I am not an annelid.
I couldn’t help but notice that Red County’s resident hypocrite, Matthew J. Cunningham, who makes his living off of Rob Reiner’s massive income redistribution scheme called Prop 10 did a post today on Florida Senate candidate Marco Rubio who delivered the big speech at last night’s GOP Flag Day party.
Sweet Lord. Did Rubio praise Republicans who make there living sucking at the teat of the Welfare State? Maybe he did. I wasn’t there.
Here’s a Cunningham tribute:
Read the rest of “Matthew Cunningham, Big Government Leech, Lauds ‘Rising Star’ of GOP”
That loud sucking sound you heard while reading Jerbals post was him planting a big wet one on Rubio’s backside! He’s hoping he can get hired to do work for him on the West Coast in a National election. I like how he praises Rubio for almost never mentioning the word Republican. Say what? Why would I pay big coin to attend a Republican Flag day event only to hear a guy from Florida who is not proud of his political party? I’d vote for Jeb Bush long before I’d waste my vote this 38 year old.
Loud sucking sound.
As I attended and covered the event for the Juice let me advise readers that Mr. Rubio told us that Jeb Bush was a mentor to him. Unlike the overwhelming majority in the hotel on Monday I told Marco that I have siblings and friends living in Florida who I will contact on his behalf.
Your blind faith is what led to the Tea Party uprising in this country.
Did you vote for Abel M and Mike V? Just curious.
After Jerbal threw stink bombs at Republicans for months, is he pretending to be a Republican? Now that Republican candidates are asked to take a pledge of no union funds, how about a pledge of no association with Jerbal?
Saw this post on the subject on the other blog:
“We must do whatever we can to make sure Crist loses and Marco wins! We are looking at the first Hispanic V.P. or President of the United States and he happens to be CONSERVATIVE! Go Rubio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
These are the same O.C. Republicans who just a few years ago said that Lupe Moreno and Alexandra Coronado were working with Dale Dykama and Fuentes and Baugh to build the Lincoln/Juarez center in Santa Ana. This was part of the master plan to get all the Latinos in O.C. to re-register as Republicans. How’s that plan working out for you O.C.GOP?
And you think that 39 year old Rubio won’t get into trouble along the way? Anyone whose presence helps sell Flag Day tables is the next O.C.GOP hero.
As a famous singer once said:
Dream On Dream On Dream On
Dream until your dreams come true
Dream On Dream On Dream On
Dream until your dream comes through
Dream On Dream On Dream On
Dream On Dream On
Dream On Dream On
Forget that. Did you see the horrendous outfit Laura “Salcido” Cunningham was wearing?
Maybe he does need the PROP 10 job. She needs some SERIOUS fashion advice!
Part school Mom, part wannabe publico, man those guys are something else.