The O’Palin Factor?

Lisa Murkowski has met the enemy at the gates…..and now is sweating heavy bullets.  There was probably no one in America that thought “a simple endorsement” from the self described:  ” Tea Party Leader”  would have much bearing on winning an incumbent seat for the U.S. Senate, especially from some guy named “Joe Miller”!  Well, wonders of wonders Ms. Murkowski…”legacies aside”  life is sometimes stranger than fiction.   Lisa will now have to hope “her party fateful” can come up with 1701 Murkowski votes…..or she will be spending the next six years…running for Governor of Alaska.

Being that we have been in the past, described by others as: “solid republicans”, it is with some amazement that your standard “reality show wanna be” Ms. Palin, has made a quick name for herself….and is probably looking to run for President in 2012!  We can’t really believe that….but one thing is for sure:  Rupert Murdoch has surely just put Sarah Palin on his top ten speed dial.  Face it, Bill O’Reilly is getting old, both editorially and in age.  A new facelift (no pun intended) on FOX News might be soon forthcoming.  Hey, even boring Mike Huckabee has gotten his shot.  And, certainly don’t forget the tired and boring Sean Hannity….has been hanging in there.  Sarah could easily join Glen Beck”enhammer” without a doubt.

It is going to be interesting to see how many  “more”  Sarah Palin endoresees come out on top, this November!  Dick Armey, Newt and Mitt are all sweating the details as well….as the “arrogant elite of the Republican Party now try to circle the wagons and watch in excruiating detail, the results of the Alaska U.S. Senate race……..

Hopefully, Sarah’s glasses won’t fog up at the wrong time!  But if they do, who cares?   We have never supported O’Palin anyway and aren’t planning on doing so in the future!  But don’t let that stop our local “Tea Party Regulars” here in Orange County from waving her flag!  It will certainly make Republican things more interesting…that’s for sure!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.