I just received this update on the current status on an important institution on Orange County that has helped the community here live together a little more peaceably throughout the decades. Read the following message about the would-be fate of the OC Human Relations Commission:
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The Orange County Human Relations Commission may be eliminated tomorrow (6/15)! This is your last chance to show your support for the Commission to the Board of Supervisors.
The Supervisors have the difficult job of making cuts to the budget this week and they need to hear from OC residents! The OC Human Relations Commission is here thanks to the support of the Supervisors and if we are to continue to have this support we need to let them know that the community supports our budget and values human relations in OC.
The Orange County Board of Supervisors created OC Human Relations in 1971 to foster mutual understanding among residents and eliminate prejudice, intolerance and discrimination in order to make Orange County a better place to live, work and do business. For the past 39 years, we have worked with law enforcement, cities, businesses, schools, courts, community organizations and residents to Develop Diverse Leaders, Build Understanding and Respect, Create Safe and Inclusive Communities and Mediate Conflicts.
Did you know?
o We provide the only Police Community Reconciliation Program in the county.
o Our BRIDGES Program touched 49,000 Orange County students last year.
o We serve over 3,600 residents each year through our free mediation services.
o We take a stand against hate and intolerance in your communities and educate others to do the same.
Please join us in the urgent call to action:
Tomorrow the Orange County Board of Supervisors will be making a landmark decision on the OC Human Relations budget which could potentially eliminate the agency. We need you to contact your supervisor and write a letter of support for OC Human Relations Commission. Now would be a great time to thank the members of the Board of Supervisors for their support of OC Human Relations Commission and ask for their continued support this budget year. You can contact them directly or you can come to the hearing tomorrow.
The decision will most likely be made tomorrow afternoon, June 15, 2010. Please attend the meeting to speak and show your support if you can. Please call my colleague Rafa Solorzano to get details about the hearing at 714-390-0814. Click on the link below for directions:
To watch the meeting or voice your comments online go to:
I shudder to think what county life would be like without the OCHR. To see what county life was like before its creation, readers can take a second look at the cover story OC Weekly Staff Writer Gustavo Arellano and I did last September. In these current times when economic hardships have already brought tensions and resentments among differing classes of peoples to the surface, the future will be much more caustic without its existence!
OMG, I shutter to think!
Wise up, this is just another “Thank you for illegal immigrants” scam!
MQ: Your VERY existence proves that OCHR is still VERY much needed!
Yeah she shutters to think – shutters her mind I imagine.
Newport harbor students for “SOCIAL JUSTICE”
Just another scam developed and run by left wing con men!
This is a complete waste of taxpayer money and is one of many Social Justice Programs that is indoctrinating the kids with left wing crap!
My very existence proves that if i can tolerate left wing maniacs, then OCHR is just a waste of space!
People can generally tolerate anyone, but what people can not tolerate is a collective group of people who feel they are entitled to “social Justice”, code words for “take from the winner and give to the loser”!
Yes, for GOD SAKE wise up Orange County supervisors, WASTE this left wing crap!
Ms. Quinn,
This Human Relations Commission educates people. The more we understand differences and foster tolerance the better our society is as a whole. Undoubtedly, your ethnic group is included in the educational programs.
This Agency is useless. Time for it to go. We can’t afford crap like this.
adios senor kennedy, vamanos muchachos
“Ms. Quinn,
This Human Relations Commission educates people. The more we understand differences and foster tolerance the better our society is as a whole. Undoubtedly, your ethnic group is included in the educational programs.”
MQ says;
Nice speech, I was just waiting for the “underserved, vulnerable and needy shit”
Here is how you foster tolerance “I am NOT here to cater to you”.
You come to this country you learn the values and culture, not the other way around. To your female Muslim Director at OCHR ….. If a muslim man refused to shake my hand because I am a woman. I would not be very TOLERANT of that!
So stop spreading your anti-female culture in the USA women are EQUAL to men!
If you don’t like it, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!
That usually works, its called creating an understanding!
Gabriel – thanks for posting this!
Crap is right, I cannot believe what they are teaching in the public schools!
You just need to look at who the directors are and get a clue what this organization is really about…. Brain washing!
Useless commissions need to go, and this is the very definition of a useless commission.
The Commission need not be ended, just that the feeding at the taxpayers’ trough should stop. Let them raise money in the community and/or from faith based organizations (churches) if their function is so valuable. Their annual awards banquet is an exploitation of the community itself and seeing that come to an end would be wonderful.
OCHR is underfunded as is and already has a non-profit side. It’s a miracle it exists in Orange County. It is my hope that it continues on. Los Angeles has a HR Commission that was founded after the Zoot Suit Riots. The clash of the Black Panthers in OC and the SAPD spurred the founding of the OCHR here. Anyone who fails to see the value in it is clueless.
God, who would have known a bunch of racist, whack out panthers would get in to trouble!
But you know all that love and understanding sure made a difference…
The cops are here to protect us from whack jobs such as the black pansies not have tea with them!
God Save Us from liberal hell~
🙂 You can’t help but laugh at these nuts!
Yeah, I see the value alright, its called dollars for nothing!
Good thing you bring up the police. The OCHR has been vital to community policing. it’s one of its primary functions. Now OC is still a place where a cop can kill an innocent black man with near impunity (julian alexander anyone?) but it would be a lot worse if things hadn’t changed from the way they were in the late 60s. We have the OCHR to thank in part for that.
Do the right thing supervisors.
Almost 5 years ago, in July, 2005, then-mayor Allan Mansoor, led the movement to shut down the Costa Mesa Human Relations Committee – a volunteer group that had served the community for nearly 20 years! They gave the committee no notice – they de-funded them one week and abolished the committee the next without so much as an acknowledgment of the contribution made over the years.
This was the first step in what has turned out to be an orchestrated effort by Mansoor and his cronies to disenfranchise minorities within the city. Many of the others are well-documented: The closure of the Job Center; imposition of non-solicitation ordinance (which is in litigation now); attempts to make every Costa Mesa cop a de facto ICE agent; the placement of an ICE agent in the Costa Mesa jail and, most recently, the resolution to proclaim Costa Mesa as a “Rule of Law City”.
The loss of the county Human Relations Commission will be tragic and, unfortunately, may be a sign of the times…
I agree that organizations that feed “at the taxpayers’ trough” should be eliminated. This would include eliminating most of the tax incentives for major corporations, corporations that don’t pay corporate income taxes, and any other corporation that feeds off of the taxpayer tit while reaping the benefits for shareholders and CEOs.
Say it with me . . . . END (CORPORATE) WELFARE! Make these people get jobs in the real world, and get off the government benefit.
Its is a sign of the time’s and the sign says, “No more stupid left wing programs’.
Get off the backs of corps, because they are the greedy bastards that feed your family!
You don’t have to agree with them or like them…But their greedy, ever working brains keep people fed!
The only Welfare I want to get rid off is Social Welfare!
Does that mean Rusty Kennady will have to get a real job? That’s so unfair and biased!
The Potstirrer: You’ve got it spot on 100%
…But these people here would have probably even been against the Freedmen’s Bureau had they been around during Reconstruction!
PS, I don’t know how this post got trashed, but it’s back now!
I have been to several programs that the HRC has helped put on. They were open for everyone to attend. I enjoyed each of these I attended and was able to learn a little about the heritage of the many different peoples who make up our diverse county.
I think providing entertaining and educational programs to promote understanding is a very important thing to do. If you do not want to learn, see some great entertainment, try some new foods and learn some interesting facts about different parts of the world then that is your loss.
It would be a shame and a loss for all if the HRC is defunded.
So, LA started a similar commission after the zoot suit riots. Everything has been just peachy since that commission was formed, right? In your dreams. This Orange County Commission is nothing but a group of people enthralled by their own perceived self-importance who engage in an annual fight to keep receiving taxpayer dollars in order to exploit the vulnerable and leaderless in the community. Wake up to exploitation when you see it staring you in the face!
Of course the role of commissions are limited. In OC, It is a rare progressive development, however, and as such needs to be preserved. Counties, though not peachy all the time, would be worse off without them.The same interests that seek its demise are more often the same interests that perpetuate/support policies that increase class/race divisions and everything that comes with it…
hey rusty, how is margo these days? all grown up, I’m sure.
totally this n that, does orange county human relations council keep in touch with sidekick margoo out of the bed? does the orange county human relations still keep in touch with shakira jane fonda? how is credit card and voter registration coming along in the good ole OC?
duh, my meds temporarily wore off but granny rocks in her head gave me some of hers and I mean credit card and voter registration FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!