Dear Friends,
My name is John Santoianni. I am currently an Anaheim City Commissioner serving on the Cultural & Heritage Commission. I am also Assemblyman Jose Solorio’s appointee to the Democratic Convention from the 69th Assembly District. In these roles I have been very busy making our local voices heard both here in Anaheim and in Sacramento. I am very thankful for the trust and confidence both the Anaheim City Council and Assemblyman Solorio have in me. I am keenly aware of the weight and importance of my duty to serve you, the citizens of Anaheim, and I will never forget that.
As a leader on the Art Facilities Subcommittee, I am working on the 2010 Cultural Arts Plan, which looks to improve our quality of life while spurring revenue and small business growth throughout the city. In Sacramento I had a leadership role in helping to pass a resolution at the 2009 Democratic Convention to protect consumers from usurious credit card interest rates and payday advance fees. I also went against party leadership and voted against supporting Propositions 1A through 1F that included a $16 billion tax increase, promoted gambling, and would take money from children’s health care & mental health programs. I believe I am just like most people here in Anaheim. I do not take marching orders from any political party, large corporation, or union leadership. I am an independent thinker who is committed to listening to, and working for, you, the average citizen.
I understand that City Commissioners aren’t the best-known people in the world. So, let me tell you a little about myself. I am 38 years old, born in the Bronx, New York, and the oldest son of first and third generation American-Italians. I moved to Southern California in 2002 after the double-whammy of being laid off from my job of ten years as a Wall Street Analyst and the financial services industry being decimated after the tragedy of 2001. It was then that I decided to pursue an MBA in Marketing at Cal State Fullerton and put down roots, after a bit of searching, here in Anaheim. (I also have a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Arts.) It was an easy decision to make. I had made lots of good friends and came to see just how wonderful a place Anaheim is to live, work, and play. Very few places have just one of those things and we have all three!
I have to say, my adopted city and I are doing pretty well but there is always room for improvement. That is why, in addition to the cultural arts plan, one of the plans I am developing, along with the support of local schools and businesses, is to implement creative and artistic solutions to combat graffiti, litter, and other forms of urban blight while promoting civic pride. Our neighborhoods are the city’s lifeblood. I will do all I can to make sure that they are preserved and protected. Everyone in each of Anaheim’s many neighborhoods has specific needs and no one solution fits all. That is why, as your Councilperson, I will be proactive and maintain continuously open lines of communications with you. You shouldn’t have to wonder how to contact your City Councilperson. If elected, I will have a direct link via email or phone for you to get into contact with me 24/7. I will be there to listen to your needs and act as quickly as I can to address them. A world-class city like Anaheim deserves nothing less than the best, most open, government possible.
Anaheim is and must always be the premier location in Orange County for businesses to develop and grow, for good jobs with a livable wage, and for the equitable balance of the needs of both management and labor. As your City Councilperson, I want to make sure that businesses continue to be able to pursue their goals while at the same time protecting workers rights. As someone who has worked in the private sector all his life and has earned an MBA, I know that it is possible to bridge the gaps that sometimes come between management and labor. By dealing with both sides with mutual respect and integrity agreements can be made that benefit everyone. Unfortunately, in the past, the willingness to cooperate has not always been there on one or both sides. As your City Councilperson I believe it would not be my duty to be directly involved in these disputes, but to foster a positive environment in which rational and meaningful discussions can take place. In the case of city contracts, I would make sure that all agreements between the city and labor are respected and enforced.
Tourists flock from all over the world to experience our world-class entertainment destinations. That is why I am committed to the prudent development of The Platinum Triangle as well as preserving the Anaheim Resort as a place solely for entertainment, hotel, and convention purposes. I also intend to work with Disney and other employers in these special districts to mitigate the impact of any expansion on local residents, workers, and the environment. I would like for the city to make more housing available in the Platinum Triangle (and other areas close to the Resort) for working families, many of whom travel great distances to get to work in the city. This would reduce pollution, lessen the burden on our infrastructure, keep more tax and sales revenue in the city, grow small businesses, and open up a lot of land currently used for parking for other purposes. It is this type of win-win-win thinking that I can bring to city hall and apply to your concerns as well.
I consider myself lucky that, being an Anaheim City Commissioner, I’ve been able to meet with many people throughout the city and draw upon their diverse store of knowledge and opinions for input and support. From Anaheim Hills to the Colony, West Side and Resort Districts, I have found that everyone in Anaheim really wants the same thing. To have a representative in City Hall who listens and looks out for them. I have always been civic minded and have volunteered my talents, time, and knowledge, to the city I love. I would now like to get to work as your City Councilperson. I would like your vote this November 2nd.
Best Regards,
John Santoianni
Please click here to contribute to my campaign:
Great Post John! If elected will you pledge to never take free tickets to sporting events or concerts at the Anaheim Stadium, Pond or Disneyland or other venues in your city?
Thanks for your comment Anaheim Art!
I can’t truthfully say never. Never indicates an eternity where 1 instance means you’re automatically a liar. I’m not sure if in the course of a career if that is feasibly possible. However: What I can tell you is that I hold myself up to a very strict code of ethics and CAN say that I would never risk my integrity if attending an event would do that.
I hope that answers your question satisfactorily.
Best Regards,
Since your a Gay man, John, surely you support Gay Marriage and a Women’s right to choose?
Therefore your “social moderate” comment wouldn’t be accurate, you’d be a social liberal, correct?
Let me answer since John seems to avoid controversy.
A woman’s right to choose has long been a majority position in California, so it is MODERATE.
The same now with the right of gays to marry – see a recent poll I linked to. Same-sex marriage got over 50%.
That’s all I’m saying, John can answer however he wants.
Vern, I looked at John’s campaign statements, and I didn’t see any check there for your spokesmen services…
John is a big boy, and he’s been on his first commission for very little time so his clarification is sorely needed.
Let me rephrase then. I’m not speaking for John at all. I’m just taking exception to the idea that being pro-choice is liberal rather than moderate. (And more arguably with gay marriage.)
John can answer whenever he wants and I can run my mouth on this blog as long as I want. Cheers Luke! I am your father.
I believe the Sith have blasted you with too much dark force! John Santoianni is great on the social issues. The reason he is calling himself a “Social Moderate,” I think, is that he doesn’t want to wig out the Reeps in Anaheim, who likely have a negative view of Dems.
You should sit down with John and get to know him. I did and I think he is a great candidate and a very intelligent, humble and caring person. He would be a great Councilman in any city.
@Darth Vern I didn’t think you did, (I mean he’s only raised 6T, how is he going to pay you?)which is why it appeared strange to me that you were answering for a candidate. Your scale is a little(a lot) off. John isn’t running for statewide office, so your extrapolations for what being a moderate is comprised of at the state level is ridiculous. This is OC and he’s running for Council in Anaheim, where the numbers (which I am intimately familiar with at this point)indicate that those issues are not mainstream view. So why is he trying to run away from who he is? He’s no social moderate, he is/was the President of The Harvey Milk Stonewall Dems club.
@Art I know John quite well, I respect honestly much more than panderers.
A candidate that’s committed to telling the truth and committed to the residents of Anaheim, not special interets, will have my support and my wife’s.
Good luck,
Jose Moreno
John is putting his neck on the line by running for office. That is a major undertaking. I know from personal experience what a sacrifice it is.
If you don’t like how he is campaigning may I suggest that you run as well?
In Santa Ana, about 10 years ago, there was a gay fellow from French Court (I think he has since died) who almost ran for City Council but decided that his sexuality might become a capaign issue. Many still wonder if he could have won. Art do you remember the guys name? It’s not Jim Walker but I can’t remember what his name was.
No you may not. When you run, you are expected to open up, answer questions, and expect criticism. John is perfectly capable of answering the questions he is asked. I wonder if Misha Houser is still running his campaign… your friends with her, aren’t you Art ;-).
I just remembered..I think his name was Ed McKee. He was a powerful neighborhoodleader and might have won. RIP Ed!
I guess moderate is in the eye of the beholder. However, in the case of Anaheim (and municipal elections in general) the issues of gay marriage and a woman’s right to choose are basically irrelevant. City Council’s never have those issues come up as they are either settled law or currently in the courts in the State of California. My basic concerns and positions (which I believe are shared by the majority of Anaheimers) are clearly laid out in my open letter. (Also, being a gay man doesn’t necessarily make one automatically “for” or “against” any issue.)
Yes, I was formerly the president of the HMSDOC. In that office I worked with Craig Beauchamp and the board to co-sponsor the resolution to limit usurious credit card rates and pay day loan fees. Good people can disagree and that is fine. I try to avoid labels since they are mostly there to divide people. However, I have spoken to many people you might consider Conservative and they have stated that even on issues where we do disagree I have been thoughtful of their positions and they have complimented me on my well reasoned arguments.
As a side note Misha is no longer with my campaign. She is currently in charge of field operations for the Phu Nguyen for Assembly campaign.
I hope that brings some clarity to the above comments.
I have updated my open letter to remove the self identifying statement that caused the questions above. I will let the people of Anaheim make their own judgements as to my social and fiscal policies. This letter, but especially when we meet face-to-face on the campaign trail, should give you all the information you need to form an opinion as to my stands on various issues. Additionally, if you would like to ask me a direct question, you can reach me at As always, I do this in the spirit of openness and public service which has led me to seek your support for Anaheim City Council this November 2nd.
Thank you,
Geez, that was difficult to read. So whenever someone calls you out on something, your just going to retract or alter your statement? Nice spine there John.
“(Also, being a gay man doesn’t necessarily make one automatically “for” or “against” any issue.)”
Yeah it kinda does. Is there anything lower than a homo that doesn’t support Marriage Equality? Or adoption rights? Your either there for the issue or your not. And as a matter of fact, your position on gay issues is VERY important on the municipal level. Some interested Anaheim residents want to follow Long Beach’s lead and pass an ordinance that requires the City to only do business with companies and venders that offer EQUAL benefits to domestic partners and married gays. It matters at every level John, it’s not just some abstract concept, that only the masses can affect.
I’m sorry that Misha ditched you. It’s pretty shitty of her to do that seeing as how she was pivotal in your decision to run. How low can she go?
What is your problem with John? I don’t get it. The guy was the President of the board of an organization that advocates for gay rights and you still question where he stands on the issues?
Why are you doing Prevatt’s dirty work?
As for Misha, she is now working on Phu’s campaign. That doesn’t mean she ditched John. It just means she is now on a legislative race – and an important one at that.
@Art I don’t have a problem with John. I took issue with him calling himself a “social moderate”, when he’s clearly not, and he took issue with it too in the end too, Seeing as how he (hilariously) removed that text from this blog. I call them like I see ’em, that’s rare in politics, I know.
I agree with Vern. Being pro-choice and pro-gay is moderate. Those who disagree are extremists.
…Although I’m starting to see what my son Luke is talking about as well. It seems like John is too cautious to take a stand on anything the slightest bit controversial. I don’t know, maybe that’s wise. But some of us do appreciate strong stands and forthrightness, even if we may disagree.
Well, best of luck to John, I imagine he’s better than most of the folks he’s running against; maybe once he gets on the council we’ll learn more specifics about his positions. But it seems like it should be the other way around.
Et tu? You see why you Dems can’t win in Orange County? You eat your own!
Instead of attacking John you two should be going after the Republican, John Leos.
I’m disgusted with both of you!
Why is Lib OC shilling for Leos? That is what you ought to be wondering!
I have no idea what they’re doing at the Liberal OC; I hardly ever go there, life is too short!
And I said that as far as I know John’s the best candidate; I’d probably vote for him if I were in Anaheim.
We’re still seven months out from the election so I don’t see how it’s the end of the world if I’m a LITTLE bit critical of “one of my own” – it just seems like he likes to be very vague about his positions and tries hard to be non-offensive. Maybe that’s what he has to do in that town. I’ve combed through this long statement to see if there’s anything specific to show what he really might be like. I was relieved to uncover a couple of short passages that give a clue:
“In Sacramento I had a leadership role in helping to pass a resolution at the 2009 Democratic Convention to protect consumers from usurious credit card interest rates and payday advance fees. I also went against party leadership and voted against supporting Propositions 1A through 1F…”
“I would like for the city to make more housing available in the Platinum Triangle (and other areas close to the Resort) for working families, many of whom travel great distances to get to work in the city.”
That’s a start. And like I said, best of luck to him. I’m sure I’d vote for him if I lived up there.
I am glad that people have read and are discussing my open letter. I just want to address the issue some have with a perceived lack of specificity. I didn’t intend this to be a position paper or a resume. I simply wanted to present myself and my approach to the readership and open a dialogue. I think what is really “hilarious” today in politics is how our elected leaders are so hidebound in their thinking that the average citizen feels left out of the process. If I am elected that paradigm will change instantly. I do not avoid a good argument but I also treat everyone with respect. If that means I am “non-offensive” or “avoid controversy” then maybe that’s a good thing. Also, for the record: I removed “social moderate” from the letter not because it was controversial but because it was too subjective. As the various comments show, one person’s moderate is another persons liberal. I believe revising my remarks to reflect that shows that I’m listening. How many local elected leaders can you say that about? I also published my personal campaign email address if you have specific questions you’d like to ask. This open letter is not the be-all and end-all. I will be walking precincts very shortly and also posting about issues and my experiences on the campaign trail. Again, I am very happy to see interest in my campaign and look forward to a civil and intelligent conversation over the next 9 months.