And what useful purpose does he serve there?
According to the State Health and Safety Code, and the County Code that created the “First Five Commissions” (pursuant to liberal activist Rob Reiner’s successful tax and redistribute Prop 10), the commissions are made up of people in the kiddie welfare biz.
Which brings us to Hugh Hewitt, whom Gustavo Arellano has described as a “conservative yakmouth.” We’ll leave aside the conservative tag for a bit and reflect upon the fact that Hewitt is a lawyer, talking head, writer (when not being ghost written for by Matthew J. Cunningham), etc.
Read the rest of “So How Did Hugh Hewitt Get Onto the OC Children and Families Commission?”
Hugh Hewitt has as good a reason to be on the Children and Families Commission as I do, and I work in a tire shop.
If I had to choose I would have picked Denise Prager over this guy! I know Prager has many “tags” associated with him but at least on his show he is open to debate unlike Hewitt. Half the time if I tune it for a sample of his deep thoughts, he is just repeating platitudes to guests from his same circle!
Salzburg, the point is that neither of those two belong on the Commission – per State and County law.
Hugh Hewitt is an honorable man of integrity of the highest order. Hugh has been a friend for 20 years and I have rarely met anyone with such strong ethics and sense of right and wrong. Interestingly, nothing in the post makes any mention of anything that Hugh has done wrong, it simply attacks his credentials without supporting fact.
Without supporting fact? The guy is a lawyer and a radio personality. He doesn’t meet the criteria. So why is he on this Commission?
Geoff Willis writes:
“Hugh Hewitt is an honorable man of integrity of the highest order”
I think his relationship alone with Matt “Jubal” Cunningham contradict that claim.
Besides, He does’nt qualify under the rules, like Tony said.
When the Commission was established by the Board of Supervisors circa 2000 then County Supervisor Jim Silva recommended/advocated Hewitt as an appointee to the Commission, and the rest of the Supervisors went along. The claim to fame in the world of chidlren was that Hewitt was active in a foundation or support group related to the Irvine School District. Many thought that was a stretch at the time, but no one publicly raised the issue until now, some 10 years later. Perhaps it is time to suggest that a 10 year term limit for Commissioners is in order? Hewitt is not the only one who has been on the Commission that long.
P.S. – After a few years the State Commission changed its name to First Five Commission, and the programs it funds to the generic First Five name. The State Commission urged county commissions to make the same name change. Orange County’s Commission, in great part due to the impassioned argument of Hewitt that the voters did not vote for the name First Five when they approved the proposition taxing tobacco and mandating these commissoins be created, has refused to change the name. Most of the other 57 counites in California have First Five Commissions doing the same job as Orange County’s Children and Families Commissoin. Just a factoid to pass along.