This is a disturbing development, and I thought it best if everybody read it here first, in what’s pretty much friendly Choi territory. A complaint has been brought to DA Rackaukas (rather nakedly at the behest of Choi’s opponent Jerry Amante, under the name of Jerry’s Tustin council BFF Doug Davert) accusing Dr. Choi and his family of carpetbagging perjury and voter fraud! Given Jerry’s and Doug’s close connection to slimy Sacramento hit-firm Gilliard-Blanning-Wysocky, 70th AD Republicans should all be expecting a garish mailer first thing Monday, the day before vote-by-mail ballots come out.
I hesitate to bring any more publicity to these no doubt meritless charges, except that I think doing so here and now will enable my co-blogger Art to clear his friend Choi’s name. It’s best to get these issues out of the way and behind us now – it would be disastrous for them to pop up later in the general election! There are some – no strangers to this blog even – who consider perjury over residence a grave, disqualifying offense! (Even if it IS true that no OC politician has been punished for this infraction since approximately forever.)
I shudder to think that this little dust-up could end up helping the despicable Jerry “Toll-Road” Amante, who has been painfully keeping his tax-hiking nature in check as long as his campaign continues, essentially holding Tustin’s water department hostage and driving it to bankruptcy. Hence it’s best for Tustiners if his campaign ends in June and he can return to his usual pastime of regularly raising tolls on OC commuters. (And how mean is it that Jerry wants to put Dr. Choi’s whole family in jail? How would he feel if someone went after the English Springer Spaniels that he and his wife Nancy cart around to their poncy dog shows?)
I also worry about Dr. Choi, who seems to be an innocent, trusting soul known to wander around public events wearing signs that people slap on his back. I am certain that the mumbling educator would never knowingly commit an election violation punishable by “imprisonment for up to three years and being permanently barred from holding public office.”
What would be most lamentable of all is if this set-to between Amante and Choi ended up redounding to the benefit of the execrable Don Wagner, who – Art is absolutely correct – is an inveterate knuckle-dragging “social conservative,” a fanatic adherent of the Orwellian-named Education Alliance and a firm believer in bringing spanking into our schools. In any case, with things heating up as they are, this blog will do its best to keep you up to speed on the Food Fight to determine who will Face the Formidable Ms. Fox!
On a more serious note, the slimy Sacramento hit-firm Gilliard-Blanning-Wysocky is a coven of bungling incompetent asshats!
I already wrote about this previously. Choi is no carpetbagger.
Amante is a joke. I am glad he is in the race though as he guarantees that Wagner will also lose. They can tussle over the nutter base all they want. In the end Choi will win handily.
Just givin’ you a heads up – mailers are coming Monday, mark my words.
Amante came on strong in the beginning and then lost ground. He and his hatchet throwers have practically disappeared.
His name is Doug Davert(not Dave). And yes he is a smarmy little toad!
Thank you Flow! i had a feeling that was wrong, I wrote that whole post REALLY quick, with a gig coming up AND wanting to beat the Liberal boyz to the story as well. Gonna fix up a few things now……..
Regardless it doesn’t matter who comes out victorious. I understand most of YOU progressives are so Gung-ho about Melissa. She unfortunately for you won’t win in this election no matter how hard you campaign for her. Melissa has a problem of using the name “Right Winger” in almost all of her speeches. I even heard her on many occasions use the term “Teabagger”. Those are derogatory names in the eye of the public, and it can or will cost her the election. If you want to be a candidate, you need to be professional at all times. Not a person who resorts to name calling. Melissa has spent more time attacking the incumbent then explaining what she will do differently. Does she not have a game plan? Is she just another lawyer running for high office to further her career?.
Good luck Melissa you are going to need it. But again I don’t see you coming out the winner in this election.
Well said! These Dems should look at how Correa treats folks. He is fair to Reps and Dems alike. He is anything but a party hack.
I see nothing so far to indicate that Fox has a clue. Too bad. To win in a red district you would have to be one heck of a special Dem. She isn’t.
Sorry to burst your bubble – again – but Choi, who I know and like, is in fact a carpetbagger and this is the 2nd time in the last 2 years he’s done this to try to run for another seat. He and Harry Siduh are both nice guys and both have another thing in common as well: They both have so much ambition to climb the political ladder the wrong way that they have become very embarrassing perennial candidates for almost every seat that opens up near them.
Bottom line: Choi has no business running in this race which is why he has virtually no support in Republican circles and can raise little money outside his own loan. He will come in third in this race and the one most likely to win is Don Wagner, who has a long-time track record and who much better known around the District for his voting record and his support of conservative principals.
Choi is a carpetbagger.
Soothsayer? More like mentiroso!
I covered this already in a previous post. Choi is not a carpetbagger – not even close. He has owned – and lived in several properties in the district, and has run a business in the district for over 20 years!
And Choi represents much of the district on the Irvine City Council.
How is it that Wagner is going to win when he got 15% of the vote the last time he ran for this seat? Wagner is a goofball nutter, not unlike Sarah Palin. That won’t sell in this district! The voters rejected him before and will do so again.
Choi has the victory in the bag. May as well start prepping his new office in Sacramento.
Wagner had his kickoff at the Balboa Bay Club with a bunch of big shots drinking scotch and drinking cigars. And if the old adage “you are who you associate with” is true, then I don’t want any part of Wagner.
Art, As usual you talk with “authority” on that which you don’t know. Choi IS a carpetbagger. The home he currently lives in (in the 71st A.D.) is valued close to $1.5 million.
Who (Besides you) is going to believe for one second that Choi all of a sudden moved his entire family into a small apartment in the 70th A.D.? LOL!!!
The only reason Choi is running for the Assembly instead of Mayor of Irvine is because of Race over Principals! He won’t run against his Paisano, Democrat Suki Kang.
Instead, he cut a deal to leave him alone and jumped in late into the 70th against two fellow Republicans. Yeah, he’s a real “upstanding fellow” alright. No one has given him any money. No one is raising money for him. He has no campaign team to speak of. And, no one is endorsing him. He has no juice and no chance – other than to be a spoiler that prevents Wagner from winning it.
Again, BS. If Tony Rackauckas cleared Sidhu, who IS a carpetbagger, than Choi, who isn’t, has nothing to worry about. Again, we proved this already. I even provided the addresses of the properties Choi owns in the district.
The only reason he had to rent a property was because his other properties are leased. I assure you that he will either move into one of those or buy a new one once he wins, and he is going to win.
So what if Choi is not running for Mayor? Why should he? He can make a bigger difference in Sacramento, and you know that.
At the end of the day, if all Choi does is keep Wagner out, he would have done a good thing.
But the vote split is going to be between Amante and Wagner. They will split the white vote and Choi will win, hands down. It won’t be close.
Hm. Just a couple points, with the proviso that I don’t care who wins this primary, the Fabulous Ms Fox is ready for any of them:
First, like I said, no OC politician has ever been PROSECUTED for this “carpetbagging/perjury” rap since forever; that’ll remain true for Sidhu and Choi both. I think the question is what the voters will think of the charge, especially when the hits start coming in the mail – if not today then certainly this week. (irvine reeps, been to your mailboxes yet today?)
Second, you speak, Art, of “splitting the white vote” as though the whites in the 70th AD were some fragile minority – let alone, let me rephrase – whites a fragile minority WITHIN THE GOP-PRIMARY VOTERS of that district. And once the whites are split – HA! the mighty community of Koreans will ride roughshod over them! Seems like a stretch.
Although let me say I wish the best luck to Dr. Choi, who seems like the nicest of the bunch.
Allow me to clarify. Amante and Wagner are fighting over the same white, angry, nutter voters. I think the more sensible voters will be backing Choi.
Art, Allow me to respond to two of your statements:
“Again, BS. If Tony Rackauckas cleared Sidhu, who IS a carpetbagger, than Choi, who isn’t, has nothing to worry about” T-Rack didn’t “clear” Sidhu, he simply chose not to prosecute him. Vern is right about no one in the DA’s office going after carpetbaggers – Rackauckas has too many skeletons to go after fellow incumbent Repugs. However, the public has not taken kindly to the offense lately and I trust that will be the case with Choi as well.
“The only reason he had to rent a property was because his other properties are leased.” ROFLMAO!!! Art, that’s called C-A-R-P-E-T-B-A-G-G-I-N-G regardless of the reason!!!
“I assure you that he will either move into one of those or buy a new one once he wins” I guarantee you he won’t.
Choi has set aside his Christian principals for self-gratification already. But, by your rationale as long as a rapist moves in your neighborhood after violating your wife, that makes the guy legit…
I leave you with this: I assure you that Choi will promptly and quietly re-register to vote at his real home – the only one big enough for his family – after he loses the Primary Election to Wagner. He’s a nice guy but he’s done a bad thing. He needs to be held accountable.
Again, BS. Choi has lived in the district and his house is blocks away. And his business has been in the district for over twenty years.
Contrast that with Sidhu who had NO relationship with the Fourth Supervisorial District.
I don’t know that you want to bring up morals as there have been consistent rumors for months that Wagner has been involved in an extramarital dalliance. No confirmation of this but the rumors have been most troubling. It would not be a surprise given how many Bible-thumping Republicans have been busted for this in the past two years. No bueno!
The charges seems pretty well documented. What’s “unfortunate, totally unfair” about the charges? Have they been refuted, much less convincingly? Nope. Choi owns property in the district. So what? He lives elsewhere. Sidhu at least moved into the district. Choi just pretended to move into the district.
No, Sidhu got caught pretending to move into the district. Choi did rent an apartment and as I have stated previously he owns a number of properties in the district and has managed a business in the district for over twenty years. Choi also serves the people of Irvine, as a Councilman. Irvine is a good chunck of the district.
Sidhu had NO connection at all to the Fourth District.
#17, I attempted to telegraph the irony of my title with my choice of images, if you noticed. The true tone of my article is schadenfreude over a Republican food fight! And ribbing Art, who’s been trashing my girl Melissa.
I respectfully disagree with most of what you post on here, but at least you don’t usually stoop to the lowest level. Unfortunately, your apparent hatred for Don Wagner has left you in the goo reserved for hacks and rumor-mongers on both sides of the aisle. You couch your description of an alleged affair by Wagner as rumors, but then give credence to them by claiming that you believe they’re true. It’s sad you’ve stooped to such a level, and I hope you won’t resort to such tactics in the future. For the record, I know Don, and yes I am a supporter. I do agree with most on here that if Amante’s behind the Choi complaint, it’s an all too common disgraceful example of politics at its worst.