I was pretty upset when I found out that the Santa Ana Police Department (SAPD) assigned 125 cops to go after the Easter Cruisers this past weekend.
I found a video on YouTube that chronicled what went on this Sunday. I translated the text on that site below:
In the middle of Easter Sunday, the Police Department Santa Ana, was conducting traffic control in different areas of the city.
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This is a great idea Art! When served lemons, make lemonade. I think people would come from L.A. and Riverside to see our kids cruising. We could sell T-shirts real authentic Mexican food too. I notice that in Tustin Tiller Days they have a Miss Tustin and in Garden Grove a princess of the Strawberry festival. Well, we could have a contest for the hotest Latina or cutest or something like that too. All the people that visit our city would buy food in Santa Ana and shop in our stores too. Since Mater Dei is right there on Bristol they could set up booths on campus and maybe also have a car was to help raise money for sports. How can we get this going Art? We need it on Fridays and Saturdays all Summer. Great idea!
When these were Gringo kids cruising in Santa Ana then the usual suspects thought it was cool. Now that it’s our Brown kids cruising, it’s evil and you have to call out 125 cops! What’s up with that? Check this video for proof.
The concern with cruising is multifaceted engaging multiple interests and feeding off each other. It is symbiotic and it is why the concern exists.
The SAPD Union benefits from the overtime the Officers get. The Hispanic haters, voluntary types and ignorant ones that accept the propaganda, get attention.
City politicians use the division created for political and economic manipulation.
All together produce a froth of negativity that benefits their special interests while the public gets under served by mismanagement of services.
I wonder if Julie and old boy Tommy have read this already??? Anyone care to email it to them and let’s see what cry they give. We’ll probably see them crying at City Hall if this idea kicks off. Great idea Art!