I was surprised when I heard that the Santa Ana Police Officer’s Association (SAPOA) pulled their endorsement for Hunt. Something in this story just didn’t sound right so I called Bill this morning to get his take:
Bill Hunt was hired by attorney Ricardo Nicol to help look at a criminal defense case of Victor Manuel Lua who is charged with a Santa Ana assault and robbery. Early on Nicol and Hunt found holes in the prosecutor’s case. The suspect was a known gang associate of the Santa Ana street gang known as F-Troop who has a prior conviction on his record. Right there most of us would say case closed, guilty as charged. However, the justice system doesn’t work that way.
In this case, Nicol and Hunt had to look a little deeper. The suspect had completed his four years of probation without any further legal troubles and appeared to be getting his life together. Ok, no violins please. At the time the crime occurred, the suspect was not in the vicinity. Hunt says the cell phone records don’t lie.
Read the rest of “Hunt Helps Defend Innocent Latino While the Union Plays Politics”
The Santa Ana PD POA should be ashamed of themselves. I also believe Chief Walters & OCDDA Susan Kang Schroeder have just thrown their own case. Assuming that it goes to trial they have just given the defense a great excuse to have the case tossed. What a bunch of morons. But what do you expect from the pupet masters who brought us Mike Carona and now Craig Hunter. http://www.whoiscrighunter.com
Your ‘innocent latino’ was armed with a semi-automatic hand gun at the time of his arrest. He used it to hit the victim in the head while robbing him. Congrats to the suspect for completing his probation. What does that mean? Just means he is on his way to becoming a career criminal. And what does that mean for you? It means that you are one of Attila the Hunt’s mindless followers who believes the crap that spews forth from his mouth every time he opens it.
Sorry pal. No gun was found. Nothing lines up. Stay tuned…. You are obviously a Santa Ana cop. No “code of silence” pass for you guys. Tell Perez he’s a management hack while you are at it.
A Santa Ana cop who hath such a way with the English language? Surely a marvel of nature.
LOL…Thanks, Vern. Contrary to the beliefs of Hunttown’s Kool Aid Quaffers, I use my powers of the English language for good, not evil. 🙂
P.S. Flopper: I am neither a Santa Ana Cop nor any other kind of cop. Guess again!
Since I’m mouthin’ off on this, let me make clear my somewhat nuanced position:
NUMBER ONE: Like Sean and Art, I oppose Bill Hunt becoming OC sheriff. I’m willing to believe that, like Rand Paul, he’s not personally racist, but he IS the racists’ candidate, as he makes clear with his famous associations. I can’t tell how deeply he thinks things through, but at one level or another he’s a monomaniacal power-hungry freak, and has decided to latch on to today’s anti-Latino backlash. His Arpaio-inspired draconian immigration ideas are not what the OC needs (even if they are ARGUABLY what AZ needs) and his other lock-em-all-up plans are both something civil libertarians should oppose, and something we taxpayers can’t afford.
NUMBER TWO: The SAPAO sure does SUCK, but at least they’re no longer inconsistent – they noticed the same thing as Sean did yesterday. The fact that they excoriate Shawn Nelson for helping a defendant have his constitutional rights, and do the same thing to Bill Hunt, shows that they’re not real defenders of the law, justice and the Constitution, but defenders of the idea that the cops and DA are always right. So we have a real clash of different AUTHORITARIANS here… but I think Bill Hunt is the more devious and dangerous.
Have I mentioned I support Sandra Hutchens? The worst charge I’ve heard against her is that she withdrew conceal-and-carry gun permits from a buncha Carona cronies who got them as political favors. If that’s her low point, then… FOUR MORE YEARS!!!
The Santa Ana PD union not endorsing Bill Hunt is a good thing…… for Bill Hunt
I did call and complain about his campaign signs being illegally planted in front of the Costa Mesa PD…..they’re gone..
Hunt is NOT Law Enforcements choice!!!
Ask any REAL cop! HUNT IS A HACK!!!
Learn more about this incident at:
Hunt believes in protecting everyone’s rights. A P.I. present the facts their not lawyers they just help make sure innocent people don’t go to jail and sometimes they do. Really a shameless smear attempt which FAILED!!
‘Santa Ana PD never checked out my kid’s story. They never talked to his family to see if my client was telling the truth,” Nicol said. He added that there are other inconsistencies in the case: the victim described his assailant as a male hispanic, 17 years old, 5-feet, 7 inches tall, weighing 140 pounds. Lua is 20 years old, 5-feet, 10-inches tall, weighing about 175, Nicol said.
Both assailants wore blue jeans, Nicol said. Lua was in basketball shorts and flip-flop sandals — and he was driving a truck, not riding a bike, he said.
Moreover, Lua had a job and was arrested with $100 in his pocket, as well as his own cell phone, Hunt added.”
MQ says:
Its hilarious how the hispanics and pro-hispanic will throw the underserved and the vulnerable under the bus to get their guy!
OCDDA Susan Kang Schroeder, The Santa Ana PD POA, Chief Paul Walters, KCBS Dave Lopez and the rest of team Mike Carona don’t look so great now. I guess their character assassination aimed at Bill Hunt has been an epic fail… If you need to get caught up with this group’s background story, check out the following links.
Might I suggest that if you are concerned with the lack of morals of these folks and possible crimes they have committed, you should contact their supervisors and give them your two cents. I’d also consider filing complaints with their employers and regulating bodies as well. I’d use words like collusion, conspiracy, witness tampering, attempting to interfere with an election, etc.
Orange County Deputy District Attorney, Susan Kang Schroeder
Public Affairs Counsel
Office: 714-347-8408
Orange County District Attorney (For Susan Kang Schroeder, Chief Paul Walters, Dave Lopez)
State Bar of California Attorney Complaint Hotline (For Susan Kang Schroeder)
California Attorney General (For Chief Walters, Susan Kang Schroeder, Dave Lopez)
Santa Ana Police Department (For Chief Walters)
Internal Affairs
(714) 245-8665
Complaint Form
KCAL / KCBS (For Dave Lopez)
Ask for the News Director
I would also file a Federal Communications Commission Complaint against the station. Follow the link for Broadcast TV.
Santa Ana Police Officers Association (Be polite and urge them to support Bill Hunt)
President Joe Perez
Please do not ask the union to support him, the fact they do not is a very, very good thing!
Trust me!
Wow, i would like to know how the SAPOA President came up with a 560 panel that voted to endorse The Lt? Since when someone comes in front of POA Associations to get an endorsement it is the 11 or so table top who vote. So show me were you sent out the votes like the Deputies did? Bill Hunt is a honest man who went against Sheriff Carona 4 years ago who made him retire early because he ran aginst him as Sheriff. He did what any retired cop would do become a PI. Like he had a choice. He has a family to feed! I am sure their are retired SAPD that are PI’s. So being the very political person that i am you hit a nerve. So now show me were the whole PD voted SAPOA? I have known Lt Bill Hunt for a very long time and his family and he will make a AWESOME SHERIFF OF OC!! I am working hard to make that happen to!
Karen A Finn
Civilian speaking out wanting to know the truth
Police & Fire & Military Who Have Died In The Line Of Duty. Let It Serve To Remind Us Of The Sacrifice These Officers Made On Their
“Last Watch”
Aren’t you a Democrat? You support Hunt’s racism and his racist supporters, including Joe Arpaio, Barbara Coe and Jim Gilchrist? Wow. Not sure what to make of that.
Art, Hunt is not a racist, nor are the vast majority of people – including many, many Hispanics/Latinos, who oppose illegal immigration.
No one is buying what you’re selling Art – you’re a predictable sell-out, screaming racism at every opportunity.
Wrong. If Mexicans were white, blond and spoke English you would open the gates for them. You people are xenophobic and yes, you are racists.
Karen is a somewhat eccentric Democrat.
Bill Hunt came down to our DFA meeting four years ago when he was running against Carona, and we all thought he seemed like an honest guy, and brave to take on his boss, and open-minded enough to talk to a bunch of progressive Democrats. So some of us supported him, but others not because of his extreme lock-em-all-up views.
But now with all his embracing of latino-bashers (while even claiming he’s not anti-latino) I know very few Democrats who are backing him.
Totally one sided inaccurate info. and reporting. This issue goes way deeper. Get the facts and all the info. before you make a decesion on who to vote for. I personally like Bill Hunt and feel he’s probably qualified to be Sheriff but he needs to decide what side he wants to be on. If he wins the election, he’s a potential witness on every case he’s done defense work on. So will the newely elected Sheriff be testifying for criminal gang defendants after he takes the office of the highest law enforcement officer in the County? This is a totally real possiblitly and he knows it. He’s also misrepresented facts in his prior statements made to the press on this subject and has opened up judgement issues with many voters. When it’s all said and done, Bill Hunt will be a politician and we all pretty much know a politician is going to do what mostely benifets him.