Was it fraud, negligence, incompetence or just an honest to goodness mistake when Tom Daly approached the Board of Supervisors and asked for $2.1 million to purchase a dilapidated building 433 W. Civic Center Drive?
Did Daly forget to tell the Supes that the building was a tear down and not in turnkey condition? Or did he actually believe that the building was ready to move into? If he did then he needs to fire his real estate agent! There are many hard questions that remain to be asked and answered.
At Tuesday’s board meeting, Supervisor John Moorlach asked County CEO Tom Mauk to bring back a report detailing what happened to the missing information on the useless multi-million dollar building. Was it lost or intentionally withheld?
Read the rest of “Moorlach Orders Investigation Into Daly’s $10 Million Nightmare “
Way to go John!!!
Sure wish I had some overpriced real estate or worthless computer software to sell the County. I could use a few million bucks right about now!
Moorlach needs to man up as it looks like he got hosed — this ‘aw shucks – would you mind – pretty please’ approach makes him look like a wimp. And a GOOD manager would have made this request with a completion date as Mauk can now shelve this for as long as he can get away with it.
The people of Orange County have The Friends For Fullertons Future for this revelation.
It occurs to me without their tenacity this stuff would get swept under the rug. Heaven knows what else is out there.
This is public service at Blogging at it’s best.
Two blogs on which you won’t be reading about this:
Red County (aka right wing noise machine)
The LiberalOC (challenging the right wing noise machine)
Heh heh.
Seems like they’re singing in the same key!