The Register reports today that an Orange County Deputy DA and his wife have filed suit against the County, the State and the County Social Services Agency over being listed in the State index of child abusers (“Couple fight listing on child abuse registry”). According to the story, their offense was cutting their teen foster daughter’s hair as punishment.
Setting aside the issue of a county employee suing his employer, it sounds like the issue will boil down to whether one or more county social workers followed state protocol in assessing an allegation of child abuse; whether that state protocol is on solid legal ground; and whether cutting a teen girl’s hair, bit by bit, as punishment for repeated misbehavior is child abuse or not.
Once blessed with a thick head of hair myself, aging has led me to become folliclely challenged and I can tell you that I have a new appreciation for hair retention. I imagine that along with the loss of hair to this teen there was some emotional damage about it all. And, emotional abuse is generally considered a form of child abuse under State law. But, what is a foster parent/parent to do in order to discipline a teenager?
If this case goes to trial it will be an interesting one to watch. I will bet that what sounds in the article like a minor hair cutting episode turns out to be more complicated. In the meantime, what say you about whether forced hair cutting of a teen girl as a form of punishment is abuse or not?
What the McFetridge’s are going through is the norm – not the exception. In my case, it is the Satanic Socialist-Fascist State of Los Angeles County that has destroyed my family (even though I’m a long-time Orange County resident). That occurred when I was instructed, by an attorney to call Los Angeles County DCFS (my children live in LA County, although I’m a long-time Orange County resident) to report that my then 12-year-old daughter was posting horrible things on the Internet. Instead of investigating, they told my child I had called and she retaliated by making false charges that I had “abused her” – I was “tried and convicted” without any due process – no investigation, no opportunities to defend myself (even when my attorney and I demanded, in Orange County Superior Court, that LA County abide by existing laws), etc., etc.
A year ago, after the LA County Neo-Nazis DCFS and all the other agencies and courts had done their damage, my then 15-year-old child tried to commit suicide for the first time. As a result of that, the Orange County judge who stole my child from me (based upon the evil actions of Los Angeles County) – restored my custody.
Three psych hospitalizations, another suicide attempt, countless violations of law (as determined by State law enforcement agencies) later, etc. my daughter was finally sent to an out-of-state residential treatment center where, once again, Los Angeles County has continued to violate the law but not ensuring that my child is getting the help she needs.
The state has just ruled against LA County (again) for violating the law by failing to place her in a timely manner, the State also just ruled against LA County for letting my child to be treated by a “therapist” who has never been licensed (!!!), and more investigations are open at this time for LA County’s refusal to provide my child with the help she needs as required under Federal and State laws.
I’ve now been able to see my 16-year-old twice in four (4) years – the second time occurred just a few weeks ago. At that time, my child apologized for make false accusations against me and she also told me about the extent of the severe drug abuse that started just before I called LA County CPS (which, as stated, they ignored and went after me instead). Specifically, my child was on methamphetamine at the time of my report and has, over the past four years engaged in ongoing and severe drug abuse including LSD, heroine, Xanax, morphine, Vicodin, Xanax, alcohol, marijuana, and countless drugs I’ve never heard of. In addition – for the entire year before her first suicide attempt – she was taking (when she was just 14-15 years old) ecstasy multiple times a week for an entire year. There can be no question that my child has now suffered brain damage as a result of the EVIL SATANIC BEASTS from Los Angeles County and the courts.
These horrible things are only compounded by the fact that I have just learned, through internal documents received from Los Angeles County, that one of their “case workers” who was assigned to my child after she was sent out of state, has been aggressively seeking to get the facility to report me on more false child abuse charges in that state, as well as in California – despite the fact that the institution has already told Los Angeles County that they have no grounds to file any child abuse charges against me – absolutely none.
Not content with that, Los Angeles County caseworker, Samina Ikramullah Kwan, tried to brainwash my child and also get her to report me on new false charges – even when I literally had not seen her in four years. When that backfired, Samina Ikramullah Kwan (a government “employee”) has engaged in discussions with “Juan” from LA County DSFS in another one of their nefarious plots to file no charges against me with LA DCFS once my child returns to California. All of this is now well documented.
It’s time for innocent parents to stand up to the true child abusers – aganist the Neo-Nazi government-paid thugs from Child Protection Services and the facsist governments behind them. My daughter is now severely brain damaged because of what these monsters have done, and continue to do.
I am in a very similar situation. You should visit Karnes County Texas, a small yet extremely corrupt county.
I am a mother of 3 beautiful children and have one on the way. I was ambushed by my ex husband and his lying friends and family, and not to mention Karnes County. He is a very close cousin to the sherriff of our county, (conflict of interest in my opinion). I asked for a change of venue by my attorney and was not granted one.
My daughters have no voice in this county. They were granted to their father, with no evidence of me being an unfit mother.
I was said to abusive and harmful to my children, and behind this awful judge’s back (Judge Donna Rayes) my ex voluntarily gave me one of them back, my oldest, Miah. City police have pictures of Kayla’s bruises and busted lips, and recordings of her voice stating what happened by the step monster. This lady gets a slap on the hand and sent on her way after abusing my child any chance that she gets. How is it?? My daughter soils herself at school just at the thought of having to go back to that home everyday. The counselor that she sees doesn’t even know her age, she had to guess in court. This woman has been seeing her since she was about 5. She is 7 now. The photos i have, according to police and Cuero TX CPS, are not enough to remove her from that house for her own protection. They sent my oldest to a mental behavior hospital in Corpus Christi TX without my knowledge for 7 days. That explained all the smiles and giggles from the step monster everytime I would encounter her. She did this to get away with hurting my little Kayla. Miah and Kayla have suffered a tremendous amount. Who out there can help me???? I want my girls to be at peace, and to have happiness. I am willing to publicize any transcripts to get them heard…. Please, I know there’s someone out there that can help my baby come home for good. I am desperate to get this out and for people to know what happens here to innocent people like us. The corruption is beyond what you can imagine. And my daughter needs to speak. Someone needs to stop people like her step mother from putting their filthy hands on innocent kids just to escape child support. Please, someone respond and get us help.