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Perhaps of Interest - https://youtu.be/EXwT_7HVmys?si=VNxBy6dDtYKr9usu
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Is Zelensky an American asset??
Stanislav, David and Miguel the power syndicate of New Santa Ana.
art what is wrong with killing the DREAM ACT what part of the word ILLEGAL DONT YOU GET . the people DONT WANT ILLEGALS GETTING ANY THING FREE. your dems ,and some reps try and keep trying to sneak this in . putting it on a defense bill CMON. we all know you support illegals and law breakers but thats the real art pedroza .
Email from an insider:
“I just read the post about David. Who ever told you about him going against the Dream Act is wrong. He is in full support of the dream act.”
Apparently Benavides put this item on the agenda and the other council members did not like that they did not have a chance to consider this in advance…so he pulled it. Which essentially killed any chance for the council to weight in on this, as the bill has to be signed by the Governor by the 14th…and the next Council meeting is on the 15th.
Go to the Register link I provided and you will see the Minutemen beginning to hail David as their new hero.
If David really believed in the Dream Act he would have forced his council peers to vote it up or down. The resolution was merely a show of support for the Dream Act, and they could not even do that. Nice.
Wow, I just thought stanley was a local nut. Apparently he’s part of the “machine”. Santa Ana has a lot more to overcome than I previously thought!
The Dream Act will only serve as an additional motivator for ILLEGALS to dump anchor babies on us that they cannot possibly afford to care for, so we the taxpayer have to pony up the cash for education, health care, food stamps, etc. What is is about ILLEGAL you people don’t understand? ILLEGALS are not entitled to ANY benefits citizens have a right to. There are plenty of CITIZENS that need financial aid to attend college.
hey guys, who is merlin4x?.. there is a pledge to replace $85K to chamber.
Who is Art Pedroza?
ANY councilmember could have put the Dream Act up for a vote. In Santa Ana it just takes one to do it. Where were the others?
Art also said :”Then we found out that ultra conservative Republican Rosie Avila had endorsed him. That is never a good sign.”
But Art..didn’t you run at least one of her campains? I also remember seeing her signs in your yard. If she is a monster then she is one that you created.
n2justice-. why did you not refute any of the allegations art presented? did your pal benavides not go to washington dc to attend a GOP function? did a teen not get shot very near his 637 daisy street home? police and media reports state otherwise. and according to you buddys website, it says he was introduced to kidsworks, but while watching the council on channel 3 on monday, your buddy said he started kidsworks.
the guy is a liar and apparently so are you. why don
Art didn’t say that the shooting happened “very near” Mr. Benavides’ house. He said that it happened in his “front yard”
And he didn’t merely say that Benavides and Bustamonte went on a trip to DC. Wrong again. The shooting happened AFTER the DC trip.
What part of a lie don’t you understand?
And I’m not Mike Weisman. 3 strikes and you’re out.
Wow sound like we got a real good deal having David on the council.
Also it good to hear that he will make the hard choices on unpopular desicions, even if it means ridicule.
I wonder what Benavides and Bustamonte gave Mr. Cook in addition to the happy talk cool aide he seems to have been drinking? A new bell for his 3 wheel bike? Front row grandstand seats to the City Parades? Mr. Cook used to be an active city critic who used his brain and now is just another member of the kool aide choir!
I guess that 3 wheeled bike is called an adult try-cycle which is perfect for a guy who is showing the critical thinking of a child.
Your post presents a dialog between two individauls discussing issues.Lies from one source or another is irrelevant.Both have the opportunity to question each other’s positions, truthfulness or to present another point of view. How is this situation you present translate into Art P. violating anyones right to free speech.This opportunity to participate in the blog in fact is an opportunity to exercise,in a civil manner,your right to free speech.This right gives you the right to speak your mind.The discussion you had with Art is an example of your ability to exercise your right of free speech.
n2 being a coward,
obfusicate all you want with your ad hominem arguements, but the truth is out there. Your buddy is a coward and a liar. Whta the refusal to answer to those charges?
Did David start kidworks as he claimed on video at mondays council meeting or did he hijack a good thing and stick his name on it? Who cares who you are. Your a coward who refuses to put his name to anything he writes,unlike the OJ3 who you ridicule. Your little buddy might have snuck in on the last election, but his elected career is over, not unlike your credibility on this blog.
Why the refusal to address Art’s lies?
No one is refusing to address your claims.No one is impeding you from addressing the lies you claim that have been made.You have an open forum.Go ahead.
n2justice is 2funny. He expects people to answer him and if they don’t they are wrong. However when I asked him to specific questions regarding the Crosby he refused to answer them and said he will discuss what he wants to discuss. Talk about hypocrisy.
I already HAVE addressed those lies.
But some people seem to have this absurd notion that I’m obligated to address other issues. You can take that up with #16.
If art made a mistake in claiming that a kid was shot 2 houses down from davids daisy street home, he should retract it and sayb it was 2 doors away from 637 daisy.
If art calimed david was in dc for a big gop bash and was off by a day, he should address that as well. maybe he should do an update.
for someone who claims to not know david very well, you sure know his schedule pretty well and know exactly where kids get shot on his street.
since your into honesty, will you please address the lies that your little buddy has told such as claiming to have founded kidsworks, which is on video, versus his his webpage that says he mearly joined up after it was started.
Is your little buddy for or against legal abortion?
Is your little buddy for or against illegal immigration?
If your seeking the truth, you might want to ask your little buddy to come clean to the voters.
You don’t want your friends over at newsong church to know that you hang out with a prochoice liar do you?
You don’t have a leg to stand on. The two articles you referenced appeared in CHISME columns. Obviously you are not a Latino, or you would know that a “Chisme” is gossip or a rumor.
So two items I wrote about in a column meant to be more “TMZ” than “CNN” were slightly inaccurate. So what?
Lets look at the two items. I said a shooting occurred in Benavides’ front yard. As it turned out, my source was wrong. It occurred very nearby, but not right in his front yard. I was told by another source that the shooting happened perhaps 100 to 200 yards away. Darn close in either case.
The other story was about Benavides’ trip to D.C. to a GOP event at the BUSH WHITE HOUSE. With Republican Carlos Bustamante. What the heck is an alternate on the OC Democratic Party Central Committee (Benavides) thinking when he goes to the Bush White House with a Republican associate?
When Benavides went is beside the point. He is a Democrat and he accepted an invitation to the BUSH WHITE HOUSE, and he traveled there with a Republican. End of story.
As for who you are, who cares? You are a coward who hides behind a silly name. Why don’t you man up and attack me with your God given name? It is rather typical that David would surround himself with eunuchs who hide behind false monikers.
So when you discuss what YOU want to discuss, you’re merely exercising your right to free speech, but when someone else does it, they’re a hypocrite?
Thank god we have Glorious Defenders of Free Speech like you.
When #16 stated “Why the refusal to answer to those charges?”, I merely took the absurdity of the notion that I’m in some way obligated to address other issues and threw it back in his/her face. I’m sorry if you didn’t catch that irony.
n2justice –
not2funny and 2dense to get Art’s “Chisme” column.
“As for who you are, who cares?”
You apparently do. Enough to have your “parajitos” “investigate” who I am.
Your lies weren’t published in your original post. They were in the comment section. And you were being serious…not gossipy. Hide behind the word “chisme” all you want.
And why is it that you only expect anonymous bloggers who disagree with you to post their real name?
No one is investigating you. No one cares about you or David.
The comments section of a story is part of that story. Don’t be so dense.
I really don’t care what name you post under. I just find it funny that you are talking so tough while hiding behind a lame fake name.
Man up chillon and use your name. What do YOU have to hide?
The fact that we continue to post your hypocrisy here on the Orange Juice shows that we are indeed defenders of free speech.
You are free to demand that others answer your questions even if you refuse to do the same when questions are asked of you.
That is the glorious thing about free speech.
If you have already addressed the lies that concerned you and you do not wish to answer requests to explain other people’s concerns, then what are you complaining about?
It is a shame that the most credible blogger on here is leaving in just 15 days. Will you even keep reading once Claudio is gone? Don’t allow Art’s constant rippings to get you mad. Move on to other blogs.
“Will you even keep reading once Claudio is gone?”
I will miss his crapola attacking every law abiding pro emigrant and depicting him as Adolf Hitler.
We will miss you Claudio.
I’ll use my real name when you demand that every other anonymous commenter use THEIR real name.
But thanks for being our Glorious Defender of Blogger’s Rights anyway.
Art, This is a great example on why this blog is getting so much criticism.
This article is nothing short of character assassination.
Each charge with the exception of one (terms limits) holds no water.
1. First you attack Benavidez for bouncing a resolution that really has no impact on what both congress and the governor do. But to make it worse ALL members of the council voted to postpone the vote including Michelle. How come you do not berate her?
Benavidez did not kill the Dream Act, it HAS BEEN DEAD FOR OVER A WEEK in congress. Neither the governor nor city council can do anything about it. Phony, smoke screen issue that you raise here.
2. The issue about campaign law violation took place while Benavidez was a commissioner. He voted on 9/25 to allow lofts in downtown. on the 30th the developer gave Benavidez a 500 dollar donation. Benavidez disclosed it, he did not try to hide it. As soon as they told him it was inappropriate he gave it back. It was probably an honest mistake, after all he disclosed the donation immediately. He did not try to hide it.
3. You fault him for Avila’s support. How exactly is this a fault against Benavidez? Again another smoke screen issue.
4. You basically have accused of him of stealing Yanez’s signs? WHere is your proof? How can you accuse someone of theft without proof? And if you are not accusing him then why even mention it??
5. So he voted for Bustamante for the pro-temp position. It is not law but tradition to vote for the member who has seniority. But Benavidez in this case did not. So what?
6. In regards to term limits, why not interview him, call him to explain himself as to why he changed his mind? I think this is the only issue that you have raised that has tainted his stay on the council. But he is neither the first nor the last politician to change their minds on issues after they get elected.
7. The water rate hike-this was a unanimous vote, again, why not berate Michelle on this one too? your silence speaks volumes. Can’t you see that?
This blog loses credibility and you as well every time articles like this are posted.
Let me end this post on a positive comment. Public agencies have claimed to be operating in a fish bowl. Their every move is held to public scrutiny. The reality was that before technology this was really impossible. This blog is shedding light on Santa Ana and making both the council and the administration respond to their constituents. In the end, this is the best thing that could have happened. I just wish criticism of actions was based on logic, fact and verifiable analysis without such such personal attacks.
“As for losing credibility, how can you say that in a week that I landed this blog on the AP wire, etc., etc.?”
If you landed this blog on the AP wire, etc., etc. – it wasn’t certainly due to its credibility.
The reason was that Santa Ana has will to impeach you and there is public curiosity to see if they prevail so the others can follow.
There are thousands stupid blogs like yours and are generally a pain in the but.
Art, post 34: And TMZ also landed a television show and is quoted on AP wire….doesn’t mean anything but you are good at gossiping and libelous – Allegations or imputations “injurious to another in their trade, business, or profession” – libel
maybe I do have too much time. I posted it from the Library, I was waiting for my children.
Fair enough but again all of this is supposition
He did not kill it the resolution and no matter what the governor does whether its tomorrow or two weeks from now. The bill is dead in congress.
To me it does not matter who endorses him, but you yourself said that there were some people you liked on his endorsement as well. We can agree to disagree on this one.
I think your sign accusation is really a low blow. You have no proof. It does not add up. Maybe it was not even Tim, how do you know he did it? That is my point. You dont know but yet you accuse. I dont get that.
I will give you the David, Bustamante point. You have run in those circles when you were on the Central committee. So you know how politicos position themselves.
Agree or disagree I am still coming back for more. You got the right formula to keep people reading.
Post #33,
Ouch! Art just spanked you!
to the oj 3 if you go and bad mouth your employer aka the city on your own time. and they find out about it do you expect to have jobs when you get back . as trump would say YOUR FIRED”””
# 39/aka stanley fiala:
It’s called whistle blowing and it’s a protected status. When illegal and unethical action occur and you know about it, yet fail to say anything, your part of the problem.
When Carlos or David or Claudia take money from a developer and then vote for that developers high rise project-That is unethical and illegal.
The OJ3 here are just pointing out the illegal actions and for that they should be commended.
Wow. I had no idea of how David got his start. He certainly seems to have veered off of his ideals. The fact that he has Stanley for his advisor, is troubling. Shake that guy, David, and get back to what you did so honorably, so long ago.
I have followed your postings before and I have supported what you wrote. However, you seem to be in blind support of David B. What’s up with that? I appreciate your calling out Art and posting point by point your opposition to his writings. That is what makes a blog interesting and informative. However, I see that you are resorting to emotional name calling and that sends up a warning sign. You seem to be particularly invested in David Benevides. Why is that?
I’ve openly stated that David is a friend of mine. And I’m not blindly supporting him. He and I have differences of opinion like any two friends would. But I’m not going to sit by while Art posts lies about my friend. Call me nuts.
Does that answer your question?
And I won’t stand by while your amigo David pretends to be a champion of Latinos while he votes otherwise.
As I wrote in my post, he started out well. But at this point it is beyond obvious that he is a Pulido puppet. And you know it.
Pulido got him elected. I am told he also got him his job at Downey Savings. So Benavides owes his political and professional careers to Pulido.
Benavides sold his soul to Pulido. That much we know. What we will never know is what he could have done on his own.
I am told that Benavides is deeply religious. That he is in fact a devout Christian. Then he should know what the Bible says about camels being able to get through the eye of a needle easier than rich men getting into heaven.
And he knows this verse:
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”
Benavides used to be a man of God. But is it eminently clear that he now serves Pulido – and all the crooked people that are a part of Pulido’s cabal. If they are not mammon, I don’t know what is.
We should all pause and shed a tear for what Benavides gave up in order to acquire money and power. He could have been a real difference maker.
In that he is not dissimilar from Pulido himself. He too started out well. He too sold out our people. And he too will one day pay for it.
The revolution has started n2justice. There is no stopping it now. Soon enough Pulido and all his puppets and corrupt backers will be history. What happens after that will depend on who steps up. But it won’t be Benavides. He will go down with his master.
What a damn waste.
“And I won’t stand by while your amigo David pretends to be a champion of Latinos while he votes otherwise.”
Is David suppose to represent non-Latino too?
Thank god we have you to render such accurate, penetrating, objective portraits of your political opponents.
The people of Santa Ana just LOVE political insiders like you who wage insider battles like this. Keep up the good work.
Also, thanks for the spiritual insights from scripture. Now, in addition to being our Glorious Defender of Free Speech and Blogger’s Rights, you can be our Most High Spiritual Counselor.
Goodness, are you about to also cure cancer?
Thanks for the clarification. Not to give any particular politician an excuse, but in order to get and stay elected, officials HAVE TO play political games. It just would be nice to see everyone on the same page. There just seems to be too much me-me-meism going on. With that kind of limited vision and selfish focus, the city will continue to be hurt.
This should not be a latino/non latino issue. This should be a taxpayer and homeowner issue. This should be a city services consumer issue.
There is so much good about Santa Ana. More altruism could make a huge difference.
lol @47
Remember, Art had quite a week, so he’s probably still feeling a little elevated by all the attention. Careful, Art. You were warned about humility. You wouldn’t want to wind up like that media attention seeker, Britney Spears, now, would you? She’s so addicted to the attention that she’s lost all sense of judgement and seems to just focus on getting more attention. That’s got to be a sad world for her.
I agree completely. But there’s a difference between being politically strategic and being a political windbag. You seem to be able to make those distinctions.
That said, perhaps you should address some of your concerns directly to the main authors of this blog…you know, the ones who claim to have great influence on such matters.
n2justice –
Pedroza is not Council Member Benevides’ opponent; he is a critic of the council member. Furthermore, it’s important to remember our society has a rich heritage of holding our elected officials accountable. And that’s something worth defedning, no matter the cost. At times it may be an unseemy proposition, but that’s part of the political package. If Council member Benevides is too sensitive to his critics and/or constituents, then politics might not be his thing.
There are plenty of us who remember Benevides’ position regarding mayoral term limits when he served on the term limit committee. When he campaigned for council, he asked for voter support based on his promise to support mayoral term limits. He has since reneged on that promise. As far as I am concerned Council Member Benevides has betrayed the voters of Santa Ana.
Council member Benevides has all the right window dressing, but when it comes time to vote on important matters, it appears he is easily swayed by the Pulido trifecta. Benevides has made no strides to stand out as an independent thinking council member.
The work of the OJ3, keeping our elected officials accountable, is a much overdue public service to the residents of Santa Ana.
I am of the opinion that Council Member Benevides, so far, has been a disappointment. That is my opinion alone, and I am thankful the OJ3 keeps the antics of the mayor and his trifects on the radar screen, because it’s prompted me to stay abreast of city politics. The OJ is not my only source of information, however it is one of many. And that’s how it should be.
Yes, sometimes the discourse can get out of hand, however we are all indepedent, thinking individuals and are capable of sifting the wheat from the chaff.
All in all, the work of the OJ3 is a good thing.
God Bless America. God Bless the OJ3.
And there is a difference between serving the people and serving special interests.
Benavides started out caring about the poor. Now he votes against them with regularity and serves instead El Rey Pulido and his corrupt cabal.
As I have said before…what a waste.
By the way, I quoted scripture because it is well known that Benavides is a devout Christian. While you may not recognize these verses, I guarantee that he does.
If there is any good left in Benavides perhaps he will be ashamed of himself and walk away from Pulido and his vial machine.
But I won’t hold my breath. I think Benavides is completely compromised. I will work very hard to make sure we remove him from office in four years.