Is this prisoner really a threat to anyone?
I have written before about how much money our state could save by getting rid of the death penalty and reforming three strikes. And now yet another idea has cropped up regarding our prisons that could save even more.
SB 1399 (Leno) would establish a medical parole program for the state’s most seriously ill prisoners, according to the Public CEO blog.
From a fiscal perspective, the bill would relieve the state of the cost of guarding inmates around the clock in hospitals – an arguably imprudent use of scarce state resources, particularly if one considers that the inmates eligible for medical parole are, for example, unable to perform basic daily functions; have experienced full loss of muscle control or neurological function; are in a persistent vegetative state; or are terminally ill. A quick update on the bill as we head in to the last month of legislative activity.
As a refresher, Senator Leno’s measure would put in place a process and decision-making criteria allowing the state to grant medical parole to those determined to be physically or cognitively debilitate or incapacitated. Certain offenders would not be eligible for the program, as specified, including condemned inmates and those sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. In addition, the Board of Parole Hearings could only accord the medical parole status to those inmates who would not reasonably pose a threat to public safety.
Sounds good to me. Most elected Democrats will probably oppose this. What a shame!
The answer is NO!
You can’t resolve a problem like if it never existed before. Everything proposed so far is nothing new and it was here before so the only thing is to look into the past and learn from that.
So, if you know your history and present, you will not find the leftist socialism nowhere in the world to be able to solve a budget without a self destruction…… if you know about one, kindly name it and lets learn from them.
The only national socialism can function perfectly i.e. Nazi Geramany and currently China which is no longer leftist and abandoned the Marxism-Leninism Doctrine.
However, national socialism is brutal and its bureaucracy is too efficient when resolving its crises which starts by euthanasia of sicks, retards, elderly and undesirable elements.
For example: If China, which has 1 child policy would suddenly faced 20,000,000 Mexicans with high birth rate, it would adopt extermination policy, same as Germans with Gypsies, and there would be no problem with the budget crises. Kindly notice that Gypsies were rounded up before Jews and actually Jews were financing the early concentration camps.
So as long as California has leftist government, the only solution will be natural self destruction, famine, plague and 50,000,000 dead.
I do not think that we should wary about the budget because you will never change leftists so the nature has its own cleansing forces which we can rely on……. check the history.
A bill that saves money at no risk to public safety. Seems like a reasonable bill that everyone could support. Does thaot mean anything in Sacramento? Probally not but one can hope.
Stan it will be the small government Republicans (only if it is a spending item they don’t like) that will for sure be against this.