NOTE later in the year: Damn! Twentieth-Century Fox only let us see this great clip for a short time around Cinco de Mayo. Can’t wait till it’s out. (September I think?) – Vern
Perhaps of Interest -
There own personal hell is their country!… ARE YOU CALLING MEXICO HELL? Bet the Mexicans are not going to like that…
WHO the hell listens to a bunch of actors, that doing nothing but workout and crap!
Please, F&*& off!
Sorry, God, how pathetic!
who cares what these overpaid liberal actors think. . thats like putting up a message to arizona from , john voight , gary sinese , who support the law .
Yeah but who wants to see Voight’s ugly old mug or Sinise’s pinched little face spouting anti-immigrant lines, unless we can expect rough justice against them in the closing reel?
Maybe Victoria Jackson can be the sexy love interest!
another action flick.
You got it, Cook, and with a timely subject, great actors, and evidently a brilliant and funny screenplay. I liked
“We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us!”
“It’s the law!” “There are many laws.”
Did Rodriguez come up with both of those?
We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us!”
IF the border crossed us, we would all be illegal immigrants in the nearest American state! including the dumbo actors/actresses.
old wrinkle face .vern put on some glasses robert rodriguez face has more wrinkles than a shirt out of the dryer . bobby d kind of has a bush feel to it . and they want to kill him . hmm lets make a movie killing nobama . well we cant do that he is a big lib . we will have race baiter al , and jessie come out to protest what a awful thing this is . but W ITS OK . these clowns like to break laws i guess and they put there own far left spin to it . he lets go down to mexico see if we can sneak in there . hope we dont get caught we will be tossed in jail . do we do that here ? we should
You dummy Grate One. That scary looking protagonist isn’t Rodriguez, it’s Trejo! And that DeNiro character isn’t like Bush at all – he’s an immigrant basher. That’s one thing W never was, bless his dopey heart.
no i like that guy haaaaa its that machete guy has all the wrinkles .