Cecilia Iglesias makes it onto the ballot against Loretta Sanchez

What a surprise!  Independent Cecilia Iglesias turned in over 11,000 signatures to the O.C. Voter Registrar – and she will be on the ballot in November as a candidate for the 47th Congressional District, against incumbent Loretta Sanchez and republican challenger Van Tran.

Here is Iglesias’ candidate statement:


OCCUPATION: Human Services Professional

I am a candidate for the 47th District, U.S. Congress because I wish to serve my community by restoring a voice for the residents and ensuring that we have the highest standards of ethics, transparency and accountability to my constituents. My commitment is to work vigorously to strengthen our economy; save and create jobs by supporting our business sector; more effective youth programs and being a champion for our children’s education. Also, I will work with both parties to strengthen our nation’s security and resolve the immigration issue to make America greater.

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About Art Pedroza