“The mission of Downtown Incorporated is to faciliate the enhancement of Downtown Santa Ana as a vibrant shopping, entertainment, business and cultural destination for all,” according to their Facebook page.
Downtown Inc. is funded by an assessment that is charged to businesses in downtown Santa Ana. I have no idea how much the businesses pay.
They have a very nice website, at this link, but it runs a bit slow due to the heavy graphic content. The site is in English, but some of the documents on the site are available in Spanish. For example, their newsletters are bilingual. Click here to read the April newsletter. According to their April newsletter:
Click here to read the rest of this post.
As my Grandpappy used to say,
“‘You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear'”
Santa Ana is Santa Ana is Santa Ana. All the Art Walks and Festivals and Sidewalk sales in the world have not and will not change the perception of the city. It’s time for Santa Ana to accept it’s role as a Sanctuary City and provide good cheap labor for the rest of Orange County.
Do Don Cribs and his art buddies still get free office space in the Train Station for their Art Club? Why isn’t that space rented out to help with the budget? Why is the city spending money to promote Downtown S.A.? What good is it doing?
Did you ever notice how many Orange County Register/O.C. Weekly/L.A. Times reporters live in Sunset/Seal Beach? Why don’t more of them live in that cool /hip city of Santa Ana?
The Downtown Inc. is funded by special self imposed taxes from the district’s property owners. The tax amount is roughly $900,000/year.
“The mission of Downtown Incorporated is to faciliate the enhancement of Downtown Santa Ana as a vibrant shopping, entertainment, business and cultural destination for all,” according to their”
Property owners and business owners haven’t seen much change with this $900,000 figure.
Dr.Lomeli your answer is correct, property owners and buss owners are not”Happy”
Someone can tell me why there is no property owners or buss owners names listed on the board of director?
Some of the merchants are very unhappy since there are corporation represented by a real estate company, if the owner is not available let any of us do the job.
Santa Ana will be Santa Ana.. we need a facelift, but we dont need to destroy 4th Street, for years generation after generation has visited the Downtonw with the Hispanic flavor of diverse merchants.
Give u an example I”m from S.A. I have customers from San Clemente, Long Beach, ect. and why because my buss is in Santa Ana.
I will bring to your attention, one thing I notice when they invited us for a meeting , the Downtown Inc, do not have respect for the merchants, they think we are ignorant, and they are going to teach us how to sell” pepitas”….. the other issued there is a conflic of interest with few merchants that are involved in “comites” and have buss with the downtown inc. or used the downtown Inc. to control the events.
Merchants has no vote, on selecting what they wants and who they wants to represent them.
People complain about the other two associations and this one is doing worse. we dont see any progress.