FL US Senate Candidate Rubio energizes OC GOP

We actually had two earthquakes this evening. Many felt one at 9:30 but 700 of us were at the Irvine Hyatt Regency Hotel as Marco Rubio, Florida candidate for US Senate, knocked it out of the park 30 minutes earlier. I refer to the Annual Republican Party of OC Flag Day Salute. 

After attending a fund raiser in Corona Del Mar Mr. Rubio arrived in time for photos with several of the attendees. At the same time the mob scene gathered in front of the ballroom doors engaged in the silent auction and networking as we awaited the commencement of the dinner program. It was a “who’s who” of local Republican politics. I spoke to Congressman Dana Rohrabacher who told me that he had to catch a red eye back to DC after his part of the program. Several south OC city council members representing three different cities told me that they had no problems with CR&R’s rubbish removal but that’s not the topic tonight. 

Assembly Member Diane Harkey was present along with her new Chief of Staff who was just hired. I spoke to Congressional candidate Van Tran and joked with him for not returning my calls for an OJ interview. He did give me his cell phone number for a future contact. 

The Probolsky brothers were there along with former Lincoln Club president Buck Johns. Representing the world of education were Capo School District Trustees Anna Bryson and Ken Maddox, current South Orange County Community College District president and Assembly Candidate Don Wagner, Trustee Nancy Padberg and former Trustee Steve Frogue. 

One race yet to be decided is in the 4th District for the OC BOS. Steve Spernak and fellow blogger Tony Bushala were there supporting Fullerton councilman Shawn Nelson who will be in a run off election against Anaheim councilman Harry Sidhu who is supported by Steve Sarkis who was also present. 

The future of the OCGOP: Dana Rohrabacher with Pat Soriano and Joy Ferlauto.

As to the event let me simply say that Congressman Dana Rohrabacher surprised all of us with a patriotic invocation song he wrote and played on his guitar. He was followed by Board of Equalization Member Michelle Steel who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. 

GOP Chairman Baugh than introduced Ralph Reed, Chairman, Faith and Freedom Coalition who, during his warm up for the senate candidate, told us “we’re going to have a Senate free of Barbara Boxer.” 

Villa Park Council member Deborah Pauly had the honor of introducing the keynote speaker. She opened stating that someone is not afraid to take on his party. 

Let me suggest that readers do a Google check on Marco Rubio. What a powerful life story. Marco was born in Miami, FL. to Cuban born parents who came to America after Fidel Castro took over that country. He is a living testament to the opportunities open to anyone who is willing to put out the effort. He told us that there is opportunity in America for anyone. Based on his history we could not disagree. In his remarks, without use of a TelePromptor, Mr. Rubio stated “where else can an employee become an employer.” He wants to “redefine the role of government in America.” American people believe that everything that’s wrong with American can be fixed. He went on to chastise the GOP’s Contract With America pointing out that Republicans fell in love with power. He does not support the notion that we should become like Democrats. “The country already has a Democratic Party. Why do we need another one?” 

Marco Rubio photo op

Fred Whitaker family with Marco Rubio 

He stated that “people in charge today don’t believe in the Free Enterprise system.” They believe that western Europe has it right, like Greece.” 

As to his suggestion for winning the Latino and Hispanic voter he pointed out to the various jobs taken by his father to provide for his family. “Economic empowerment is the single most important issue for Hispanics. The Free Enterprise system.” 

He sums up the Obama policy failures in three words. “Abandon, appeasement and retreat.”
He also told us that Iran is not going to abandon its nuclear effort even in the UN sends a strong letter of condemnation.
“This election is a Referendum on our Nation. Our children will live with the consequences.”

He closed by saying that “most of you cannot vote for me, but when I get to Congress I will vote for you.” 

As pointed out in his close Chairman Baugh reminded us that Marco is not the establishment candidate. He than proceeded to raise funds to help Marco in his campaign.
Notes. While Moderate Governor Charlie Crist once held a commanding 30 point lead over Conservative former Speaker Marco Rubio over the past six months that lead has basically vaporized to where it is now inside polling margins of 3 percent making it a toss up today. FL Gov Crist is running as an Independent with Rubio being the Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate. 

Yes, there was an earthquake in Orange County tonight.

About Larry Gilbert