What a surprise! Independent Cecilia Iglesias turned in over 11,000 signatures to the O.C. Voter Registrar – and she will be on the ballot in November as a candidate for the 47th Congressional District, against incumbent Loretta Sanchez and republican challenger Van Tran.
Here is Iglesias’ candidate statement:
OCCUPATION: Human Services Professional
I am a candidate for the 47th District, U.S. Congress because I wish to serve my community by restoring a voice for the residents and ensuring that we have the highest standards of ethics, transparency and accountability to my constituents. My commitment is to work vigorously to strengthen our economy; save and create jobs by supporting our business sector; more effective youth programs and being a champion for our children’s education. Also, I will work with both parties to strengthen our nation’s security and resolve the immigration issue to make America greater.
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I was excited when I heard Loretta became a co-sponsor of the Dream Act. And I’ve met her a few times, (she probably doesn’t remember me) But I started trying to interview her on the topic…..
I just couldn’t get thru her people, I did get a lame little 2-sentence response on how “comprehensive reform” was more important but no clear description of the relationship between comprehensive reform and Dream Act, or what she suggested any of us activists should do to push forward one or the other
I haven’t given up, I’d still like to get some feedback… but a more cynical mind would tell me she doesn’t want to be hassled, she doesn’t want to rock the boat…
A Trojan Horse.
Gop , Van Puppet,
We saw this last time as “Democrats” filed for office before to split the vote.
Another Latina on the ballot, what a surprise.
Cant win a fair fight.
Van strikes again.
Only Loretta can respond properly.
(and it’s almost midnite………….)
Iglesia Is,
Sanchez did this to herself. She has only herself to blame.
Tran certainly sucks but Sanchez has had YEARS to cement her relationship with Latinos in her district. She has fumbled that opportunity time and again.
It reminds me of Bob Dornan. He took the voters for granted too, and paid for it…
“It reminds me of Bob Dornan. He took the voters for granted too, and paid for it…”
Art you hit the nail on the head. I like Lorretta but she has gotten so cocky. The “parade” Loretta has gobbled up the public servant Loretta.
I think it’s tough for any of them to not let the power and access to wealth get to them over time. Dornan had the same transformation. (Although Bob’s was a little more crazy! The early Bob got us money in Santa Ana for the River project) I’m not sure who to vote for this time around but I’m hoping Lorreta’s old self will show through.
Way to Go Ceci!! You have my vote and I know you are headed to Washington! Being a resident within the district for so many years, you understand our needs and you are a true public servant! 11,000 signatures, speaks for itself and proves that the community is ready for change. Congrats Cecilia!!!
Ms. Sanchez sends piles of literature to O.C. homes touting her ability to “bring money to the district” however, the problem is, it’s the taxes (that she votes in favor of) that are taking the money OUT of the district to begin with! She will have to do a better job separating herself from the big government, BIG Spend machine in Washington. She is trying ever so hard to dance around the issues and has found herself on a tightrope, high above the regular voters like you and me. Bottom Line? “Ella no lo representa ni o mi.”