I never charge for reading the comics or the sports section.
One of the critical tasks assigned to Matthew Cunningham by the PR fixated and obviously rudderless OC Children and Families Commission is to “review” media, i.e. read newspapers and blogs, which is convenient for Cunningham because that’s what he does anyway – for free. Now he’s a pro at 200 bucks an hour.
Yes, Friends, you read rightly. He’s paid to read blogs.
Read the rest of ‘Pacific Strategies Critical Task #1 – “Daily Media Review'”
It seems that this “blog” of Jerbal’s doesn’t have to have readers or make any ad money because it’s just a front for the payola they get for “representing” Non-Profits. At what point will this house of cards come crashing down?
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
When will folks like Marty Wisckol or the FibOC boys start reporting about this? They fancy themselves as real life journalists and not just small time citizen bloggers like the rest of us.
Keep the facts coming FFFF. Lets put the Familia de Jerbal out of business.
We need to get together and draft a strategy for the Childrens and Family Commission meeting on May 5th. Operation Rodent Extermination needs to be put in full effect.
Thank You Sean for telling it like it is! I think that the OC Weekly is our only hope for putting any pressure on the Jerbal family. They are killing such a fat hog with these political gigs that they will never, ever, stop taking the money until it drys up due to public pressure on the ELECTED officials.
Sean They won’t. They are on the take too!
Just look at Fradio “channelling” Jubal in his latest post……..:LITERALLY.
Frankly, I don’t know whats worse, Matt and his family snagging TAX DOLLARS, or Dan and LB Chris ignoring it. As for Wiskol. That guy is in a class by himself when it comes to pussies. He would’nt know real reporting if it crawled up his ass.
As for Wiskol. That guy is in a class by himself when it comes to pussies. He would’nt know real reporting if it crawled up his ass.
And one time it did too! Oh wait. I’m not supposed to talk about that.
Matt Cunningham was the blogger that published the names of sex abused children. What is he doing on a Commission for Families? The corruption is chronic and killing what is left of the Orange County Republican party.