Should Steven Choi be at all worried about Don Wagner and Jerry Amante?

When Don Wagner ran for the 70th AD in 2004, he got 15% of the vote and came in third

Some of our readers are intimating that Don Wagner and Jerry Amante have a chance to win in the GOP primary for the 70th Assembly District.  They don’t.

I met with their opponent, popular Irvine Counciman Steven Choi, early in his campaign.  He conducted polling and the results were no bueno for Wagner and Amante.  Wagner came in at 2.5% of the vote!  Why would we expect anything else from an obscure school board trustee?  And Amante wasn’t in the game either.

We can actually see for ourselves how pathetic Wagner’s chances are.  He ran for this district before, in 2004.  He lost to Chuck DeVore, and it wasn’t close!  DeVore got over 25,000 votes, or 46.4% of the vote, according to Smart Voter.  Wagner came in third, with 8,143 votes, or 15% of the vote.  Why is anyone expecting him to improve on that?

To make matters worse, Wagner is a knuckle-dragging social nutter.  He is endorsed by the Family Action PAC and a slew of right-wing extremists.  This guy is completely out of touch with the average voter in his district.

What about Amante?  Like Choi, he ran for local office in 2008.  But Amante got 12,223 votes as a candidate for the Tustin City Council, according to Smart Voter, in a field of five candidates.   Choi got over 28,000 votes – and he came in ahead of Larry Agran in a field of ten candidates for the Irvine City Council, according to Smart Voter.   This time Choi is getting ALL the Irvine votes.

And Amante has a horrible record of raising fees.  Sure, he says he is against taxes, but click here to get the rest of the story about his efforts to increase water and toll road fees.

And click here to find out about the scumbags who have donated to Amante, including BP, the oil company that has ruined the Gulf Coast, ousted Assemblyman Mike “Drippy” Duvall, and Tom Daly’s wife, a Democrat!

The best part is that Amante and Wagner are fighting over the same turf.  Can you say vote split?  What a joke.  If one of them dropped out, Choi might have a problem.  But these goofs are just going to split the angry white voter base and LOSE.

There is another guy running named Jay Ferguson.  The poor guy works in real estate sales.  Sure, that is going to be attractive to voters. Dude has no chance of winning!

About Art Pedroza