Mission Viejo council Resolution opposing CUSD Meas H passes 5-0

Taking the Agenda out of sequence tonight, Mission Viejo mayor Kelley took the proposed Resolution Agenda Item to oppose CUSD Measure H out of sequence and listened as members of the public and our Mission Viejo resident CUSD Area 6 Trustee Ellen Addonizio presented their comments for supporting this Resolution. Robert Reidel, who claims to have children residing in 3 different proposed areas discussed the added cost for maintaining the current voting arrangement which he said equates to $100,000 per year which is a small cost for representation when CUSD has an annual budget of around $340 million dollars.

Also in attendance was Area 2 CUSD Trustee Sue Palazzo.
After a brief discussion, at 6:52 p.m., the council voted unanimously in support of the Resolution.

Note: We agree. Vote NO on Measure H

About Larry Gilbert