The O.C. Register published an article today about the money raised thus far by the candidate’s for the 1st Supervisorial District. However, they included the money that the candidates have loaned to themselves. No fair! There is no way to know if they actually intend to spend that money. So here is the rundown of the candidates and their money – I have listed what they have actually raised in italics:
Janet Nguyen – $215,000 (all raised – no loans)
Carlos Bustamante – $118,000 (all raised – but much of it with the help of Miguel Pulido & Curt Pringle, and a few misguided members of the Lincoln Club)
Mark Rosen – $54,000 (Plus $60,000 loaned to himself)
Trung Nuyen – $53,000 (Plus $100,000 loaned to himself)
Kermit Marsh – $0 (But he did loan $100,000 to himself)
Brett Franklin – $13,000 (No loans as of yet)
Lupe Moreno says she won’t be raising more than $1,000 for this campaign, and Larry “Television Producer” Phan has not turned in his financials yet, nor has Benny Diaz. The latter may benefit from some independent expenditures, but only if a few of the unions break his way. At this point it looks like most of the union money will go to Tom Umberg. It does not look like he has turned in his financials yet. Doesn’t matter – we know the unions will be spending over six figures to support him in independent expenditures.
It is readily apparent thus far that Janet Nguyen is not messing around – whereas Trung Nguyen has proven once more that he is not a viable candidate. The same goes for Kermit Marsh and Brett Franklin – but while they may not raise much money they each figure to get some votes due to their service as council members. Each also figures to hurt Carlos Bustamante in particular.
Rosen has raised a decent amount – but he did so when he was the leading Democrat candidate. That is not the case anymore. It will be much harder for him to raise money now.
You can pull up the candidate’s financial reports online at this link.
Janet needs a new photo without the props – this one is too “staged”.
Poster 1,
I found the picture on google images. I used it on purpose because she appears to be holding a trophy of some kind – appropos since she is the clear leader thus far of the GOP candidates – or all of them actually, in terms of money raised.
BTW, did anyone read Martin Wisckol’s interview with Lou Correa? It appears that Correa is not going to endorse Umberg – I can only hope he won’t be backing Bustamante. There have been rumors of such a devilish pact for some time. My guess is you might see Correa back Rosen over Umberg. That could be a real blow to the latter.
Hey Lou – what about Benny?
Eight men and two women.
Currently the BOS has 4 men on it.
Looks to me as the BOS needs a womans touch.
Santa Ana’s Lupe or Garden Grove’s Janet.
Lou should endorse Mr Diaz as Mr Diaz is the only true candidate that will be for the working people of Santa Ana and Garden Grove.
Art, you
If Carlos was smart would drop out now, edorse Janet, and pray she does not hold a grudge when she is Supervisor and calling him on the carpet for some screw up in his County job. He probably has enough to pay Lewis’s fees and and he loses no face by admiting he’s in way over his head. Hopefully he does the right thing.
Pat(ricia) Bates takes office in 9 days.
So really, before the election in February, it’ll be 3 men and 1 woman.
Electing Lupe Moreno or Janet Nguyen would make it 3 men to 2 women. Anyone else being elected would make it 4 men and 1 woman.
# 2 – to Art
Rumor I heard months ago is Democratic power structure wanted the party to distance itself from Umberg and called upon Correa to run for the Senate office, feeling he was less likely to get beaten by a Republican. If that is true, the Dem. party may again keep its distance from Umberg – something to watch. Of course, if he gets elected, then the party will cozy up to him again (if he will let them). Seems to me Umberg is a capable fellow, but who knows where political “king makers” will try and take this race —–
I forgot about Bates being elected.
So lets make it two.
Trung banner citing on the rail overpass on First St./Santa Ana.