SAUSD to blame teachers for problems at low performing schools

It looks like the administrators at the Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) are getting ready to blame their teachers for the woes at the district’s “Persisently Low Achieving Schools.”

Below is an email that the teachers’ union sent to their members, announcing their plans to fight back against the lame administrators at the SAUSD: 


For several weeks, SAEA has requested a copy of the Persistently Low Achieving Schools (PLAS) plan and a description on how the District plans to involve teachers in the process. Every time we were assured, by the Superintendent and members of her Cabinet that teachers would have input in the content of the application. Furthermore, at the last School board meeting, the Superintendent told the School Board that teachers would have input and this would not be a top-down process.

SAEA and the District have been in negotiations regarding the articles in the collective bargaining agreement that affect the PLAS schools. The Bargaining Team asked on several occasions to see the plan, the District told us there was no plan formulated for the six schools. Finally, on Friday afternoon, the Bargaining Team got a copy of the application and we were outraged at its content.

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About Art Pedroza