There has been a lot of chatter in town of late about the hybrud electric plug-in test car that the South Coast Air Quality Management District provides to their Board Member, Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido. As usual, the media hasn’t covered this story well at all. In fact they are acting like they broke a story, but I reported about this on the Orange Juice blog way back in July of 2008. It is old news.
The Voice of OC slammed Pulido, but even they had to acknowledge the facts, “Officials from the AQMD say the vehicle is test-grade and not up to production standards. They added that Pulido was issued the vehicle to test drive it and report any problems that need to be fixed, and also to demonstrate it to members of the media and other government officials.”
Pulido does in fact demonstrate the car to members of the media and to other government officials. He was driving the electric car recently when he attended a meeting that featured U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer. He told her about the car and she expressed a desire to see it, as she had not seen a car like it before. Pulido was happy to comply. And so they walked to the parking garage and Pulido showed her the car, opening up the trunk to show her the battery.
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Art, I can’t find that original story. Can you provide a link?
I barbecued him at the time. The media ignored it. Only now are we seeing the media jump on this – and only because Dunn has a personal grievance with Pulido.
Having spoken to Pulido it is obvious now that this is a non-story, and a silly one at that.
Mr. Pedroza tell us, tha story make Pulido not corrup?, not double dipping mayor?
According to both the AQMD and the City of Santa Ana, Pulido did nothing illegal. The Voice of OC blog is persecuting him because their job-killing Chairman, Joe Dunn, is mad that Pulido fought to keep the 4th District Court of Appeals in Santa Ana, when Dunn wanted to move it to Irvine. That is why they keep going after Pulido with these non-stories.
“did nothing illegal”
That is your story and you are sticking with it.
Many other mayor and council people do the same thing. It is common practice.
And since it is the “Practice” and not the “Person” being called “corrup”, then changing the mayor would not cure the problem.
True, particulary if the next Mayor is Amezcua, who is no choir boy…
Basically a look over there story. Let’s not look at the double dipping pitfalls.
Art, I don’t know you from squat, and I don’t know Dunn personally either. All I care about is politicians who want to SERVE and not be self serving for their community, not their checkbook. While I am sure Mr. Pulido wants to help save the environment with his AQMD car, you and Cook’s rationale and arguments are a bit over the top in protecting this guy. Just because the Irish are immigrating here illegally doesn’t make ok for everyone else.
You don’t have to know Dunn to know that he has been a huge cancer on California’s business community, for years. This guy is a job killer par none.
Pulido at least is fiscally conservative and is working to bring jobs to my city. Dunn tried to take jobs away from Santa Ana by taking the 4th Court of Appeals to Irvine. Luckily Pulido punked him and the Court stayed here in Santa Ana.
Dunn by the way made well over six figures as a state legislator. Pulido makes $36K a year, while working over forty hours a week on city business.
I was at a meeting of local S.A. business owners last year and the Mayor answered lots of questions about the car, air quality issues, and why we need to care about new sources of energy. He even allowed some of us to drive it around the parking lot. Because of his background dealing with cars, he is more able than the average politico to explain how it works. I’d rather have a businessman like him driving the car and explaining how it works than some AQMD or OCTA staffer. He may not be perfect, but I like most of what he has done and I’m sure not going to vote for a lawyer.
Art, you keep saying Pulido only makes $36,000.00 as mayor – this is not true! As mayor, part of his job is to sit on these different boards and commissions (AQMD being only one of them). In ADDITION to his mayor salary, he gets stipends for sitting on these commissions. His mayor salary and his stipends, cash value of car allowances and duplicated health care allowances make his salary closer to $80,000.00 or more according to my calculations.
vote the bums,
It is true. That is what the City pays him. I have no idea what these other boards pay. I am only speaking to his city pay and benefits.
Even if he does make closer to $80K, he is working over 40 hours a week on city business. That is still a relative bargain.
Art, since you seem to keep track of his every movement, why don’t you ask him how much he makes on all these other boards and disclose it – its all public information anyway. I am sure that within those 40 plus hours every week INCLUDE the time he spends on these other boards and commissions, for he only gets to sit on them since he is mayor, thus it should be noted in his full compensation. I am just trying to keep you (and him) honest. I will be happy to get the information from the other boards and commissions, though it may take a week or so, and only if you let me post it here. I am sure he would be happy to give you that information with one e-mail compared to my 10.
vote the bums,
I understand the total is about $80K a year. That is a pittance for putting in over 40 hours a week, and you know it.
Art, thanks for the reply. I think you summed up everything in that short sentence. Its all about the $$$$. Public service used to be about the honor of serving ones community. Twenty years ago members were barely reimbursed for traveling expenses. Council members, the mayor included, are policy makers. Their one/two meetings a month at city hall were designed to give the city staff direction and accountability. Now its all about the bling. These jobs were never meant to be full-time. That is why most council members have full-time jobs.
vote the bums,
Don’t be silly. Did Amezcua draw a paycheck when he was on the Rancho board? You bet. Folks should be paid for their work, as the time they spend on these activities precludes them from doing other work that might bring in a paycheck.
Pulido isn’t getting rich as our Mayor. He has an engineering business and does well in that arena. Good for him. He is an example to our people that higher education pays off.
Does anyone really think electing a lawyer as mayor is a good idea? Art…How about a contest to predict the outcome of the election. I’m guessing Amezqua will be lucky to come in 3rd place. What say you?
Art, be honest why are you promoting Miguel? You use to hate him and I understood why you did, but what did Miguel do that made you change your mind to help him get reelected?