As I write these words, today’s meeting of the Santa Ana city council is taking place at the once historic Yost Theater. There’s so much political discussion these days surrounding Pulido y los Dinos (and Benavides) that I’m sure it will be an interesting afternoon. I do find, in the midst of arguments in favor of Santa Ana’s purported progressive political makeover, the location of tonight’s meeting to be of keen interest. It’s quite telling, and here’s why…
The Yost Theater has a long history with the Olivos family spanning decades in the city. Rather than have me summarize its significance, I’ll let you all read a link to a story OC Weekly writer Gustavo Arellano published four years ago basically saying how Mexico was incredibly ahead of Santa Ana in recognizing the place:
Done yet? If not, the cliff notes version is that basically the city screwed over the Olivos family back in the day ousting them in a renovation bait and switch. Ok, let’s move on to some more recent history. I got to know the Yost as it was resurrected by El Centro Cultural de Mexico – Santa Ana’s non-profit cultural hustlers. In 2007, the Los Angeles Times wrote of a Son Jarocho show put on by El Centro that took place there and filled six hundred seats of the theater. I was there to support Son del Centro and Los Cojolites from Mexico. It seemed the potential was growing and community possibilities were endless.
However, after publication of the article, the calendar and keys to the Yost slowly “switched hands” – shall we say – from El Centro organizers and into those of Koo’s Incorporated’s Dennis Lluy. The publicity El Centro generated unfortunately became a self-immolation as real estate broker/property owner Gil Marerro sent the LA Times article onto Lluy with the intent of all that has played out since. Though the Yost is not a Mike Harrah owned building, the narrative bares his shadow as he and Marerro are homies. Lluy, coming into control of the building, tried to deflect charges of gentrification by a sudden revelatory admission in print that he was Cubano! The cynical version of these turns of events can be referred to as a “Koo d’etat.”
Since then, Pulido has reportedly met Lluy and has been supportive of his business venture. After that meeting, not a whole lot has been going on at the Yost musically. It’s undergoing renovations to include a restaurant and the likes, but music acts have been few and far between since then. My old music editor at the OC Weekly called it a “soft reopening” and noted that Koo’s Inc. was being “choosy” in their booking. A trip to the venue’s website reveals a blank calendar page. The myspace hasn’t had a blog update in ages. This has always brought to mind a simple question. In this economy, who can afford to be “choosy” and “soft” in reopening such a big property? I imagine rent must be difficult to contend with — especially with all the money being spent on renovations and no shows to generate revenue.
One year before Pulido’s reign as an elected official in the city began, the Olivos family was hoodwinked out of the Yost by the city on renovation shenanigans. Now, with Pulido y los Dinos onstage tonight, no such pressure is being exerted on the Yost Theater’s new operators.They can renovate with all the time in the world without worrying about booking bands. If only the Olivos family could have enjoyed the same. Either Lluy has encountered massive expendable income in the time between Koo’s failing in Long Beach and now, or we must ask…
Where’s the feria coming from? Is somebody catching a break?
hummmm G I am sensing a rhetorical question there…very good summary. Unfortunately those people are shameless and they keep doing these kind of dealings with Downtown inc and with City appointed city counsel members-who don’t even have to run for office the mayor just, “poof” appoints -I won’t name any names but name starts with an S-no relation to the S’s of the Centro (who are good friends and in no way shady).
there I said it. S de SolArt
Ím sitting here right now and WHAT A SHAME…WHAT A WASTE OF SPACE! Y la gente donde esta me pregunto? I work for a local non-profit who invest in the community supporting with services and I wonder why I have to hustle and pay so much to host a fundraísing event? I never got a phone call invíting me to play? I wonder too, who can afford to have such a Venue open?
When is anyone goíng to ask the community what we need?
My wife grew up with one of the Olivos, Carmen. They were best friends in school. The Olivos did get screwed. It was Dave Ream who engineered their undoing, before he was City Manage, when he was the Redevelopment Manager.
That said, the only DINO is Benavides. His pal Bustamante is no DINO as he admits to being a Republican. The rest of the Council supports affordable housing, voted to honor Harvey Milk Day, came out against SB 1070, etc. That doesn’t sound like DINO’s to me.
I ran into Lluy tonight. If any of our readers have ideas for him to consider, please email him at
Art —
You’ll take issue with my characterization of the city council and I will continue to take issue with yours. With that being said, I don’t have any ideas for Lluy to consider. I just have questions about how a venue can stay dark like that for so long. Give me a building and the rent collectors will be on my ass day one! Soft and choosy openings are for those who can “afford” it – whatever that entails…
I am not taking issue, just pointing out that the label seems unfair, except again in the case of Benavides, who appears to have become a Republican.
Your questions re the Yost are good ones. This is a real mystery.
As for the Downtown, I have met with the ladies at Downtown, Inc. They appear to be doing the best they can. Times are tough in our downtown area. Their marketing is geared towards bringing bodies in. And they are not running away from our culture. You have to credit them for that.
I love this articles, nor city or the Centro cultural start the renovation of the Yost , why don’t you call some of the ex board members of Calle Cuatro, association, they can tell you what happen? why the renovation was done after 15 yrs that the Olivos family returned to the city. It will be a good article , but contact the real people that put pressure and give the credit to that person that was ” botada” de la calle cuatro.
The city should be recognizing that person.
I was a member of 2 different churches that held their services there, very nice place
If anyone really truly cares about what is really going on with the developments of the Yost, please e-mail me at I have chosen to not do too many interviews as I find that in many instances I am misquoted simply to create drama that does not really exist.
I prefer to get to hear from you personally if you really care and I apologize for not contributing to the passionate discussions that I find on this blog.
Basic rundown:
I have been renovating the Yost for the past couple of years and invested my life savings and countless hours dealing with permits, safety issues, and general renovations. The property owners have also invested well over a million dollars since the eighties. The Yost was in dire need of structural upgrades that would help keep the building from collapsing in a major earthquake when they purchased the building.
We have hosted many community events when construction allows. Recently, we have had to stall because at any point we will move on replacing the structural supports that keeps the roof over the stage from collapsing. We have been waiting for the city to approve our plans for several months now. They are short staffed and this keeps us from booking events more than 3 weeks out.
Furthermore, the Yost is restricted from hosting many types of events until all the permits are approved.
Im tired of all these local yokal townies complaining about progress in our fair city. Most of those groups have had decades to do something about the decline of Downtown, well you’ve had your chance, stand back and get out of the way of progress. Whats Olivo’s plan for the Yost, more of his stale hand written plays no seems to care about!!!