There will be no Obama bump for Melissa Fox in the June Primary
You have to give Melissa Fox, one of two Democratic Party candidates running for the 70th Assembly District, some credit. At lease she doesn’t try to pretend that she is a fiscal conservative.
Fox advocates scrapping “the requirement that tax increases must win a two-thirds vote,” according to the O.C. Weekly. She also wants “Republicans to abandon their party’s anti-tax stance.”
The bad news for Fox is that a Field Poll released on March 2, of this year, made it very clear that California voters do not want higher taxes. They want reductions in spending:
California voters favor spending cuts over tax increases as the primary means of dealing with the state’s projected $20 billion budget deficit. Statewide 50% prefer that the state’s budget deficit be closed either entirely or mostly through spending cuts. Just 13% favor doing so solely or mostly through tax increases. Another 29% favor an equal mix of spending cuts and tax hikes.
Will the voters in the 70th Assembly District back a candidate who wants to increase our tax burden, during the worst recession in modern times?
No way! Incumbent Chuck DeVore, who is termed out, won by over 30,000 votes in 2008 – with Barack Obama atop the ballot. This year is a different scenario. The Democrats are in disarray. If anything, the GOP margin of victory in November might be even bigger.
Why would Fox make raising taxes the centerpiece of her campaign? Who the heck is advising this sorry candidate?
Ah, another substanceless attack on melissa, which I’ll have to get to after my gig tonight.
Still holding a torch for old Choi, eh?
“Substanceless?” You mean like making fun of a minority candidate because his English doesn’t sound like yours? You are the one who did that my friend.
What I did was point out that your candidate, Fox, wants to raise taxes even though a major statewide poll revealed the truth – most Californians do NOT want higher taxes. They want spending cuts.
Choi agrees with them, which is why he is the best of the three Republican candidates.
However, for those who are not registered Republicans, I recommend voting for Libertarian Debbie Tharp.
Considering that the Democratic Party is the same party that endorsed slavery, segregation, Prohibition (the propaganda for its justification had some overt and implied racial overtones) and the internment of Japanese American citizens during WWII, it doesn’t surprise me that Vern and his “progressive” Democratic Party apologists for Fox would resort to making cheap shots about Choi’s lack of “proper” English language skills. While I am no fan of Choi’s politics, I also don’t care for these Democrats who go out of their way to demonize ethnic minority candidates because they don’t subscribe to the collectivist belief that government is the be all, end all answer to all of our societal problems. All while claiming the mantle of “tolerance.” And these are the same people who hurl charges of racism against the Tea Party and Rand Paul? I’m glad I’m not a compliant, ethnic minority puppet on their plantation. Because deep down inside, it’s all about control of our economic and personal lives for the duopoly that is in power. Can’t upset Massas Boxer, Feinstein, Agran, Krom and Brown now, can we?
LibertyOC: i believe your post is incredibly misguided. While it is fair to argue principles, you lump democrats together with slave owners, racists, and prohibitionists, which is deplorable. And to wonder why the media lumps all the crazies and racists into the Tea Party faction.
Irvine Reporter,
I think that LibertyOC is referring to the checkered past of the Democratic Party. It was Lincoln and the Republicans who ended slavery.
Southern Democrats were racist for decades. Don’t forget that Al Gore’s father voted against the Civil Rights Act.
But those Democrats became Republicans and the Democratic Party changed substantially.
That said, today the Democrats talk a good game but at least here in the OC I don’t see that they are all that enthusiastic about minority candidates. Lou Correa and Loretta Sanchez won despite them, not because of them.
Today’s Democrats are all about growing the government and backing unions. That is a recipe for disaster!
Spending cuts? Right…people want those, as long as those cuts don’t affect them personally. Cut spending that affects OTHER people…THAT’s what people want. Let’s just come clean on that little reality, shall we?
And if folks think that we can solve these state and federal deficit problems JUST through spending cuts, well, I’d say you’re smoking some mighty strong bud.
if anon is who i think it is. their is not a tax hike that she is favor of . cut the public sector not the private WHO CREATES JOBS .
I agree that we need to do more than cut spending. That might include:
1. Going back to a part-time legislature and slashing legislators’ budgets and staff (including taking away their cars!)
2. Reform 3 Strikes
3. Decriminalize drugs
4. Decriminalize gambling
5. Reform public employee pensions
6. Install a state spending cap
7. Outsource every public job we can
We can save our state without spending more or taxing us more. Let’s start by making sure Fox loses in June, or at least in November!
Forgot to add one more – get rid of the death penalty!
I guess you missed the PPIC report that came out this week:
Raising income taxes for the wealthiest Californians: 67% support, 30% oppose.
Raising state taxes paid by California corporations: 58% support, 39% oppose.
Here’s what PPIC found when they asked whether voters preferred to raise taxes so as to prevent spending cuts (yes means they support taxes):
K-12 education: 69% yes, 29% no
Higher education: 54% yes, 43% no
Health and human services: 54% yes, 43% no
That’s right, Heather, thank you. But still we can’t let Art get away with saying that Melissa “wants higher taxes” when she’s specifically said she would never raise taxes for anyone but the very wealthiest, who are probably not reading this blog. Art and i have already been over the ways she and other progressive Dems would raise essential revenue – the oil severance tax, the decriminalization and taxation of pot, ending certain corporate loopholes from last year… but he doesn’t really care. He’s on a jihad against Ms Fox – because he loves Dr. Choi – and THAT’s mainly because the Liberal OC hates the good doctor!
It’s all very petty as usual. But I will have to respond with a new story, as that’s how Art and I roll. Also I’ve noticed anything either of us writes about this race gets a lot of hits, so we both like that.
Really, if I were possessed of a Choi-Crush as Art is, I wouldn’t be focusing all my wrath on Melissa when it’s FAR from certain Choi will get thru the GOP primary (I really hope he does!) If I were Art, and googly-eyed over Dr. Choi, I would be focusing on criticizing Amante and Wagner, who are much more an immediate danger to Choi’s prospects, and I think almost all of us here would agree, more of a danger to our democracy. Is that too rational?
Two things I gotta respond to that are too stoopid to put into my story –
Is it racist (anti-Korean) of me and others to make fun of Choi’s limited English abilities? Of course not – folks that throw around the word “racist” so easily really cheapen it and drain it of all meaning. for one thing, we all know plenty of people – mexican-americans, viets, korean-americans – for whom English is a second language, and they are perfectly comprehensible. For another, it’s generally the first thing most people seem to notice about Dr Choi. It’s not the most substantive criticism that could be made of him, but it does make him a weak candidate, for both June 8 and Nov. 2.
A Korean-American girl once told me, when teaching me some Korean, that you need to “mumble” if you want to really sound Korean. That’s all well and good, but Dr. Choi is trying to be an American politician, and communication is one of a politician’s most important jobs!
Finally Liberty OC is really hitting rock bottom as a commenter. He should stick to just writing about his overriding passion, marijuana. This whole “the Democrats are a racist party because they were the slaveholders in the 1850’s and the southern segregationists in the 1950s” is totally lame, and also something the GOP has been trotting out lately in the wake of the Rand Paul controversy (and notice again that I’ve never called young Rand racist!) The party I’m a member of, that I’m devoted to improving, that I have a love-hate relationship with like any of us thinking, progressive Democrats, famously “lost the south for a generation” when we pushed through civil rights. So, try to convince blacks, Latinos, Asians, that we’re the racist party. Good luck on that fool’s errand, you might get a couple wackos falling for it. Like yourself.
OK, more substantive response in a new story: “Melissa: the Grownup Choice for 70th AD.”
Irvine Reporter. How is my post misguided? Read your history and tell me that these things did not happen under your party’s watc. It’s funny that the Democrats start crying when the charges of racism get thrown back in their faces. Especially when it is coming from someone who they label as an ethnic minority. After all, the members who subscribe to your party’s philosophy of government being the be all, end all solution to solving our problems. Don’t worry, the compliant Republicans are no better either.
What both poltical parties have done is create a permanent underclass with their meddling in people’s economic and personal lives. Don’t believe me? Take one look at the condition of our inner cities and tell me how “compassionate” government is. But when we want to talk about reform, be it legalizing drugs and offering free market solutions to alleviate the problems in our inner city, government comes in like the overbearing co-dependent person and tries to kill anything that would lessen people’s dependence on them by throwing out charges of racism at those ho are trying to help. No, we don’t want to talk about the elephant in the room because we’re from the government and people who help create jobs are bad. We care a lot. Private sector: bad. Government bureaucracy: good.
This is the Democratic Party formula: More dependence on government=more compliant people=more votes. How is that different from their 19th century philosophy of keeping the slaves on the plantation in line? Maybe you don’t literally issue 40 lashes with a whip to keep the slaves in line, but instead you use the blunt force of government power to threaten us instead.
Who are the real racists now?
Vern, on top of your points about Democrats/racism, there’s also the historical reality that, ideologically, the two parties have flip-flopped between now and, say, the mid 1800s. A Democrat today would have been a Republican then, and vice versa. It’s not an EXACT mirror image, but it’s true to a large degree.
Irvine Reporter. How is my post misguided? Read your history and tell me that these things did not happen under your party’s watch.
DUDE. Irvine Reporter is a Republican. He’s just a Republican who knows when to call bullshit.
Jesus. I hope “LibertyOC420” is not that same young Latin man who used to write as “El Luchador.” That would make me sad.