DPOC Truman Awards Dinner coming up on Aug. 28, in Buena Park

Truman’s legacy included nuking Japanese families during WWII

The Democratic Party of Orange County is hosting their annual Harry Truman Awards Dinner on August 28.  Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee John Hanna, who is running for reelection this November, but faces no challenger, is receiving the Truman award.

I am not sure what this award signifies as there is no descriptive information on the DPOC website.  I decided to have a look online to see what Truman was all about.

Truman was a Democrat, naturally, who succeeded FDR.  In one of his first presidential decisions, he opted to nuke Japan.  That is not a move I admire.  Killing innocent women and children doesn’t strike me as being very sporting.  Obliterating them seems even less so.

Truman was a free-mason, which according to some is no bueno as this mysterious organization has a long history of racism.  Truman was also a descendant of Confederate soldiers, which he was proud of.  Ironically he was a supporter of civil rights, which seems odd given his lineage and his activities.

When railway workers went on strike, Truman took over the railways and threatened to draft the workers.  They gave up, but Truman lost labor’s support.  In fact his party lost the White House after Truman moved on.  He also took over the steel industry, only to have a court overturn that decision, and he threatened to draft coal miners too, when they also went on strike.

Truman also used an executive order to create mandatory loyalty oaths which forced thousands of communist supporters from office.

Apparently Truman had a hand in the creation of the United Nations and in the creation of the State of Israel.  He also was quick to recognize the new state of Pakistan.  He was also a strong supporter of NATO.

Truman’s administration was also known for heavy corruption.  That also was a factor in his party’s loss of the White House, after he left office.

I am going to guess, based on reading all of this information about Truman, that the Truman award has something to do with civil rights, but I could be wrong.  Perhaps some of our friends from the DPOC can clarify this for us.

Truman deserves credit for his support for civil rights, but he murdered a lot of Japanese civilians, and he manhandled labor.  Not exactly what one expects from Democrats.

As for why Hanna is being honored, I can only say that he is a very nice guy and a good family man.  He did err by getting involved in the ill-fated Friends of John Urell, but no one is perfect.

I am disappointed that the RSCCD Board that Hanna serves on lacks diversity.  We can’t pin that on Hanna, but I wish he would support reforms, such as going to area-specific elections instead of at-large elections.  That would surely increase minority representation on the RSCCD Board of Trustees.

Click here to register for the Truman Awards Dinner.  The cost appears to be $150 per person.

The event venue is the U.F.C.W. Local 324 Banquet Hall, located at 8530 Stanton Avenue, in Buena Park.  Others being honored include David Sanchez, the President of the CTA; Wylie Aitken; Benny Diaz; and U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer.  The keynote speaker will be Congressman Barney Frank.  Nice to see two Latinos being honored!

About Art Pedroza