Santa Ana’s Usual Suspects seek a court order to mandate a new vote on OBP tower

Debbie McEwen and the Usual Suspects are taking the City of Santa Ana to court again

Santa Ana’s Usual Suspects are seeking a court order to block the city from removing the pre-leasing requirement for the One Broadway Plaza (OBP) project, if the city doesn’t reconsider or put it to another public vote, according to the O.C. Register.

The Santa Ana City Attorney already told these folks that the City Council has the legal right to change the developer agreement, but that isn’t good enough for them.  Now they will force the City of Santa Ana to waste tax money in court fighting them.

This same bunch already sued to stop the Santa Ana Transit Zone project, which includes affordable housing.  They appear to be opposed to all new development.

This project will result in almost three thousand jobs – and thanks to Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem the developer is going to have to ensure that as much as possible the jobs go to local residents.

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About Art Pedroza