Why doesn’t the Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) offer their website in additional languages, such as Cambodian, Spanish and Vietnamese? I just called their Public Information Office and confirmed that they do not offer such a service on their website. I find that simply astounding.
I checked with other local school districts and found they also don’t offer translation on their district websites, except for Garden Grove Unified, which does offer several options to those who speak other languages. Click here to see their Spanish resource page.
Irvine Unified does offer a web page with information and resources for parents of children who need to learn English. Click here to see that page. They offer information on that page in numerous languages.
What about the SAUSD? Well, take a look at the graphic atop this post. That is what you will find when you click on their “Master Plan for English Learners.” No wonder they have screwed up so badly with English learners that over 1,000 high school seniors per year end up failing the High School Exit Exam!
Click here to read the rest of this post.
Because the bloody people need to learn English the fact that they put their kids speaking a language other than English, is aready F$%^*&!
And you want to run to improve this district?
Michelle’s goddamn right!
because we are in the USA !!!dammit
Yes, at a time when we are considering teacher cuts, program cuts and continued budgetary challenges, let’s attack the District for not incurring the cost of providing everything multi-lingually.
What cost? Google’s translator widget is free!
great points perdroza is the next nativio . spanish every where . that is the problem in todays world . michell is right . NO ONE SPEAKS ENGLISH ANY MORE .. If you keep on catering to these people they will never want to learn it .
Pedroza — good pick up. There should be multiple languages offered. That Garden Grove Unified does so is not surprising. They ‘outperform’ so to say other school districts with similar socio-economic conditions/populations. You’ve found one small piece of the equation.
…and to the monolingual fundamentalists, you are part of the reason why many view Americans as dumber and less culturally nourished. In light of this, thank you for your opinions on education! haha
Because they need to learn English and use it!
“and to the monolingual fundamentalists, you are part of the reason why many view Americans as dumber and less culturally nourished.”
MQ says:
No, the world thinks were dumb because the liberals in this county are whack jobs. Like the fact we allow millions of illegal immigrants to send their kids speaking a foreign language to our public schools…. They think we are complete dumb ass suckers and they are right!
That is why we need to get rid of liberals from our government, schools etc…. They make this countries people look like a bunch of cream puffs!
This country has plenty of its own culture. You Gabriel are just a confused American liberal!
As much as I like you Art and I do… YOU would be a death sentence for an already pathetic school district…
We need someone who is willing to take on the hard issues and implement polices that will bring up scores not egos!
In a district with obvious issues involving ESL students and parent involvement can anything be more important than communicating with parents in their own language?
If you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that the district has hired go betweens in the schools. It pisses me off big time in the OUSD because when programs like gate are being cut they spend thousands paying people to speak to foreign nationalists in their own language instead of encouraging the foreign nationalist to learn the language of the country they are living in…They pay these go betweens about $12 hour…
Lets go through why this is a really bad idea!
Parents who speak a language other than English and send their children speaking a language other than the one that they are going to be taught in are F%^$&..
Now why would that be? While the child should be learning written English they are learning how to SPEAK IT… So of course it is hard for them to catch up!
But, I am going to throw in a wrench and tell you the kids ARE doing good in school, BUT the schools don’t want them doing good because they want to keep them in ESL classes for years and years WHY? Districts make a lot of money off federal title 1 schools( ALOT).. There are levels of English… 1-5 basic to advanced… a lot of kids make it JUST BELOW advanced WHY.. it keeps them in ESL… STAR, CST teacher evaluation all are factors in keeping the kids down in the ESL pit…. And you might want to find out if SAUSD has RAISED the star testing level as OUSD has???? Now why would they do that???
Have a look at QEIA schools…. Thousands more and not a BIT of difference!! FAIL, FAIL!
The parents are not involved because they either could not care less or can not read or write themselves ( HABLA) look up that GREAT program from the stupid social liberal whack job department at UCI….. They see school as a day care center and have no idea of the value of an education!
The parents don’t need any more entitlements, they need a reality check… example: If You don’t come to a parent teacher conference, then your child loses their FREE lunch!
We pay enough for Mexico’s people to send their kids to school here, if they can’t take the time to learn the language of the country paying for their kids education… Then get the FU&* out!
If you really care about the Santa Ana kids, then make their stupid parents accountable for their own education as well as their children… They may be poor, but poor does not make you STUPID!
“It’s difficult for me,” said Carmen Arevalo, 30, who arrived in the United States 12 years ago from El Salvador and doesn’t speak English. Arevalo has an 8-year-old son and 7-year-old daughter in Miami public schools and says she has constant challenges with communication, even though many of her children’s teachers speak English and Spanish.
MQ says:
YOU have been here 12 YEARS and you are bitching that its difficult?? Why have you not learned English in 12 years??/
“Doris Chiquito, 30, of Miami, who was born in the U.S. to Ecuadorean parents, is among those who would like their children to value Hispanic culture. Chiquito, fluent in English, says she enrolled her 11-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter in bilingual classes so they would also speak Spanish and not “feel ashamed of being Hispanic.”
Her daughter, Ariana Gonzalez, says she likes having classes in both languages.
“It helps me learn Spanish, and I know how to talk with my grandparents,” she said. “I like that I get to speak English because some of my friends don’t know Spanish, and then I talk to them i”
MQ says:
I am learning Spanish and my kids are learning Spanish… Its ok for us to pay for it and not the taxpayer!