On June 7th a few of us took a banner onto a public sidewalk along a freeway overpass in Fullerton to participate in constitutionally-protected free speech in support of Bill Hunt for Sheriff. Almost immediately, a CHP officer told us to leave or we would be ticketed and removed.
Citing the 1st amendment, we declined and held our position for nearly an hour.
Eventually backup arrived and we were threatened multiple times with arrest, although the officers would not say which law was being violated. Here is a clip of the event, which reveals several disturbing statements made by the officer.
We decided to leave after the officer began to quiver with anger and his threats of arrest became more forceful.
The officer then suggested that we were being paid and then made disparaging remarks about the candidate who we were supporting.
Not surprising. Police sometimes ignore free speech rights. My understanding is that you were within your rights to hold a banner, but attaching it to the fence would not have been legal.
Once I was threatened with arrest for handing out political leaflets during the Orange Street Fair, even though I was standing a block away from the entrance. I backed down then, but I wouldn’t back down today, and neither should any of us.
HAHA sounds like a very SMART CHP officer!!!
Even he knew Bill Hunt IS a loser!!!
So are you wimps going to file a complaint against the CHP? Stop snibbing.
Yeah this is bullshit. You guys were completely within your rights as long as you periodically move a little bit while you hold up your signs. Freeway blogging as I do is more in a legal gray area, but you guys weren’t breaking any law.
Although I understand not wanting to waste your day going to jail and fighting it. Any badge numbers?
#2 Hill Bunt, that’s not funny. Remember, first they came for the Huntista Fringers…
these are the same knucleheads that actually placed bill hunt signs on the pegestrian walkway on the 22 freeway and on the overpass by city drive.
yeah, these guys have protected rights but don’t act like the campagns actions were all legal. Hunt and Van Tran were the biggest violators of placing those big signson or on frrewat structures or fences…following the law doesn’t apply when the campaign season is in full swings, next time place the signs on private proprty not public
Hey Joe, what are you babbling about? I didn’t place any signs on freeway structures.
Someone in your camp did. 22 freeway on the only pedestrian walkway on the 22 freeway, where Janet are at . And I don’t babble.
Baby’s babble. You guys lost. You are pissed so don’t getabble work into saying dum stuff…babbling
Seems your freaking sign waving didn’t help the cause, maybe pissed off some people because of the stopping and staring.
I support the police and the fine job they do to keep the traffic moving and rid this fine country of lawbreakers. These rallies that just incite people feelings, or worse cause for traffic delays might be okay for someone who took the day-off or doesn’t work but ask the person 5 miles behind the bottleneck if it okay for you to delay time from his family so you can get your five already votes secured.
Try a busy street corner next time and perhaps you might want to have an American flag or dress up patriotic or something.
You guys looked like you came from the beach. I have seen day labors during tax season dress more patriotic that you so called freedom of speech whiners.