Using kids as a front to support your bureaucratic empire is almost something of a cliche. The educrats and teachers unions have been doing it for years. And so naturally the OC Children and Families Commission sings from the same sheet music.
Check out these billing entries from Matthew Cunningham to the Commission.
Okay, on January 15th, 2010 Mr. Republican is ghost writing an op-ed piece for a Democratic politician – the former State Superintendent of Schools, Delaine Eastin. A dirty job, but somebody’s gotta do do it, right? Besides the money is great.
Read the rest of “Pacific Strategies – Won’t Someone Please Think of The Children?”
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
I wonder if Jerbal publicly praised Eastin’s op/ed piece after it was published?
That was his standard operating procedure before folks found out that Matt Cunningham = Jubal.
Jubal would write something and then Matt Cunningham would come on and praise it, then Matt Cunningham would write something and Jubal would praise it. It would be a great big circle jerk of one.
What more can be said about this guy.
He and his Boy Chip refuse to address it, they are praying that it goes away.
In the end this simply demonstrates what a dishonest money grubbing whore The Cunninghams are.
I met with one of my buddies last night at The Old Ship on 17th (God I miss Hankeys).
He is a forensic accountant for the OCSD, he said something very interesting: “Typically guys who pull a scam like Jubal is doing (Which is UNETHICAL but not ILLEGAL)typically are doing this elsewhere too, or double dipping.
It got me thinking, Who knows what shenanigans are going on over at the OC PARKS and Harbor department. I can’t believe a guy of Matt’s stature would serve for the good of the people. And certainly not for $75.00 per meeting.
Sounds like we need to start downloading those agendas.
Tony stop picking on Matt right now!
I love to harass people at their jobs. I will call your clients if you don’t stop.
I am a stalker extraordinaire.