Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Endorses Jesse Petrilla for RSM City Council

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Endorses Jesse Petrilla for RSM City Council

RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA – Tuesday, March 30, 2010 – RSM businessman and Army reservist Jesse Petrilla today announced the endorsement of Congressman Dana Rohrabacher to the growing list of Orange County leaders supporting his campaign for Rancho Santa Margarita City Council.

“We don’t need complacency, we need someone who will shake things up, and that’s what Jesse is going to do,” said Congressman Rohrabacher.

Congressman Rohrabacher is a senior member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. He serves as ranking Republican of the House Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight.

Jesse Petrilla welcomed Congressman Rohrabacher to his team today and thanked him for his commitment to the citizens of Orange County and to America. “Dana Rohrabacher has been a powerful fighter in Washington for fiscal responsibility and limited government, and I am truly humbled and honored to receive his support today.”

Jesse’s election will be held November 2, 2010. For more information on Jesse’s campaign for RSM City Council, or to join his team, please visit

Jesse needs your support. Please consider making a generous contribution to his campaign online by clicking here, or via check to:

Taxpayers for Jesse Petrilla
P.O. Box 80325
RSM, CA 92688

About Art Pedroza