The latest:
PHOENIX – The conflict over a sweeping crackdown on illegal immigration in Arizona intensified Monday as vandals smeared refried beans in the shape of swastikas on the state Capitol’s windows.
So radicals and Heavy Breathers have come out against enforcing the law. You had to see it coming. We’ve seen or heard them on video on this blog, looking like the nutbars that they are, protesting a law 70% of Arizonans support. That’s a majority of Democrats, Independents and Republicans alike.
To keep blacks voting Democratic, it is necessary for the party and its supporters to keep alive the idea that racism is prevalent in America and to portray the Republican Party (as well as independent challengers to the Democrats, such as the tea-party movement) as racist. The election of Barack Obama made nonsense of the idea that America remains a racist country and thereby necessitated an intensifying of attacks on the opposition as racist.
That gives you an idea of the type of mindset we’re dealing with. These are the folks who regularly peddle racial fear and victimhood, and their better known do it for a living. No sane person can argue against better enforcement of existing laws. All the smoke and mirrors being thrown up now are to disguise one agenda and one agenda alone: If I’m brown, the law doesn’t apply.
See, the Left needs racism. You have left wing apologists trying to tell Asians that they don’t think (and thus vote) correctly. You have arrogant newscasters calling a second amendment advocate racist, before oops! realizing its a black man carrying a weapon.
Or the white reporter who asks the black man in the Tea Party audience if he “ever felt uncomfortable” while trying to gin up a racial issue. Imagine this reporter asking this in a country club or a teachers lounge. She would come off as backward and specifically asking this question because the person is black. Which is exactly how she comes off.
According to the New York Times CBS News poll, the Tea Parties are more diverse when it comes to African Americans than the Republican party, comprising more than 5% of its membership.
But so what? Asians are not a large component of the Tea Parties either, but they regularly vote conservatively, so the Leftist race peddlers don’t worry about their representation.
Or Obama’s National Security Advisor telling a demeaning joke about Jews as greedy merchants.
No wonder the Obama foreign policy is so “1940’s” in its propaganda towards Israel.
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, back in the “Jews are the problem!” heyday.
But the Democrats really have no problem in trying to make political capital out of the race scare. Recently, Democrat Rep. Heath Shuler had to retract statements corroborating the now debunked slander raised by Rep. Emanuel Cleavers that he had the N word hurled at him by Health Care protesters. Turns out, the esteemed Rep. Shuler wasn’t even there. That didn’t stop him from trying to chime in apparently.
And then you have the Commander in Chief trying to capitalize on the racial divide.
“The (George W.) Bush administration and the Nazi and Communist regimes all engaged in the politics of fear. … Indeed, the Bush administration has been able to improve on the techniques used by the Nazi and Communist propaganda machines.”
Was it a) Miss Piggy, b) Lady Gaga, c) the Dog Whisperer, or d) George Soros, billionaire Democratic supporter?
When asked whether the number and prominence of blacks in the Bush Administration suggested a lack of racism, he said, “Hitler had a lot of Jews high up in the hierarchy of the Third Reich.” a) Adolf Eichmann, b) Joseph Goebbels, c) Heinrich Himmler, d) Harry Belafonte, entertainer and liberal activist.
In conclusion, I support a “five-year and $50,000 penalty for every instance” of a manager and business owner employing illegal aliens. If Republicans don’t attach something similar to any immigration reform and make it clear Democrat reform is nothing but blanket amnesty and vote buying, they will reap the fruits of inaction.
But let’s be clear… the current law in Arizona has nothing to do with the Lefts stereotype of the undocumented immigrant. These aren’t people doing everything they can just to sneak across the border in the dead of night, putting their lives in the hands of coyotes and drug smugglers, just to make a better life for themselves. We have and always have had a sympathy for such people and welcome them. But we ask that you follow the rules.
The fact is, the majority of undocumented aliens in this country are people who travelled through some of the country’s largest entry points: JFK, LAX and others, on visiting visas and education visas, and overstayed. They are NOT from Mexico. They are documented. They are fingerprinted. They are photographed. Let me repeat, they are a majority of the illegals in this country.
And it defies all logic and human decency for people who are “supposedly” for a rational immigration system, to object to these people being expected to follow the rules. I say supposedly because I don’t really, in my heart, believe, that leftists and immigration reformers really want a “system that works”. They want to break the immigration system and break down the social order that makes this country work and build it into a socialist utopian vision. That, of course, will quickly disintegrate into chaos and collapse.
That’s the basic intent of your immigration reforms on the left. They spend all their time dividing and name calling, and then want to tear the very foundation of the country that provides them their safety and standard of living.
Shocking and sad.
I love the picture of the hugh Mexican flag vs the American flag – Its completely appropriate..
I am against illegal immigration from south of the border for one reason and one reason only- “They have become a pain in the ass to the ordinary American”.. Its really that simple.. From welfare use, to ethnocentric babbling and a complete disrespect for American values and culture – Its just become plain to much to allow!
This country was a place that immigrants where welcomed, until the hispanics from south of the border and their union like reps screwed it all up!
Give me any nation including Mexico- that want’s to adopt a population of moan bags.. and really that is what the hispanics have become – moan bags!
When i read what the 13yr old girl said about the cop’s “the pigs would be after me”,
The first thing i thought off – Bad parenting!
Its really become – A shove it down you’re throat approach.. Pay for my kids, my house and my bad habits and don’t ask me to contribute to this country.
AZ people just sent a message – Hell NO!
My advise to this hispanic’s ; cut the A hole behavior and contribute to society by taking a fast track to English class, giving you’re kids a lunch ( peanut butter and jelly ) and making education a priority in the home..
Maybe just maybe the American people might see potential in a population that seems to have no potential – but the potential to fill the jails or the local welfare office!
Sorry to be harsh – but Al Sharpten is not going to give you the truth, nor is Mr. Art!
I am guessing that the Crowley clan, like the Quinn clan, came here from Europe. How dare either of you malign those who were already here when your ancestors arrived?
How dare my ancestors be criticized for making a country great enough that millions of third world people are able to come here for a better life..
Save me with , “you took our land”, if it was still you’re land and my ancestors had not come to here.. YOU would be screwed!
And so would I!
We did well in this country – stop moaning and be glad that we did!
Are you sure you weren’t talking about the Vietnamese when you said, “Pay for my kids, my house and my bad habits”? Just look at who the major beneficiaries of public assistance are in OC. People here illegally from Mexico are not the ones getting it. The Vietnamese are the ones gaming the system, not immigrants from Mexico.
Oh, genius. In Quinnworld now, the US was built by the IRISH, who of course arrived in the New World centuries before the Spanish and indigenous people she considers intruders.
Why do you think the welfare office, all the non-profits, ect… are based in Santa Ana.
Just like any business they want to be close to the customers!
Take a walk down to the local welfare office and then we can talk!
The spanish my friend are running mexico – without good results…
I do not consider anyone an intruder! I am not the one holding the sign, “you stole our land”.
Stupid, Stupid!
What I am saying is contribute to this land, not reap from it by sitting on you’re ass and waiting for a welfare check…
That goes to all immigrants!
Check your facts. 80% of adults enrolled in the CalWorks program who have exhausted their benefits were Vietnamese despite the fact that they make up around 5% of the population. Those numbers come from government officials. The reason the offices are in Santa Ana is because it is the county seat. Janet Nguyen opened a county office in Little Saigon just to make it easier for them to pick up their welfare.
A bit of history from the Yale National Initiative, take CLOSE NOTE of the SECOND PARAGRAPH;
There was very deep prejudice against Irish-Americans during the 19th century, especially as more immigrants came into the United States. Many Americans considered the Irish as dirty, stupid and lazy. Newspaper cartoonists often contributed to this image by drawing Irishmen as looking like apes with a jutting jaw and sloping forehead. Newspapers also wrote about Irish people using the derogatory term of “Paddy.”
Americans also blamed the Irish immigrants for causing economic problems. They felt that the great numbers of Irish workers would put Americans out of work or lower wages. Americans felt that the increased number of people would mean taxes would rise due to additional needs for police, fire, health, sanitation, schools and poorhouses.
Consequently, it became acceptable to discriminate against the Irish. Many job posters and newspaper ads ended with “No Irish Need Apply.” Hotels and restaurants may have had signs stating “No Irish Permitted in this Establishment.” In 1851-1852, railroad contractors in New York advertised for workers and promised good pay. When mostly Irish applied, the pay was lowered to fifty-five cents a day. When the workers protested, the militia was called in to force the men to accept. (M., p. 322)
The Irish reacted to the conditions they were faced with in different ways. Many changed their accents, names and even religion to escape discrimination. Others turned to alcohol and crime. Still others turned to the Catholic Church. Since many of the priests and nuns were Irish, it provided a connection to home. It also helped the immigrants feel safe from prejudice and helped them learn American customs.
I know their was deep prejudice against the Irish, “Irish not not apply”.
But immigrants of the past did not have the welfare office or the right to bring their child to a public school.. BIG difference..
What is happening with this wave of hispanic immigrations (mostly from south of the border) is an entitlement mentality..
That the immigrants of the past never had.. The more you have the more you want!
It is making a new wave of Americans who feel that they are entitled to a free lunch – not only because they are brown but also because their parents are illegal from south of the border.. “You stole my land”, so give it up!
YOU know it.. But you’re liberal ideological mind will not see pass the political correct crap.. It’s causing a country of immigrants to not want anymore immigrants..
Umm you mean “legal” Irish immigrants anonster? The atlantic ain’t as easy to cross in the middle of the night.
The asshole who commented under the name “William Calley Rules!!!” has been banned for his choice of handle. William Calley is a convicted war criminal who ordered the My Lai massacre. Too bad, too, he had an interesting comment. Buh-bye.
This is what gets me… tell the truth!
Most of the ridiculous hispanic activist groups can not even bring themselves to say the word, “illegal”.. Try as they might to blind the American public with smoke and mirrors – the fact is.. Too many illegal immigrants from south of the border have become a drain on the system..
With all the smoke and mirrors it soon becomes evident when you pass by any welfare office or walk into an ER..
The largest city in AZ only has one trauma center because hospital’s have closed due to the drain on the system caused by illegal immigrants.. Its a fact!
Where the Rancher was murdered – AZ citizens can not go for a family outing or a picnic in some of the parks – too dangerous due to smuggler’s of one kind or another- its a fact!
I myself would not put up with that crap, would you??
Why get rid of him – most of the people who post on this blog think CHE is a hero..
Tell that to the thousand’s he killed.. Its just a liberal thing i suppose!
Those comments were germane to the post. I changed the posters name to “anon” and reposted the comments.
“Tell that to the thousand’s he killed.. Its just a liberal thing i suppose!”
You and those like you see Dubyah as a hero for invading Afghanistan and starting an illegal war in Iraq. How many thousands upon thousands of people did he kill?
It’s just a conservative thing I suppose!
So now we don’t only have a massive welfare office for illegal hispanic’s, but for illegal and Legal Vietnamese…
Ohhh is that special!
It has to stop… and don’t worry i already know the supervisors are idiots pandering to special interests..
“You and those like you see Dubyah as a hero for invading Afghanistan and starting an illegal war in Iraq. How many thousands upon thousands of people did he kill?”
MQ says:
I think the whole war in Afghanistan is stupid and futile.. I would just have stopped any aid, or any flights into this country from Muslim countries until they got a handle on the wack jobs they are producing… I believe removal of the bullies can be as easy as that!
Che.. Was a socio- path that the youth of today look up too… I can only hope they will either meet someone from Cuba or read a book about the scumbag!
Good looking he was, but thank God he is dead!
“Che.. Was a socio- path”
Do you feel the same way about Christopher Columbus?
For God Sake – Wise up!
We are not taking about hundreds of years ago… I don’t think columbus thought of socialism or communism.. I think he was not out to murder, but to discover!
Che had men and women (pregnant women) killed because they wanted to be free from communism.. It continues to happen today in Cuba and in North Korea!
So no i don’t consider it the same thing and nor do i consider the millions that were staved to death by the English in Ireland – the same thing!
“It continues to happen today in Cuba”
What do you know about what happens in Cuba today? When was the last time you were there or talked with someone that lives there?
Where do you get your news about the current goings on in Cuba?
“I think he was not out to murder, but to discover”
Columbus was out to conquer not discover. He killed and enslaved native peoples. Because he did not do this in the name of communism but rather in the name of the crown of Spain does not exlude him from being considered a genocidal socio-path.
You need to wise up. 50 years or hundreds of years, a socio-path is a socio-path.
Flip- Flop,
“Umm you mean “legal” Irish immigrants anonster? The atlantic ain’t as easy to cross in the middle of the night.”
Irrelevant, as there were no “illegal” immigrants back then, just masses of unskilled immigrants looking for a better life.
The Statue of Liberty began lighting the way for new arrivals at a time when many native-born Americans began to worry that the country was admitting too many immigrants. Some citizens feared that their culture was being threatened or that they would lose jobs to newcomers willing to accept low wages.
In 1924 Congress passed the Johnson-Reed Immigration Act. For the first time, the United States set limits on how many people from each country it would admit. The number of people allowed to emigrate from a given country each year was based on the number of people from that country already living in the United States. As a result, immigration patterns over the next 40 years reflected the existing immigrant population, mostly Europeans and North Americans.
“But immigrants of the past did not have the welfare office or the right to bring their child to a public school.. BIG difference..”
What part of “Americans felt that the increased number of people would mean taxes would rise due to additional needs for police, fire, health, sanitation, schools and poorhouses.” didn’t you understand?
And let’s not forget the enormous cost of prisons;
The Chicago Post wrote, “The Irish fill our prisons, our poor houses…Scratch a convict or a pauper, and the chances are that you tickle the skin of an Irish Catholic. Putting them on a boat and sending them home would end crime in this country.”
I realize that the right-wing likes to play the Che is the boogeyman card. What are your feelings in regards to Augusto Pinochet of Chile or the Shah of Iran?
Both men were propped up by the US and British governments and both men were responsible for far more deaths than was Che Guevara. Were they justified in their murderous ways because they were right-wing dictators?
“I realize that the right-wing likes to play the Che is the boogeyman card.”
MQ says:
Yeah and the left like to pick and choose their murders.. I tend to think anyone who kills because he can and wants too – such as Che is a bit worse than the rest!
The man was a killer – you go ahead and wear his face on you’re tea shirt. I will not being wearing any tee’s with Augusto Pinochet’s face on my body..
Really – I don’t know if left wing people are thick because of genetics or influence!
Anyone that kills another human has to live with it- some don’t mind and some do!
Its the ones that don’t mind are socio-paths!
“I tend to think anyone who kills because he can and wants too – such as Che is a bit worse than the rest!”
So there are different levels of killers in your book? Some are OK and some are bad?
I find anyone who kills because they can to be despicable.
Folks like you always point to Che before anyone else? There are plenty of bad guys closer to home that you could point to. We have Andrew Jackson on our $20 bill and yet he is responsible for the torture and murder of native Americans during the shameful “Trail of Tears”. You may not wear a t-shirt with his photo on it but you gladly spend money with it on there.
How about Father Junipero Serra and the California Mission system. They were re-education camps for natives. The beatings, murder and torture that existed there was horrendous by any standards and yet we have schools and streets and other things named after him. Are you appalled by that?
I am still waiting to hear where you get your information regarding “today in Cuba”.
You pontificate as if you are an expert as to the happenings there and I was wondering where you get you info. When did you last visit? When was the last time you spoke to someone living there?
Surely you have first hand knowledge, right?
“The man was a killer – you go ahead and wear his face on you’re tea shirt.”
So wearing a t-shirt of a killer is bad, but having a paid government holiday and municipal parades for a killer is okay in your book?
Che = Killer = Bad
Columbus = Killer = Good
Just trying to understand Quinn logic. Help me out.
“Folks like you always point to Che before anyone else? There are plenty of bad guys closer to home that you could point to.”
MQ says:
I have not seen tea shirts with serial killers on them lately – So maybe the fact that i see his disgusting face on idiots walking around with no clue who the murderous monster was – then i suppose he is brought to mind more than most!
I think the fact that Liberals love the scumbag because he was a socialist is more creepy then him doing what he loved best – killing his opposition!
I suppose liberal’s of today might be Che’s of the future!
As far as – why I know so much about Cuba – the cuban’s and the Irish have a lot in common – people wanting to keep us down and shut us up and then kill us if they don’t get there way… I think my Cuban friends would agree!
I am not an expert on Cuban affairs – but i have experienced what it is like to lose people around you for ideological reason’s!
Killer’s are everywhere in this world – Che has become popular for killing men and women who did not agree with socialism..
I suppose its a liberal thing – i better watch out!
communism – bad
15th century murders – usual
2010 -idiots wearing killers on tea shirts – not very bright!
Did that help??