  Regardless, this could be something for Tran to worry about…

About Art Pedroza