In December of 2008, Nick Berardino and more than 1000 union workers stormed the County’s Hall of Administration to protest the remodeling of the Board of Supervisor’s lobby. The OCEA leader and his supporters were protesting the $300,000 lobby remodeling project because it was the wrong thing to do because at the time, the County was laying off employees due to the budget crunch that hit the whole nation.
That day, Berardino used his bullhorn to make his point well known. He was also quoted by the lame duck O.C. Register as saying that “Labor knows that financial hardships are on the way and say they are willing to share in the pain. But before he has to look a person in the eye and tell them they are out of work in this economy he wants management (the County) to scratch every perk with the aim of saving jobs.”
I can’t believe that Renee Ramirez has the title of Asst. Clerk-Recorder when she can’t even do her job dutied or what her job description says. A lot of her job duties are distributed to some of the other employees like the accounting supervisor was assigned to do the budget when is not part of her job, just right there it tells you that renee dosen’t have the experience the education or the knowledge to have the position she currently has. Hiring renee as the asst. Clerk-Recorder was a bad bad mistake HUGE!! eventually is gonna catch up to Tom Daly.
TOM DALY you are a JOKE!!!! You need to resigned immediately and pay us back for all the time you didn’t show up to work. How can someone look themselve in the mirror knowing they cheated the taxpayers out of millions of dollars from your salary to paying your friends and bogus contracts.
The District Attorney, Grand Jury and the Board of Suppervisors should do an investigation.