Mars Media Family “Cinco de Mayo” event celebration in Santa Ana
Orange County’s largest Cinco de Mayo celebration will be on 5/1 & 5/2 from 11am – 11pm on historic 4th Street in downtown Santa Ana.
Featuring free, family oriented festivities, live entertainment and music, carnival rides and games, authentic Mexican food and several vendor booths. 150,000+ in attendance.
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What’s the over/under on the number of shootings that will take place at this event over the next two days? I think 3 is a lock!
Can you please clarify Fonz if you mean fatal shootings or just the garden variety flesh wound kind? I’d venture to guess that there might be around 4 fatalities and 6 or 8 near fatalities’. Hope I’m wrong but that’s what I guess.
How about guesses as to how much time elected officials spend with their families at one of these events OUTSIDE the required Viva La Raza speech making? I’ll pay big money for any videos of politicos with families just hanging out when they don’t have to.
hm… even if you were correct, are you trying to say that’s an exclusively hispanic-politician thing, or democratic-politician thing? Pretty shaky ground there if you are…
it a great festival
#’s 1 and 2 Are Hispanic haters bent on perpetuating propaganda that when Hispanics gather there by definition are shootings.
The sinister ad hateful message behind the comments from these individuals is the reason behind the Arizona Law.
The strategy is demonize in order to enable inhuman treatment of fellow humans. It is a common practice from Hitler against the Jews to America against Blacks, Irish,
Chinese and other immigrant groups before the Mexicans.
Anti Mexican and Hispanic immigrant hate is today’s flavor of the day.
It is a minority spewing hate. A recent national poll shows that over 68% of US residents supports immigrant reform that includes amnesty.
“A recent national poll shows that over 68% of US residents supports immigrant reform that includes amnesty.”
I believe the correct figure is %68 of Santa Ana’s 4th street shoppers!
Ralph Mapf,
Yes you keep believing that . It is why you come acroSs as a IGNORAMUS
This is another poll:
ABC News/Washington Post Poll. April 21-24, 2009. N=1,072 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3. .
“Would you support or oppose a program giving illegal immigrants now living in the United States the right to live here legally if they pay a fine and meet other requirements?”
61% support
Art, you should stick to what you do best and that’s medical malpractice.
You should talk. Is this the best you have…..nothing? Oh yeah, you ARE good at bigotry.
“What’s the over/under on the number of shootings that will take place at this event over the next two days? I think 3 is a lock!”
What a gem of a perception of another community. You sure are a positive addition to society…….NOT!!!!
Crawl back under your rock.
Gentleman, stop been personal… but in reality this 5 de Mayo events is not even celebrate in the Mexican Republic, I dont know who in Santa Ana add this into the 4th Street events program,someone is making money and if you ask the merchants that has been on 4th Street for more than two decade, they are not happy at all.
Hope the Downtown Inc. or property owner will do something , to eliminate all this so call Cultural events.