Social Justice Summit at Cal State Fullerton today

The Social Justice Summit provides a forum for people to exchange ideas about improving the state of our communities, offers space to dialogue about the obstacles to creating effective change, provides effective tools for social action, and offers tangible grassroots solutions.

Date: Saturday, April 17, 2010
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Location: 800 N. State College Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92831

Learn about human rights issues, environmental concerns, inequality and oppression on a local, national and global level.

The Social Justice Summit is a FREE event, open to the public.

***Summit Highlights***

Empowering Workshops: Workshops will focus not only on educating participants, but also empowering them to bring about change in our community.

Workshop List

Workshop Session One:
Animals in the Farming and Testing Industry
Stewart Solomon: Vegan Outreach

The Working Class in Orange County
Julio Perez: OC Labor Federation

The Fight for Remembrance and Justice: The Armenian Genocide
Haig Hovsepian & Serouj Aprahamian: Armenian National Committee-Western Region

Rebel Tongues: Writing Poetry and Spoken Word of Resistance
Iuri Morales Lara: U.M.E.R. Un Mundo En Resistencia

Capitalism Out of Control?
William Julius: California State University, Fullerton

Empowering Marginalized Girls: Social Justice in Action
Dr. Jeffery Kottler: Empowering Nepali Girls

Malaria and the Medical-Industrial Complex
Sonia Shah: Independent Journalist and Opening Keynote

Feminism for the 21st Century
Zoe Nicholson (panel moderator): Equality Activist & Author
Chenese Lewis: Chief Creative Officer for Chenese Lewis Productions & Advocate for Plus Size Model
Wandie Kabule: wandieing.blogspot
Anne-Marie Williams: Executive Director for the California Lesbian Project
Yvonne Moore: wanderlust womyn & midwife
Teresa Wang: VP of Communications for Stonewall Young Democrats & co-founder of Roots of Equality

Language Matters and Social Justice in Kindergarten through University Education
Lisa Winstead, Ed.D. & Christine Valenciana, Ph.D

Workshop Session Two:
Health Disparities among Ethnic Minorities in the U.S.
Sora Park Tanjasiri: California State University, Fullerton

Ethical Textiles: Humanity in the Marketplace and Fair Trade
Delilah Snell: The Road Less Traveled

Global Warming: Too Hot? Too Cold? But Not Just Right
Wayne Henderson: California State University, Fullerton

The California State Budget Crisis – Its Impact on California Public Higher Education and the California State University
Lillian Taiz: President of the California Faculty Association

Organizing for Respect, Dignity and Justice at Fresh and Easy Neighborhood Market
Berny Enriquez: United Food and Commercial Workers

Afghanistan Beyond The Media Lens
Liz Grover: World Traveler, Writer, Filmmaker, & Photographer

March On for Marriage Equality
Lady Vajayjay (moderator): Drag Queen Activist & FREElance event organizer
Laura McFerrin: Director of the movie, March On
Shannon & Beth Payne: married before the passage of Proposition 8
Cas Gregory: Chair of Orange County Equality Coalition
Adam Boukas &Jeff Pashley: founders of the No on 8 Campaign

Gunkist Memories: Peeling Back the Layers of the Real Orange County
Gustavo Arellano: OC Weekly

Workshop Session Three:
Intro to Prison Industrial Complex Abolition
Patrice Douglass: University of California, Riverside/Critical Resistance

Trans Leadership: The Gender Justice Movement Today
Alexis Rivera: Gender Justice LA

Undocumented Students and Their Struggle for Higher Education
Carlos Perea: Orange County Dream Team

Water Crisis Facing Our Communities
Hector J. Bordas: Los Angeles County Flood Control District

Overcoming Barriers and Obstacles for Effective Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Lynn Posey: ACCESS/Orange County Department of Education

Faces of our Multicultural Self!
Franklin Ellis: California State University, Northridge

Pintar Obedeciendo: Community Mural Work as Activism
Christian Zamudio, Jorge Vera, and Paulina Alvarado: SAPO

Bread and Roses: Global Flower Production and Local Food Justice
Molly Talcott & Jessi Quizar: California State University, Los Angeles & USC

**Full program will be distributed the morning of the Summit. Included in our program: full workshop descriptions, workshop and keynote bios, event sponsors, and our eco-friendly product choices.**

Resource Fair: The Resource Fair will feature campus and community organizations that provide attendees opportunities to get involved in social action.

Great music by: JAYAR

The Social Justice Summit is dedicated to providing a Green Summit through utilizing recycled and biodegradable materials, sweatshop-free apparel, organic and vegan food. The purpose of having a Green Summit is to encourage participants to make everyday choices based on environmentally conscious and socially responsible decisions.

About Art Pedroza