The Liberal OC has published 142 posts about me, but only 17 posts about Mansoor!

Am I more dangerous than Mansoor and Ackerman?

The Liberal OC has published five posts this year that mention Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor, the Mexican-bashing Republican candidate for the 68th Assembly District.  In all, there are 17 search results on the Liberal OC that note Mansoor.

There are 142 search results on the Liberal OC that mention me – most are seething, libelous attacks by Dan Chmielewski, Chris Prevatt and *** ***.  And there are 59 search results on the Liberal OC that mention my colleague, Sean Mill.  In fairness, some of those are posts he wrote for them, before they booted him for defending Democratic Superivorial candidate Hoa Van Tran in his campaign against Republican Janet Nguyen.

OC Weekly Managing Editor Gustavo Arellano recently challenged the Liberal OC to work with me to bring down Mansoor.  Well Gustavo, we have been working on that for a long time.  But apparently the Liberal OC is more interested in destroying me than Mansoor!

There are 40 search results on the Liberal OC that mention Dick Ackerman, Mansoor’s partner in trying to destroy the OC Fair.

There are 23 search results on the Liberal OC that mention corrupt OC Public Administrator/Guardian John Williams.

There are 16 search results on the Liberal OC that mention Republican Assembly candidate Don Wagner, who is Williams’ colleague on the South O.C. Community College Board of Trustees.

There are 92 search results on the Liberal OC when you search for Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, one of the top Mexican bashers in the OC GOP.  Apparently I am a bigger threat to Democrats than Rohrabacher!

There are only 49 search results on the Liberal OC when you search for insipid Republican hack Mike Schroeder.

There are only 5 search results on the Liberal OC when you search for Tom Fuentes, the former OC GOP Chairman who also serves with Williams and Wagner on the South O.C. Community College Board.

There are only 20 search results on the Liberal OC when you search for current OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh.

There are 54 search results on the Liberal OC when you search for corrupt GOP Congressman Ken Calvert.

Again, by comparison, there are 142 posts on the Liberal OC that mention me!  Unbelievable.

Get the picture?  In the minds of the Liberal OC bloggers I am the biggest threat to Democrats in Orange County.  I am apparently more dangerous than Schroeder, Mansoor, Williams, Fuentes, Baugh, Calvert, and Rohrabacher.

Don’t forget that when I challenged Republican Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante, in 2008, because the DPOC failed to recruit a candidate to oppose him, the Liberal OC joined forces with Red County editor Matt Cunningham, Van Tran and his Trannies, and Schroeder, to attack my Council campaign – helping to reelect Bustamante.

Never mind that I quit the Republican Party a few years ago, and denounced the GOP.  I remain enemy number one at the Liberal OC.

I am pro-choice, pro-LGBT rights, pro-gay marriage, pro-immigrant, anti-death penalty, and for reform of Three Strikes.  I am an advocate for affordable housing and the working poor.  But I am the most targted individual at the Liberal OC.

Isn’t it time for the Democratic Party of Orange County to step in and stop the Liberal OC from tormenting me further?  I am not the enemy, but you wouldn’t know that given the Liberal OC’s obession with destroying my life and silencing my blogs.

If you are a Democrat please contact DPOC Chairman Frank Barbaro and the DPOC Executive Committee and ask them to step in and stop these rabid, hypocritical attack dogs.  Click here to email the DPOC.  If the DPOC can’t stop the Liberal OC hypocrites than I think it would only be fair if the DPOC provides me with a lawyer to defend myself against these obsessed maniacs who are besmirching their party and helping to elect Republicans.

About Art Pedroza