Governor Arnold is back from China on his six day tour. He is looking for jobs, riding those cool high speed rail connections and seeking to launch 100,000 new jobs for Californians! Curt Pringle is watching carefully!
With an Approval Rating swinging from 20% to 27% Arnold, you have to hand it to our “Celebrityman-boy-action hero – political veteran – soon to return movies guy!” His recent cameo performance in the “over-the-hill action kit: “The Expendables”….probably tells us alot of what we can expect from Arnold in the future. He still looks, tan, rested and ready! His good looks are still hanging in there and whatever pressures of being the Governor of California and making personal appearances at every earthqake, fire, flood and Cancer Victim survivor – you have got to hand it to the man – “He rooks marvelous…”…in the words of Billy Crystal.
Meanwhile, Arnold’s beautiful daughter has recently written a book about self-esteem:
“Katherine Schwarzenegger is following in the footsteps of her high-achieving parents, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver.
The 20-year-old college student has written a book coming out next week that’s aimed at helping girls gain confidence in their bodies and themselves. It’s titled “Rock What You’ve Got: Secrets to Loving Your Inner and Outer Beauty” (Hyperion).
Read more:
She has learned well, from parents that have set a high bar. The first lesson of acting is: “Just bounce over any bumps in the road!”
Arnold hopefully next year will return next year to his Action Hero roots and do some great new and meaningful films like: “True Lies”, “Red Heat”, Predator”, “Commando”, the “Terminator” series or our absolute favorite: “Total Recall”! This of course was acted out realistically on “Reaity TV” with Gray Davis! We are not sad that we got to vote for Arnold “both times”. He faced an incredible and increasingly daunting uphill battle against, both sold out Republican and Democratic State Lawmakers! He tried to pass “Reforms” which could have fixed the problems, which of course brought out the ire and hate of every Public Employee Union and Corporate Interest. It took a complete Global and financial “meltdown on Wall Street” to make the people who challenged those reforms look as stupid as they were – to begin with! The Feds finally had to take on those Hedge Fund guys!
Well, never mind Governor Arnold – we still love you and Maria and the whole family. We need you back in Hollywood, making blockbuster hits that they can run in a loop on Mainland China! You did a great job as Governor of California, considering that California is truly an ungoverable place with an economy that is 13th largest in the world. We are indeed proud of you and want you to get back to making money the old fashioned way – by working your investors and selling the heck out of brand new concepts and creating entertainment for the masses.
Everyone has to agree: “You still rook marvelous…Governor Arnold!” And we still love you too! Put us in that elite group of 20% to 27% that can still see the forest for the trees! You did good…better than Gray could have ever done…or Mary Carey even Carlos Bustamonte!
Hopefully, Downtown Jerry Brown will be your replacement Arnold. He has the star power and personality to give us all a laugh for eight more years. California is such joke – isn’t it? No wonder those people in elitist Michigan can’t tell whether we have nothing but brilliant people, like Steve Jobs or mass murderers, like Charles Manson in California. Well, we will just have to see now…won’t we? The best thing we can say about Michigan? Hey, Big Blue won their first two NCAA Football games this year. But then so did our USC Trojans too! Meanwhile, Meg Whitman just broke the record for personal spending on an election try: $119 million dollars and counting….eclipsing the Great Michael Bloomberg record of 2009 of $109 million dollars. Maybe Meg should have just gone to Las Vegas and put everything on Black or maybe Red….if she loses!
Again, Arnold – welcome back to showbiz…..we love you so!
Isn’t great that Arnold has a real job to go back to?
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