The folks at Red County/OC Blog have been working overtime to scan and post Carlos Bustamante’s mailers. Here are three examples of the two sides of Bustamante, in one the CRA touts him as he swings to the right, in the other the Democrats depict his blue side via an independent expenditure, and in the final one the O.C. Taxpayers Association takes a swig of Kool Aid and embraces Bustamante’s red side:
Perhaps of Interest -
Thanks Art for having the guts to tell it like it is. I’ve always thought Carlos is a switch hitter and now you have proved it!
Nice job Art. Carlos is a political chameleon of the first order.
The Bustamante mailers are abundant. What’s with Robby Richardson’s absence from the laundry list of endorsees?
The folks at Red County/OC Blog have been working overtime to scan and post Carlos Bustamante’s mailers.
Actually, Art, we’ve been working overtime to scan and post all the candidates’ mailers, not just Carlos’.
JUBAL is right—the Reds @ OC Blog have been an equal opportunity mailer poster.
I actually think that posting the mailers by OC Blog and Orange Juice(who does it only randomly) cuts down a little on the “outrageous” factor in late hit pieces. Before, a late hit piece would arrive too late for response of any serious kind. Now, at least the blogs have the ability to out shameless scuds. So there is a small bit of deterrence in that posting ability for which we should all be thankful.
I never said otherwise. For the purposes of my post, which was about Bustamante, I did not feel it necessary to reference your other work. But yes, your crew has done a nice job of covering the mailers in this race.