It’s Phu Nguyen versus Chairman Janet!
“Vietnamese American community groups that have traditionally organized Black April commemoration events at the Sid Goldstein Freedom Park every year say they are disappointed that Orange County Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s office is taking charge of the event this year,” according to the O.C. Register.
That’s right – Chairman Janet has struck again! The control freak has now angered most of Little Saigon with her imperious disregard for others.
“Janet is trying to steal this sacred event from the community for political gain,” said Lactan Nguyen, president of the Vietnamese American Community of Southern California, a conglomeration of groups that includes students, seniors and veteransa conglomeration of groups that includes students, seniors and veterans.
And it gets even better…Phu Nguyen, the leading Democratic candidate for the 68th Assembly District, is a member of this organization. So now it is Phu versus Janet!
And get this, Nguyen’s hatchet man, Andrew Do, ripped the community organization for not applying for the event permit first. But the permit he and Nguyen acquired is only for 300 people, even though the event usually draws over 1,000 people. In the words of Homer Simpson, D’oh!
The capper to all of this is that this year is the 35th Anniversary of this event – and Chairman Janet and her hatchet man Andrew Do have already ruined it.
Janet is such a nasty person! That’s all I have to say
Janet, BE NICE! With an attitude like that your politic career will be ending soon.
Agreed! Janet and Andrew Do are incredibly arrogant.
I think Janet is quickly destroying all public trust in her.
Two years from now she is going to lose her seat and find herself scrambling for a job.
I bet Janet can beat up Phu in the octagon.
LOL! I wonder if Janet beats her husband? Bonikowski is a big wuss!
To Major Rice and Janet Nguyen,
The Freedom Park near City of Westminster is not the regular public site that anyone can use for they own personal political gain. More than ten year ago, We attended the public concert to raise money to build this park, the event took whole day on the vacant lot in the place of our Freedom park now resides. Thousand of Vietnamese from every where in the country emptied their pocket money to raise few hundred thousand dollar to build the park and hoping some day we can visit the park on Black April to remember our suffering, sorrow, and thank you to America saving our lives. So, this PARK IS NOW PARTIALLY BELONG TO OUR VIETNAMESE COMMUNITY to use on the most important day of this park.
Major Rice, please help us to get the fairness to our community.
Janet, how much money did you contribute to build the park?
Have you ever lived in City of Westminster?
And now you want to take advantage of the loop hole in City of Westminster that allowing anyone to reserve and use the park in any day of the year especially March 31 – the Lost of Saigon day.
Janet, get lost, let our Community Leader handle the ceremony and you will be invite as the guest speaker of OC Supervisor as you’re usually done so in the past of many years.
We prepare for JANET NGUYEN IMPEACHMENT letter on March 31, 2010 to fight for our freedom and democracy that we have in this country.
To fellow Vietnamese, please join us at the event to show your support and to fight right for the Freedom Park in the City of Westminster by signing JANET IMPEACHMENT letter.
Thank You