Apparently part of Matthew Cunningham’s deal as wordsmith to the OC Children and Families Commission is to fill other functions from time to time – such as Ambassador to the Diocese of Orange with Dental Portfolio.
Here, in October and November 2007 we find Mr. Conservative Republican billing the taxpayers $200 an hour as coordinator of toothbrush distribution:
It seems as if the Commission was eager to insinuate itself into Catholic schools, too.
Read the rest of “Pacific Strategies and the Big Toothbrush Caper”
What a bunch of horseshit.
Why is’nt ANAYBODY calling them out on this?
This goes beyond Matt’s greed it represents a sytematic failure. nd worse, the guys that you would think woud stand up and say something ARE SILIENT!
That makes the LOC guys PUSSYS, and the OCR incompetent. Unless of course they are on the take too.
Who wrote this? Ah, Grover Cleveland. Tell him, Tony, how utterly passe it is to use “wordsmith” as a noun. Verb it, Grover! Cunningham has “a deal to wordsmith” or “to perform wordsmithing duties” for this commission.
Dear Vern,
This is an example of anthimeria, the rhetorical tool which substitutes one part of speech for another. It is also referred to as verbification. If used correctly it is effective.
I do not believe Mr. Cunningham is a “cunning” rhetorician and therefore unworthy of this unique rhetorical substitution.
In truth, I detest this “anthimeria,” and find it to be a symptom of the slow decline of our language. It picked up damn apace in the 90’s and hasn’t stopped.
Cunningham uses “wordsmith” as a verb in his bio, something me and Tony picked up on a while back and love to mock. Grover here is guilty of subpar mocking. IMHO that is.
This guy Jerbal is a jerk! Get rid of this leech sucking at the public’s expense.